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Author Topic: Huge waves coming  (Read 5166 times)


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Huge waves coming
« on: April 02, 2016, 09:54:50 AM »

I have a recurring dream about huge wave(s) coming, looks like a deluge is near, sometimes the feeling i get in the dream is that the end of the world is coming (i do dream about end of the world in different version too - fire pouring from the sky at times, one time the matter -body included - simply started to dissolute in tiny particles. Back to the water dream, most of the time I am in the backyard of my childhood home (my parents's house), located at about where I now built my own home, but not live in as of yet (not being completely finished). The waves are coming either from the north (towards my parents's house, the side where you access both yards from) or from the south - in the south is the backyard of a neighbour. Last time I dreamt this dream, I remember I had already build or had some undergound bunker that I managed to run to. But most of the time, the feeling is seeing an overwhelming and huge wave coming, really high, in the distance at first, then coming towards me, never reaching me though. I also feel the greatness of the wave and there is a complete stilness and silence.

Tony Crisp

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Re: Huge waves coming
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2016, 02:07:25 PM »
Coralia – Thank you for sending such an interesting dream. Maybe such dreams create a feeling of anxiety in you – but actually the dream is about tremendous changes going in inside you and probably in yourself as well.

People are very confused about the difference between their waking life and their dream life. They believe that what they dream is the same as what they meet in waking life.  In other words we take as a truth that what is important outwardly is as important inwardly. In other words, you are as upset by a dream as if it had actually happened in waking life. Such mistakes make us feel things that are ridiculous. This happens with the morals we live with, by and may be necessary in waking life, we try to make them fit to our much bigger and freer dream/inner life and that causes conflict because the two worlds are completely different.

So the huge waves and disintegration are actually about an enormous inner change that is taking place in you. It is often shown as the end of the world because an enormous change means the world of your mind and feeling that you lived in is changing so much that world in ending. It has happened before when the world and attitudes you had as a child ended because of the enormous changes going on in you. So, basically, you are going through another growth spurt.

It sometimes seems threatening because we do not know where we are going and what to expect, but basically Life in you has done it so many times before in so many people, but many of us are out of touch with the ancient guides – the myths, the religions, that we are often lost. Maybe you can get hold of the life force that is behind the inner growth you are facing by using http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/opening-to-life/

The quietness, the greatness of the waves, are an indication of where you growth is taking you.



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Re: Huge waves coming
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2016, 04:50:14 PM »
Hi Tony and many thanks for you taking the time to revealing the meaning and what is behind my dream. Truth about the changes, they started slowly, back in early 2012, occured by the end of that year and still (very pleasant ones) happening in my life.

I do have other recurring dreams that I would like to share here, but let me say thank you once again for now and let you to others!

Kindest regards and a great week-end!
