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Author Topic: pyramid capstone  (Read 12778 times)


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pyramid capstone
« on: June 24, 2011, 02:10:38 PM »
had this dream a few  nights ago,has been bugging me for a while ,and would be grateful for some clues,
the dream.
i am on top of a huge pyramid structure,and i am placing the capstone into position,it is inscribed with various egyptian glyphs and slides into place with a clunk,the outer scaffolding we have used to build the structure is removed,and i become aware of the tremendous height and feel a little insecure,i get a grip and decide to abseil down,i arrive at the bottom safe and sound,a female who was with me,says something quite strange,i love you,pointing to some other person present,then again to another,she then turns to me and says,but most of all i love you  ,she then kisses me pationately,i am taken aback by all this,as it was deffinately unexpected.

this dream had a BIG feel about it,and i felt that whoever this female was,i had to go with her.
any help would be appreciated.
regrds mikey

Tony Crisp

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Re: pyramid capstone
« Reply #1 on: June 27, 2011, 04:09:49 PM »
Mikey – Placing the capstone in position is an incredible thing to do. It seems like an end to a long journey you have been on in your dreams. I didn’t have an entry for capstone, but created one. It says:

The shape of a pyramid with its base pointing upwards represent the physical world or self  reaching up till at its apex it is nothing – it become the spiritual. The capstone is the final piece that completes the physical structure and leads toward the spiritual. Referring to Christ it has been called “… the Stone the builders rejected.” The capstone is the last and final piece of a building and the task is then finished.

So it seems that you have reached an end but of course every end is a beginning. And it seems that you have reached the love you were seeking at the beginning of our dream journey. I am not saying that it will become manifest physically straight away, but I feel it is on its way.



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Re: pyramid capstone
« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2011, 06:22:40 PM »
thanks tony
as usual your thoughts seem to glean information from the mist,that mist  being my own clouded judgement and ignorance,
yes i felt to, that it refered to the climax of some part of my life,and that ,as with climbing any structure be it mountain ,hill or building ,the journey to the peak is really only half way,as we have to return ,down again,
i also feel that something is about to manifest itself, my dreams have been preparing the ground for something ,
i dont know exactly what,(love seems to be the great theme,)but as you said a while back ,i will know when it happens,
when the student is ready,the master appears!.

rgds mikey

Tony Crisp

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Re: pyramid capstone
« Reply #3 on: July 01, 2011, 10:23:36 AM »
Mikey - I seem to be sharing this adventure with you through the dreams you send. So let me know any further dreams of interest.



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Re: pyramid capstone
« Reply #4 on: July 03, 2011, 05:02:47 PM »
will be happy to do that !
rgds mikey

Tony Crisp

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Re: pyramid capstone
« Reply #5 on: July 04, 2011, 10:43:58 AM »
I had another thought. The pyramid is the physical sign and there is the opposite - the star of David, the two triangles linked. It is the sign of the spiritual and the physical interlinked, meshed.



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Re: pyramid capstone
« Reply #6 on: July 06, 2011, 09:52:28 AM »
yes i see what you are getting at,
the capstone being a pyramid( different scale),connecting with main pyramid,the two meshed ,
although the capstone was smaller,it was made of a gold mix and covered with inscriptions,which gave it great value,
one thing you said has opened a chain of thought though,
"the stone the builders rejected",
this resonated with me,
i asked ,have i  rejected something that was of great value and importance ,but has now been accepted,that final piece ,the answer to that has got to be a huge resounding yes.
i have been researching the function of the  pyramids to glean anything i can,
in a nutshell the pyramid was a place for ressurection!
so the physical & spiritual coming together has got to be that ressurection,
a quote from a builder of pyramids from the bbc series,
laying the capstone,
all these years of labour seem concentrated into these last final moments.
rgds mikey

Tony Crisp

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Re: pyramid capstone
« Reply #7 on: July 06, 2011, 11:58:19 AM »
Thanks for sharing that with me.

It means a lot to me.



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Re: pyramid capstone
« Reply #8 on: July 17, 2011, 11:03:25 AM »
Women, particularly beautiful (in whatever way) ones bearing love who desire you, tell us about very deep things.  If we look at the way humanity has interacted with a particular symbols and stories surrounding that thing (such as a beautiful, loving woman who desires you) and apply the truths that are being shown there to our own experience, needs and wants in life, we can solve problems, learn and get direction. 

I'm not going to explain it very well because I'm learning how to teach explain something in a way which is helpful is often harder than learning to do the thing yourself.  But basically the symbols we use - whether in dreams, scriptures, myths, parable that get told and testimonies of those who know God - point to something that is either true or not true about yourself, God and the relationship between the two of you.  The trick is knowing how to tell when you are being shown something that is true or you are being taught to recognize what is not true.  Usually good feelings point to something true and "bad" feelings either point to something you think or believe that is not correct or they are a sign that you are running away from something that you feel incapable of dealing with.  On the other hand if a symbol creates good feelings, it is pointing to something that is true which you can use to guide your choices and attitudes and can teach you about yourself and God.

In this case, a symbol in your dream is the woman.  What do women represent to you?  From a scriptural perspective, wisdom is personified as a woman, Mary's wisdom allowed her to serve God AND see it as a joyous thing (as opposed to Joseph who is just being obedient and isn't present and participating in Jesus' ministry).  Christian saints have testified that their spiritual union with God is consumated (too put it somewhat crudely) by a sexual encounter with the Holy Spirit in female form/essense.  So, the symbol of a woman can be tied up with wisdom or joyful service or the desire to bridge the physical and spiritual (and all of these things are tied up with each other as well and so on down the line).  When you figure out what particular reality the symbol of a woman is pointing you towards, you are better able to know how to respond to the issue in your everyday life.  So if it is woman as wisdom that kind of tugs at you, start looking for wisdom.  Learn to recognize it when it comes your way and develop it.  If an actual woman enters into your life, you will be able to understand that part of her essence is a wisdom that you can learn.  IOW, you will be looking for and therefor recognizing the thing which the symbol of a woman represents to you and act accordingly. 

Think about how you feel about her loving all the different men.  Are you jealous? Do you want whatever the woman represents to belong just to you?  Or are you happy that what the woman represents is available to all these men which means that the world has an abundance of some good thing available to it?  What is your response telling you about yourself?  Is it something you like or want to change?  When the woman says she loves you most, what does that make you feel?  Fear? Joy? Pride?  Again, what does your particular response tell you about yourself or your beliefs that can help you see the world more clearly and make better choices while moving in it?  It's all to teach you something if you just follow the connections from point to point.  And the big check for yourself is that if what you are seeing or thinking is true, then it must be from God.  Is it actually consistent with a loving God?  If not, is the error found in how you think about or see the world or is it our perception of what a lovign God looks like that is in error?  Are there things that we say and know are true, but that we live as if they were not?  Your dreams, like everything else are meant to teach you.  So pick any symbol or action from your dream, think of which of its many potential means resonates most with you and start following it to see where it will lead you and what you can learn from it.  Ask God to show you the questions you should be asking if you get stuck.  Or just take it as far as you can and leave it for later.  The theme/symbol/lesson/feeling you are working with will show up again later and you will recognize it and be able to find the connection between the point where you left off and your current experience of the matter.  It's all about learning. 

I really apologize if this doesn't make sense.  It's still a hard thing for me to explain, so I'm practicing on you.  It's an approach to learning that works very well for me and I'm sure it can be a benefit to you as well if you can make heads or tails out of what I'm trying to say.  Even if it mostly seems like gibberish (like most dreams!), take what makes sense to you and run with it. 

Good luck!  I would be fascinated to hear more about what you figure out by using this dream should you care to share.

Tony Crisp

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Re: pyramid capstone
« Reply #9 on: July 18, 2011, 10:21:41 AM »
What dream?



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Re: pyramid capstone
« Reply #10 on: July 20, 2011, 03:01:11 PM »
thank you for the time & effort you have taken in responding to my dream,
i had to go away and digest what you have tried to relay,
i agree that dreams can tell us what, we have built into our lives that may be true or untrue,

in my reply to tony i stated ,the stone the builders rejected, ressonated with me,
this ref to some experiences i had relating to dreams,most of which i accepted,all except one,regarding something that would happen,yes something prophetic,(stone me if you wish.)that dispite all the others ,still found it hard to accept,
now .you mentioned mary,she was told what was going to happen,she accepted it,knowing the ridicule and turmoil she would experience from those around her,she believed beyond all doubt,as message was from a divine source,
unfortunatly,i am not made of the same stuff,metaphorically speaking,
if there is one theme that has run through  my dreams it has to be that of, "self worth"
the female in the dream choosing me over the others,my inner response was,ME ! you must be joking,out of my league,
so if, as you say ,i ask the question what is this dream telling me about myself that is true or untrue, the answer has got to be , i am telling myself that i am not worthy of something,the dream is trying to correct this attitude,
by showing me what i have achieved or could achieve ,with a little belief.
i am still working on it,