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Author Topic: RE: conjuring my daughter?  (Read 4852 times)


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RE: conjuring my daughter?
« on: January 17, 2014, 07:31:04 PM »
Dear Tony,

Happy new year!  I hope it has been a wonderful one for you thus far and will continue to be.

Many sychronicities happening in my life recently...and I have a question about possible meaning of a dream I had last night.  Just before bed I had done an angel guidance reading and received the Angel of Dreams.  I thought that strange as I hadn't asked anything to do with dreams. 

I had a very restless night with much worry.  But during a moment when I was finally able to fall asleep, I had a short dream where I conjured my daughter.  I don't actually have a daughter in real life (could have but that's another story...) but here she was grown, like teenage, and now that I think of it, this is the age she would have been if she had been born.  (I don't know her gender but I always thought of her as a she.)  I was holding something in my hand like maybe crystals (?), something circular and flat, disk-like, that fit in my hand.  I was circling some kind of tiny branch with dried leaves around it (sage?) and she appeared, solid but still floating and an apparition.  She looked like La Virgen de Guadalupe but in shades of blue garments like the Virgin Mary from other images.  She had no real energy.  Just as she appeared, I heard a huge pop like the sound of a bag popping mixed with the sound of a huge bolt of electrical current like when a large electrical source suddenly shorts out.  I felt scared and woke up all in the same moment with the sound.

My blanket had fallen off the bed but it's so soft, I don't know how it could have made that sound.

Do you have any ideas about what this could mean?

Thank you!

peace, light, love,


Tony Crisp

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Re: RE: conjuring my daughter?
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2014, 09:14:07 AM »
Xochitl - In a dream you are totally involved, with all your emotions and sexuality responding. Changes occur and you love, fight, fear, murder or bring to life again the person, who can become an animal, a devil, God or a bodiless voice lost in a sombre countryside. Your experiences are totally real, and you move through heaven and hell, despair and joy, darkness and light. Scenes from your past can be revisited – or totally new experiences can be felt so clearly, you are enriched.

That is a dream. There is nobody there except you, your imagination and your fears, your hopes and even, at times, wisdom. You are the creator, so you can create any sound, any scene. So it wasn't your blanket that made the sound but your dream creator.

My impression of your dream is that it was about the Angle of Dreams. Your angel that guides you is you inner daughter who now watches over you. The enormous electrical discharge was probably an effect showing you the energy needed to show you your daughter.

I am not being wishy washy believing in anything and talking rubbish to make an impression. I am saying what I believe based on experience.

An experience I had was as follows: The being then touched me causing me to lose all awareness of my surroundings and my body, and to be filled with an intense flood of buzzing energy. In doing so a great deal of information passed to me. In brief, it was that as humans we have all grown from seeds. From the sperm and ovum, like a seed planted in our mother’s womb, we have experienced the miracle of growth to become who and what we are. In this way a seed of consciousness was planted within the earth of our body. For many of us this is all we know, the physical world and its needs and demands. But some of us have grown enough to reach above the surface of the soil so to speak. Then our being opens to a new power.

That was not a dream but while I was awake. It seemed to me that a non–physical being communicated with me.
