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Topics - tom

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Dream Interpretation / Some kind of awaken dreaming.
« on: May 14, 2012, 06:20:34 PM »
I freaked myself out a little this morning. I dont know what it was but this is what went down: I was dreaming of being in this room, there was white smoke or something in the corner of the room. I asked out loud what is that, at that vey second. a white 5ft ish like totonpole with a mayan type face on it shot up out of the floor were the smoke was ,during this a was hearing a loud and getting louder like vibrational hum like sound (Like the tardis in dr who) . then a crack or bang’ish noise, then boom, it felt like my spirit shot out of my body. this whole thing only last a few seconds during this, I felt a little like i was awake because I said under my breath “o shit” and I heard it, however it was not scary and I felt like I had done this before. I then completly came round. I would Like an understanding of this if you can help that would be great. Thanks, Tom.

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