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Dream Interpretation / Shooting my child! Need to know what it means
« on: January 02, 2011, 06:46:13 PM »
I don't remember what led me to this point of my dream, however I remember shooting my son 3 times, I was not angry with him, it made me very sad. He still did not die at this point, so I shot him 2 more times. At this pint he died peacefully, just fell asleep. I was then holding him in my arms and playing with his hair and he took a deep gasping breath and was alive again. At this point I then became scared of how I could take him to the hospital to treat gunshot wounds, that were no more then pencil eraser sized marks on his neck, and he sid he could feel the bullets in him and wanted them out. I had a fear that he knew I was the one who shot him and would think I didnt love him or want him. I woke up in tears from this dream, It troubled me deeply

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