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Messages - Tony Crisp

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Dream Interpretation / Re: Expansion of Consciousness
« on: January 20, 2012, 08:59:06 AM »
Thanks - I haven't got time to say more. I can't keep up with the flow.
getting old I think - or maybe I just love to wander off.

Tony :-)

Greetings / Re: Question about my dream
« on: January 19, 2012, 11:46:24 AM »
02Gordon02 – Your dream has many symbols of new life, like the three horses, and three is a number linked with childbirth.

But as usually anyone in your dreams represents and aspect of yourself, I would guess this is about you, not your friend.


Greetings / Re: First time here
« on: January 19, 2012, 09:27:14 AM »
SnowyDay – Thank you so much for what you wrote. It is difficult to write what I feel, except I was very moved; mostly because I find someone who shares the same feelings and direction.

There is so much I wish to share with you and I will.   


Dream Interpretation / Re: Late Ex Husband
« on: January 18, 2012, 11:49:16 AM »
Elliott – the fire is a cleansing force, and it probably relates to an experience your dead husband was meeting. To make this understandable we need to know things that are usually not a part of our education.

The following is a small quote from http://dreamhawk.com/interesting-people/rudolph-steiners-philosophy-of-life-and-death/

“At death the soul may be saturated with physical concepts, desires and impulses, which as they are, cannot be integrated into the spiritual ‘body’, just as food, without digestion cannot integrate with our physical body.

Usually the first thing experienced at death is a vivid re-experiencing of one’s whole life in reverse order. These memories, Steiner states, are only experienced in this way when the formative energies of our being are separated from their action upon the matter of our body. Now begins what is for most people a purifying experience. In life we can choose to act from the direction or impulse given us by our whole being, or spirit: or we can choose to act from impulses arising from just one aspect of self, such as the body, sexual desire, intellect, emotion etc. There is thus experienced a period of burning desires; as these longings consume themselves in their own fire. During this time, one lives again through memories of life, but only those that were out of harmony with one’s innermost nature.”

That is an explanation of the fire that does not burn but purifies. So you were probably getting an insight into the condition of your dead husband. The parent’s home is obviously a reminder of his past life, but it is difficult to be sure because it is your own interpretation. Another piece of information is needed here.

So to understand how dreams come about  and realise what your dreams are telling you, it can help if you realise that just as your eyes do not directly allow you to see, but nerve impulses are sent to the brain where they are translated into living pictures. Nothing we sense in the world is directly known, but it is all impressions that are translated into a sense of smell, sight, hearing, etc. So the eye receives reflected light from an object that is translated into nervous impulses, which is then received by the brain which translates what are formless nerve impulses into what we feel we see. So in dreams we tend to put pictures or images collected from everyday experiences to put an interpretation on our formless dreams. So you would need to understand what the parent’s home represents for you. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-in-your-dream/

The last part of your dream is a great example of being in a culture that believes when someone dies they are dead and gone for good and we cannot be with them. Nothing can be further from the truth. As you say, “I see him in person the same as he was when he passed. Once I have awoken out of my dream its like I can feel his presences like he is right here with me.”

He is always there with you. Through years of marriage you are part of his life and he is part of you – through memories and living experiences. So please realise that it is misinformation you have been fed that makes you feel scared – of what – death? Please read On Life After Death by Elizabeth Kubler Ross.


Dream Interpretation / Re: Expansion of Consciousness
« on: January 18, 2012, 11:12:10 AM »
Hi Rain_Dancer – Thanks for that.

But opening doors to expanded consciousness usually bring with it a rush of new insights that are very concrete. Please share them with us.


Dream Interpretation / Re: Advice from a centaur?
« on: January 17, 2012, 02:00:36 PM »
ToBeAware – As usual, an interesting dream.

How did the dream create a centaur? Maybe it could be how did you create a centaur?

The thing is that you can create in a dream anything you have heard of or seen a picture of – and sometimes things you have never even heard of. But if it is in images rather than in formless knowing, it is usually a cobbling together of images that together can give an idea of the formless expression from within.

A centaur can represent high ideals and philosophy; prophetic insight, and the power that overcomes sin and death. The animal nature is ruled and directed by the human spiritual nature. Also the centaur is a beautiful image of this mixture of animal and human that we still are, and often deny.

Dreams often remind us of this connection, and how we may be ignoring it and losing the wonderful advantages of linking our conscious personality with this much older level of ourselves. So the centaur in our dream shows that you are in some way meeting and relating to this part of you.

Why? Probably because you were meeting your inner animal more fully in a creative way. As you said you did experience a ‘a really tempting feeling’.

What competition are you involved in?


Dream Interpretation / Re: Switching bodies with a girl?
« on: January 17, 2012, 01:37:02 PM »
Luke – I suppose I am only pointing out possibilities. Even that is difficult because dreams usually deal with what is shown happening in the unconscious – see http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/the-unconscious/

So any insight we might get from a dream is a bit like looking at the inner world of a seed. We could see it has potential to grow into a tree or a flower, and we could see that its growth is dependent on its environment. So in dreams we can see our own potential and the environment it has been planted in. We can see the things that stand in the way of that potential, usually called traumatic life events, attitudes, ideas and beliefs, and our own standpoint.

But all of us have infinite potential. It is only the things that stand in the way – as I explained in the video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNZVV4Ciccg – it takes work to remove the things that stand in the way of or potential.

So I am saying that it takes time, because what we glimpse in still emerging to rise above the soil – to consciousness.

The dream world has the potential to be in all places at once. So do we if only we could express it. In the right condition I can reach to any part of the dream world – but although I have travelled far a and wide in the inner world, usually in waking lucid dreams. I have spelt it out in the Introduction to Eye of Dreams:

“Throughout more than five decades I have been involved in a personal search for the secrets of mind and spirit. In those years I have also taught thousands of people techniques of deep relaxation, meditation, and methods of self exploration. Wanting to dig deep I explored the use of dreams and taught individuals and groups of people how to use these visions of the night to discover and heal the deepest issues in themselves, and to touch the high ground of their spiritual awareness. I worked for twenty years as a psychotherapist using several approaches, one of which was a way of honouring the body as a doorway to the unconscious mind, the emotions and spiritual experience.

During the forty years of seeking the wild wondrous beasts of the mind and spirit I dared my own inner adventure. But I also travelled with other people as an ordinary person, not a therapist, sharing their experience of fear and wonder as they unveiled and set loose their fountain of perception. I have travelled countless dream pathways, traversed the timeless with those using awareness enhancing drugs, and wrestled with the vitality of the body as people mimed and shouted their deepest intuitions through movement, dance and voice.

The journeys, alone or with others, led into realms of experience that comparatively few people know exist. They are realms in which the world, our life and preoccupations, are seen from completely new perspectives. In those realms we move beyond thoughts and conjectures, interpretations and dialogue, into the jungle and mountain peaks of the direct experience of what was previously unknown to us – into passions, torrents of energy, oceans of awareness, castles of ancient defence and aggression, into the river of time. They are realms of experience that are incredibly creative, containing treasures equally as fascinating as any tomb of Tutankhamen.”

However, like Blake Elk who said that when he was young he could call thunder and pouring rain, but now as he is old, all that happens is ‘a scant chill rain and muttering thunder without lightening.’ As I get older what I have seen and experienced still lives in me, and yet what I now experience is like a drizzling rain.

Except in dreams that are recurring you tend to experience different things each time, even though the themes are the same. We are wonderfully creative.

“In every dream no one can interpret it correctly because it wasn't meant for them. Rather we our self's must seek the truth and be open minded to our self's about it.” Exactly! A dream is an expression of Life, which has deep, deep, rivers of feeling beyond the thinking mind. Usually we only think about our dreams.
I suggest using a partner if it is possible, this give tremendous power to the effort to explore. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/peer-dream-group/

The last question is difficult to answer. But I have noticed again and again that while in the waking dream state for a long time, things are incredible presented in sequence. When LSD was used for psychotherapy it was found that over many session one thing was worked on at a time – spontaneously. And when that was dealt with it would move on to the next in line. And it appeared that the next thing appeared because the previous had cleared the way. (LSD Psychotherapy by W. V. Caldwell).


Dream Interpretation / Re: A calm murder...
« on: January 16, 2012, 12:12:42 PM »
MK – This has a similar theme to your last dream – the death of someone. Also any small soft and vulnerable creature is usually about you as a baby.

Because in our dreams we are dealing with unconscious feeling, memories buried under the silt of years, you have not got not meaning for you in your adult form – the man. Remember that when you are asleep, there is nobody else there but you and your mind. Unfortunately most people feel that what they see is real, and not the magic work of their brain. So when you dream about someone you know, or a frightening monster, what you are experiencing are images the brain uses to convey something to you. They are all you - your fears, your inspirations, you sexual desires or fears, your feelings and intuitions about the dead, even you predictions about the future, are all your own creations.

A long time ago you were coerced into sacrificing a part of you, and she, another aspect of you, had no idea what you had done. But at the moment you are beginning to feel it consciously, although it felt right at the time.

Ask yourself what you have done? And listen for a reply.

 The crystals are usually a deeply buried part of you. Remember that your conscious self is only small surface thing. It depends upon all the unconscious processes of Life to keep you alive. And a part of the unconscious is all the levels of your body, from crystallised formations through vegetable and animal. I feel that the crystals are giving you something that is difficult for you to understand. But you can grasp the meaning if you try. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-in-your-dream/

I feel it is saying something like, “We crystal have been here for a very long time, and we have a lot to share with you, who are lost in the difficulties of change and time. So hold us and remember.”


Mbarbed – In the beginning of last century, when psychiatrists were discovering new levels of the mind, it was realised that any close knit family shares a common unconscious mind. So it is common to share the same dream, although we often miss it because we are not telling our dreams every day.

As for the meaning of the dream, my feeling is that it was the snake that stimulated it – your inner potential of growth. You have been going through changes within you I would guess, and this has expanded your awareness to include your family’s unconscious. That was what led you to realise there were threatening elements there, but you calmed them down and turned it into a positive ending.

Your father however was frightened of finding these strange elements inside him and shot them. That was his reaction to the dream images – and remember that dreams, even when we dream vividly of another person, such as the man in our life, the dream personality is made up of our own impressions, hopes and feelings. Also because of this, dreams are a magic mirror of ourselves. They reflect not only what is happening on the surface of our lives, but also the process of our deep-down growth and change, and the shrewd insights we have into other people, work and our own behaviour.

That was why your father’s dream, although similar, ended differently.


Mbimbi – I have a strong feeling that the dream is about the unconscious influence your father’s opinions have on your way of relating to and being with guys. Usually we do not realise how our own views express what our parents feel until we meet exactly what you are meeting now.

It isn’t that your father really means to influence you – or even if he does, you need to honour your own growth. That means you will gradually find the strength to have your own life – at least I hope you will.

The beauty and the beast is the fairy story you are enacting in your dream. The young girl has to transform her love for her father to what seems – or is judged to be – raw sexual impulses – the beast.

We have a crazy educational system that does not really honour the fact that young people are going through a tremendous change, and it needs to be recognized.


Dream Interpretation / You are more than your brain
« on: January 15, 2012, 09:14:00 AM »
For many years I felt that we are more than a physical brain. Then on December 8th of 2008 I had personal proof when I experienced a devastating stroke. I lost all movement on the right side of my body and also loss of speech. But I realised that although my brain was severely damaged I, Me, still existed whole behind it all. I realised that brain damage is only damage to the ability to control the body - it was not damage to me. So to speak, the car had broken down but me, the driver, was intact. I could get out of the car! See http://dreamhawk.com/body-and-mind/the-next-step-criticisms/#OBE

Sir Auckland Geddes, an eminent British Anatomist, describes his own experience of realising his brain is not him.

Example: Becoming suddenly and violently ill with gastro-enteritis he quickly became unable to move or phone for help. As this was occurring he noticed he had an ‘A’ and a ‘B’ consciousness. The ‘A’ was his normal awareness, and the ‘B’ was external to his body watching. From the ‘B’ self he could see not only his body, but also the house, garden and surrounds. He need only think of a friend or place and immediately he was there and was later able to find confirmation for his observations. In looking at his body, he noticed that the brain was only an end organ, like a condensing plate, upon which memory and awareness played. The mind, he said, was not in the brain, the brain was in the mind, like a radio in the play of signals. He then observed his daughter come in and discover his condition, saw her telephone a doctor friend, and saw the doctor also at the same time.
Sir Auckland Geddes, an eminent British Anatomist, describes his own OBE, which contains many of these features. See: second example in spiritual life in dreams.

A friend, Martyn Tucker told me, "I died twice 3 months ago 5 and 3 minutes, massive coronaries, but when I was dead, I was 100% conscious and definitely going somewhere and I was filled with the sweetest feeling I had ever felt, like every good experience together - I have no doubts anymore".

Here is a wonderful video showing how a mucked up brain is not the person behind it.



Dream Interpretation / Re: new to this
« on: January 13, 2012, 02:23:01 PM »
Ationette – This is about your realistic fear that your boys might be exposed to drugs and what drugs can do to youngsters.

Of course dreams show this with enough emotional impact to get the message home. It could even point to you being influenced to by the attitudes you find around you, and the dream is telling you not to stand by but do something.

Look at some of these. They are balanced and helpful. http://www.dad.info/kids/teenagers/drugs-recognising-and-dealing-with-problems/


Aglaia – This is in fact a very strange dream. It has several links with death, and I need to ask you whether when the dream started there was a death of someone you knew or were acquainted with?

The reason I ask is simply a feeling I have that there was something amiss about the death.

But if I look at the dream itself it obviously refers to death, but a death that was not finalised in any way. Also the mention of raw meat is another link with its strangeness. To quote: ‘It was found that some themes not only appeared in widely separated cultures, but that they also evoked very similar responses. C. G. Siligman, for instance, found that dreams about raw meat occurred in Ireland, Switzerland, China, Greece, the Ukraine, Nigeria, Tanganyika, Borneo, and Achin in Sumatra - and that in all these places such a dream was associated with some impending misfortune. In the Ukraine it presaged a burial; in the Zungeru district if Nigeria, the death of a friend; in Tanganyika, it was a symbol of a funeral feast. The origins of this common belief may be simple: for many poor societies, the consumption of large quantities of meat would be limited to funerals and similar occasions, and the association would therefore be direct.’

Then the black dog is another symbol that for some people brings feelings about death. It links to depression or death in dreams, and is a living energy in us that has gone ‘bad’ and thus causes the depression or death. Such depression is usually the result of past painful experiences that are like lumps blocking free flowing positive life energy. In mythology the dog has symbolised the guardian of the gates of death, or a messenger between the hidden and the visible world. The dog was also thought of as a guide or guardian of the hidden side of life entered in sleep and death. The following example illustrates the dream dog guiding the dreamer to what was hidden or unconscious.

Considering that you have had this dream for three years it cannot mean death is near, that is why I asked if there was a death at the beginning of these dreams. If it does refer to you it could mean you are not in good health and need a health check.


Greetings / Re: New Here
« on: January 10, 2012, 02:04:49 PM »
Scooby – In all this is a very positive dream. It starts with the deceased family members and old places you live. And that can mean a previous set of values or way of life, sometimes even a suggestion of influences from lives previous to your present one. But usually about the difficulties and experiences, or even stage of life such as early twenties met in that house. This can have very deep meaning, as it can show the influences from your past that are still active in you; it can mean influences from your ancestors and your far past. As your ancestors were in the dream it certainly sound like it. Such influences are very important and are felt as support for your present life and also inherited tendencies – and of course their presence in your life.

The breeze often depicts the invisible but tangible influence that moves or influences us, and is often called the spirit that moves us. Again it is a positive influence.

Then the white hearse is obviously a reminder of death, but being white it is a message that things will be fine with you. Not all miracles are like a flash of lightening. Some miracles come in their own good time.


Dream Interpretation / Re: Switching bodies with a girl?
« on: January 10, 2012, 11:00:13 AM »
Luke – I think we have to start with the basics again here – even though this is an important dream.

Sorry if you have heard this before – but it is not simply for you.

Dreams are a magical mirror in which your innermost hopes, longings, fears/terrors and genius are made real. They are made real as external environments, people, animals and relationships. It is as if all your deepest feelings, hopes, fear and wonder are projected outward onto a multidimensional screen. It is a world of virtual reality that you feel is real. Unfortunately this wonderful virtual reality world is usually felt as dealing with other people, as externals, like something that can damage us, or something like the Devil that can possess us. But the greatest truth I have found in exploring dreams – not interpreting them – is that we are alone with ourselves in the world of our dream.

So the girl is your own feelings about the way you relate to her. And the mall, I am guessing is a state of mind you do not like to be in – possibly to do with commercialism.

But there is the big thing, you change bodies. You took it for granted, yet it is a wonderful gift to shape shift. Unfortunately it is often taken as a statement of something else, but it is about our ability in dreams to be anything and anywhere. I looked through all your dreams you sent again and I see you have a good background to it. But I wonder if you realise that in dreams our awareness is everywhere beyond time and space, but our preoccupations keep us usually in symbols and dream drama.

If the girl and her concentration elsewhere is an expression of an aspect of you, why the frustration with the means of communication – the cell phone?

The body shift was probably because you were exploring that part of you. But as I have said before, you can find out for yourself by doing it while awake. I have found that by imagining my myself in the body of a dream character, then switching to what I associate as me, and going backwards and forwards between them and watching what shifts of feeling and emotion I feel it becomes obvious. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-in-your-dream/ or even http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/active-imagination-and-dreams/

But it is about some form of frustration to do with communication and the feminine side of yourself.


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