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Messages - Tony Crisp

Pages: 1 ... 185 186 [187] 188 189 ... 228
Dream Interpretation / Re: 2 people had same missing child dream
« on: December 12, 2011, 12:01:43 PM »
Ynkeegrl – I have only eve come across another dream like this once, where something was predicted and every detail was the same in each dream. But strangely nothing came of it and so we can only think that it was a case of telepathic contact.

But your dream was about something much more worrying than the one I mentioned.  So I would suggest that you pray for help to avoid any event that you dreamt about. Prayer is a way we can focus our attention and also to appeal to the wider part of us that is seen in animals as instinct. So it doesn’t matter if you do not have any religious views, use it and express your worries and fears as you pray for help.


Questions about dreams / Re: Sleep paralysis.
« on: December 11, 2011, 09:28:31 AM »
Randi – This is a normal function of dreaming. It occurs because as we dream all our voluntary muscles are paralysed so we cannot make any conscious movements. Of course it  happens to everyone who dreams, but it only is felt as a problem as we begin to wake up in our dream. In fact that is a wonderful opportunity to explore sleep and dreams. But of course we often feel terrified that something is taking over, and because of our fear we see it, as you said, as a poltergeist or menacing figures. 

The fact is that our conscious will and personality are only a tiny part of us, and when we sleep and dream our greater will – our Life Will - takes over. And this greater will is what keeps our heart beating and all the necessary life functions working. So in fact you are terrified of what give you life, because you feel fear. In fact we ought to surrender to that greater will. It is too lengthy to properly describe this, so see http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/the-lifestream/

And also read this longer feature http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/sleep-paralysis/


Dream Interpretation / Re: Dreams about dad and mom
« on: December 10, 2011, 10:58:37 AM »
Deepa – Thank you for describing some of your dreams. The dream about your father asking your mother to follow her is very interesting.

And the dream about your mother dressed in your weeding sari suggests that this is both an assurance for you that your mother is fine, that she is happy about your marriage, s sort of blessing, and then that she is also sending her blessing and hope that you have children. The ritual is an example of that I believe.

The dream about the baby monkey – do you have a young brother? I think there is a joke here that something so small should try to handle something so big. And you need to get its attention by getting to the front of the elephant – then it too could bless you. Try it in your imagination.


Dream Interpretation / Re: He gave me jewels
« on: December 08, 2011, 02:19:02 PM »
Fearless – You obviously wish for a man in your life; so much that you dreamt about him twice. Dreaming in that way gives you the feeling that having dreamt about him you have him – at least inside you. But it doesn’t mean what your hopes and desires suggest. It only means that you want him. If I turn out to be wrong about that in the long run please tell me. Obviously you could get him for a while.

But the gifts are the wonderful feelings you create within yourself when you think of having a man who wants you. Don’t feel bad about that, it is a wonderful thing that you create. Keep it as a treasure.


Dream Interpretation / Re: first dream post, here we go
« on: December 07, 2011, 12:57:51 PM »
Lucid – In case you haven’t read it, I want to remind you of some rules and principles of dreaming.

If you imagine for a moment that you live alone in a world, and you people  it with your imagination, fuelled by what you feel, fear, despise, love and fear; and all those people  in your dream world become real and interact with you. Then you build surroundings out of the same things, animals too. But you do not realise what you are doing, and you take it to be really independent people and animals. The things that frighten you like falling and being shot to are made of the same stuff and are harmless. What you do not realise also is that this is your own inner world brought to life. It is not an imaginative fantasy, but a real representation of the world you live in ‘inside you’ a mirror in which usually unacceptable or unconscious truths are shown.

Dreams are virtual realities that we create in our sleep. Even the wonderful dreams of God and angels are an external virtual reality, and mirror of our own inner immensity and our enormous variety. In life and sleep we have two powerful actions working in us. The first is our waking experience based on having a body, its limitations, vulnerabilities and a particular gender. Our second is the power that gave us life and continues to express as dreams – our core self. While we sleep our conscious self is largely or totally unconscious, and while we sleep our voluntary muscles are paralysed – so another will or motivating force moves our body. So we have a Conscious Will and what I will call a Life Will. The first one we have experience of as we can move our arm or speak; but the second will takes over when we sleep.
This Life will can move us to speak, to move our body, and in fact do things that we cannot do with our Conscious Will. Life Will created your body and pre-existed you as a person you know today. It was working in you prior to your ability to speak or know in the way you do now. But of course it has fantastic wisdom and skills, as can be seen in animals.
So coming at last to your dream, through your fears you were reacting to the situation out of fear, not realising that nothing can hurt you in a dream. So you were acting on deeply seated habits.

Then the pilot – just a voice – told you that control had been lost. What is that voice except your core self putting you through a little exercise. You lost control as soon as your dream started, when all your voluntary muscles were paralysed - the fact is that voluntary movements are inhibited during periods of the dream process. All brain signals to the voluntary muscles are stopped. This was because our ancient ancestors lived in trees, and if the impulses in dreams to move had been acted upon it could have been fatal.

You were in a virtual reality, like a very real computer game, except you were wired into it life, and so any thing you feel emotionally or believe becomes real – thus the g-force. See Dream Yoga as it may help you avoid a lot of fears in your dream world - http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/dream-yoga/


Dream Interpretation / Re: Moving house (again!) and many coloured buckets
« on: December 07, 2011, 11:34:26 AM »

Sara – This feels like an important dream with an inner message.

Water is the basis of all life and without it life ceases. So the water in the buckets suggests you are bringing the water of life to an inner process. And you are doing it to the main three dwelling places – the body; the soul or personal awareness; the life universal or spirit.

The many buckets, flowers and colours all seem to relate to the spiritual centres we all have. And it sounds as if some of them need to be given a chance to grow as they are roots.

It is a ritual because it is something you can use as a meditation by using small glasses or bowls with water in – seven of them – and a flower or root in them. Fill each of them and put a flower or root in them one at a time. Then leave them and look at them daily until they need changing or when you have got the message.

So the dream is drawing attention to this because attention gives growth.


Dream Interpretation / Re: dream about deceased grandparents
« on: December 06, 2011, 10:13:59 AM »
Twilight – They are telling you that big changes are going to occur in your life. But they are there with smiles telling you that things will be okay.

The burning house and the truck are not signs that your house will be burn, but that you are facing changes that if you were not expecting them you would not easily cope with them So be with your grandparent in thought and love.


Dream Interpretation / Re: Wounded
« on: December 06, 2011, 10:00:42 AM »
Aristocrates – You certainly get into some adventures.

The ship is the lovely period when you were together in a relation-ship. When she disappeared from your life you still felt you were related to her and entered a manic phase, but in fact you were ‘sacked’ from the relationship.

Exploding into the sky is a way we can escape from what we face here on earth. So God/Life let you expend your energy upwards, but then took you down to earth again. He and you are one and the same, but of course we cannot believe it, so it is like we have two hands that can relate to each other. So we relate to our very best.

It sounds as if you relationship has come to an end, and the dream shows you become a human being enjoying life in an ordinary way. As you suggested, this is a real suggestion for you to follow. such things are rare and if you heed it/them you can do so much that is real spiritual work. I know most people think the life of the spirit is prayers and meditation, but life on earth in the middle of the human struggle is the work many of us are called to.


Dream Interpretation / Re: Debating with Tony Crisp!
« on: December 06, 2011, 09:33:16 AM »
Leswan – Where can we start?

That pain is something I felt very severely which has now disappeared completely. I felt it was an energy block and it happened while awake. I think that the word kundalini is a word we do not have in our Western viewpoint; I prefer to call it the psycho-biological energy or Life energy. That is because some people writing about kundalini gives some descriptions that do not fit most people’s experience, and it makes it sound very mysterious. It is the energy that unfolded us from sperm and ovum, and often is felt as a gently but very obvious vibration, starting in the hips and slowly extending.

Some hatha yoga practises help to unblock it -
(a) Stand with feet apart, knees slightly bent, hands on lower thighs.
(b) Breathe right out. Hold the breath out and expand the chest as if breathing in. But do not allow any air to pass into the lungs.
(c This draws abdomen inwards.
(d) If, and only when this can be done easily, draw the abdomen in and out a number of times on each breath.
(e) Please avoid strain.
Aim and Results
(a) To thoroughly massage the internal organs.
(b) To control and direct the nervous energy in the body, controlling or balancing nervous impulses.

Or a simpler one is to get control of the abdominal muscles and roll the stomach area up and down. But as you say, as LifeStream/Coex gets you moving it will do all that is necessary.

That invisible presence is your core self, I am probably a talking replica of it. It is like light that is actually invisible – until it falls on something. Then all the millions of colours that it holds become visible. That is similar with the Life energy. When that Light falls on your body it expresses as you – each of us are unique ‘colours’ and the colours can be increases by letting that Light/Life Energy flow through you.


Questions about dreams / Re: Dream Theater safety
« on: December 06, 2011, 08:53:35 AM »

You are blaming yourself for another person's lack of experience. If she was a psychotherapist she must have been avoiding all deeply felt issues - as some talk therapist do. You were in a situation where it is safe to expose your feelings, so do not start being 'sensitive ' with someone who actually needed the experience.

I have allowed everything in what is a safe therapeutic environment. Our society is so sick from being 'held back' it is the only way to be real.

Here are a couple of people's description of 'letting it out'.

‘The worst day for me was undoubtedly the one where A, letting that other part of himself flow out to me, pushed me into the appalling realisation that I’d been shutting life out and still was.  And for the rest of that awful day and the ones to follow there was nowhere to hide, nowhere to go.”

"Now the body contractions became deeper and I could feel some real deep emotion in my chest just beginning to come up. ‘Dirty,  I’m dirty,’ I was shouting.  ‘I’m a father and I’m dirty’.  Then my body just gave a big heave like I was having a baby or something, or a tooth out, and I was just one frozen block of pain, and a great moan of pain came out.  I was sobbing and moaning about my children.  Hardly able to say it because of the pain and sobbing, nevertheless the words squeezed out of me ‘D…. Duh …Does.. a… Does a father…’  I just couldn’t go on for a while.  My body contorted up with this inner emotional pain again, and a sort of bellow of it came up from deep down.  Then the words came again.  ‘Does a father…Does a father kill his children?’"


Greetings / Re: namaskar-hi
« on: December 06, 2011, 08:34:57 AM »
Hi Deepa - Please join in - and you welcome.


Greetings / Re: New member
« on: December 06, 2011, 08:33:23 AM »
Hi to You too - We will do our best to get some answers for you.

Meanwhile there is plenty of answers already out there - or is it in there?

Tony  :)

Dream Interpretation / Re: Shark and Shiva
« on: December 02, 2011, 10:12:54 AM »
Sleep deeply. And do not work too hard at your dreams. With a little attention they can do a lot of work by themselves.


Dream Interpretation / Re: Shark and Shiva
« on: December 01, 2011, 01:36:27 PM »
Rain_Dancer – Well, here you are bodiless and in a new and advanced level, although you are not sure of it yourself.

The beings feeding on you are not outside you, but are you facing the many aspects of your negative karma that are still sucking your energy. They are the things that are what we call traumas that twis the way life energy flows through us. If you think of life energy like a river, and there are may rocks thrown in the way, and even thing damming the flow; or even like light and many things block it or divert it; then you have an idea of what you are facing.

And don’t get alarmed, we are all in the same boat, we all have them. But you have got to the point that you are aware of them – a real advance. But of course you are still stuck in the old ‘positive thinking’ role and keep trying to think them away. Despite you “singing, “shiva shiva shiva shambho, shiva shiva shiva shambho;” something isn’t quite right, though, I feel like I’m pleading, and still losing ground.” It isn’t quite right because you have bought into something that doesn’t work. You came full circle, because you were trapped in an in between corridor.

I had so many creatures sucking on me and it was only as I dealth with them one by one that I became more fully me. I still have some issues, other wise I would have moved on. So take hold of them and see who they are in your past.


Dream Interpretation / Re: gold coins
« on: December 01, 2011, 01:10:25 PM »
Xochitl – Thank you for taking the time to tell me some of your background. Also I looked at your website as a means of gaining background, and was delighted to see your wide range of artistic abilities.

Your dream starts of in the company with a friend who I see has a deep importance in your life and an influence. And you associate the building with the prohibition era, and yet it is not in that era. So I feel that period is something you carry into your present life, and had left a deep mark on the way you see life.

Then when we come to the pile of coins/value, it is another sign of what you have retrieved from your past; from you ancestors and influence you carry from many ages. And then there in your hands is the golden coin; surely a symbol of the sun, the giver or life.

Did you know that gold is not a product of the Earth, but was shot out into space by the violent death of a sun exploding; and in the enormous heat it became an alchemist creation and gold was formed. So I see this part of the dream as an enormous reward you are gaining of extra potential. I know you see the 23 as the figure of reward, but I think it also refers to another 23, so think about it.

The end where you run to the area of the homeless is an expression of a deep feeling that you are only now exploring, and are afraid that in the process you might lose the life giving power of the sun coin.


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