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Author Topic: Fish Gill-like Flaps on Head  (Read 35375 times)


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Fish Gill-like Flaps on Head
« on: April 27, 2015, 02:15:35 PM »
I am in a man's home.  He is a middle-aged man.  It is a somewhat large home, spacious feeling.  My son, Gregory (or, is it my brother, Martin?) is here with me.  I have the sense that the man is a relative, maybe (only I do not know such a person in real life).  It seems we are visiting for dinner.  I have the sense that Gregory-Martin is an adolescent/child.  He is in the bathroom taking a bath.  I go to check on him.  It is a very large bathroom, with large open space.  I discover that Gregory-Martin’s head is open on each side.  It is like a big fish gill or flap on each side of his head.  I “think” this is because he has been picking at his scalp.  It is like there are large gaping sores, which I “think” need stitches.  END.

A few comments:  I am a 49 year old woman.  My son is 27 years old and has two children of his own.  There have been many dreams where I see an animus figure that is some admixture between my son, and my brother, Martin, as this dream shows.  Martin is not an active part of my life and is a year older than myself.  My son is a part of my life, of course, but we live four hours apart, so do not have regular contact.  I bring these points up, as I think the image of the adolescent in the dream has more to do with some inner animus aspect than with either Gregory or Martin.  These flaps on the side of the head are not bleeding, though the hair on his head does seem thinner in these areas.  Nor do I actually see the adolescent picking at his scalp.

Oh, one more thought:  I put the word think in quotation marks, because I try to separate what the dream itself is giving me from the thoughts of my dream ego.

Thank you for any suggestions,


- anna -

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Re: Fish Gill-like Flaps on Head
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2015, 10:35:35 PM »
Clarity – The conscious attention a woman has to give to her animus problem takes much time and involves a lot of suffering. But if she realises who and what her animus is and what he does to her, and if she faces these realities instead of allowing herself to be possessed, her animus can turn into an invaluable inner companion who endows her with the masculine qualities of initiative, courage, objectivity, and spiritual wisdom.  Quoted from The process of individuation  by Marie von Franz in "Man and his Symbols" by Carl Jung.
See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/archetype-of-the-animus-jungs-view-of-the-male-in-the-female/

Your dream creator knows that you have to give your animus problem your conscious attention when you enter the bathroom to check on Gregory-Martin.

I wonder what you associate with this combination of brother and son. Perhaps you can use
http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson and/or
http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/practical-techniques-for-understanding-your-dreams/#TalkingAs to get a better feeling of these aspect of yourself?

I see “them” as a combination of a part in you which is repressed/denied  - "Martin is not an active part of my life" – and a part of you that you are still in touch with.

The bathing I see as a ritual which is – among other things - getting you ready for the adding and/or deepening of your “feeling function” instead of relying on the “thinking function” of your dream ego only.

And so what your dream also reflects is that it will be helpful to approach certain areas of your life with less thinking – “the hair on his head does seem thinner in these areas” – and more feeling; to “breath in emotions”; to breath in LIFE and allow it to rush through “your gills of perception”.
See http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/lifes-little-secrets/

I wonder why your dream ego thinks:  “I “think” this is because he has been picking at his scalp.  It is like there are large gaping sores, which I “think” need stitches.”

Could it be that the symbol of your brother is related to criticising? Could it be related to persecution? Hurting you and/or your ways of thinking (your beliefs) and the need for healing/forgiving it?

Anna :-)

« Last Edit: May 06, 2015, 04:24:39 PM by - anna - »

Tony Crisp

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Re: Fish Gill-like Flaps on Head
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2015, 08:23:15 AM »
I would like to also direct you to read http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/brain-levels-and-dreams/ It might explain the gills in a different way.



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Re: Fish Gill-like Flaps on Head
« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2015, 02:24:53 PM »
Anna Wrote:  I see this middle-aged man as a symbol of potential and so of what you can “grow into”, once you have dealt with the second part of the dream.
It is a potential that is still unknown to you, reason why you perceive him as “I have the sense that the man is a relative, maybe”.

Well, I agree that I am the bridge between these two aspects or levels of my inner masculine/animus. 

When I say that I perceive him as a relative it is precisely because he does feel familiar and known to me, as a "relative" customarily is.  The feeling energy of the dream tells me he is a professional, intelligent, astute and mature man.

There is, however, something to be said about my not seeing him as "my partner" - and that may well have to do with the work I continue to do with lesser developed aspects of myself, as seen in the Gregory-Martin image.

I did also have a feeling energy or sense that there was something womb-like in connection with Gregory-Martin, that the unconscious was indeed giving me a developmental reference.  So, what Tony offered helped here.

I do not see the animus as either/or, as in a potential I am growing into, but as a wholeness.  The animus includes all the flavorings of the masculine my life has known.  He has been shown to me in many varied colorings/dimensions through my dreams, from sage to beggar and from hoodlum to hero, etc. 

Indeed, I am working on improving my relationship with this part of myself.

The good thing about the work with the animus is that once one has developed a good relationship with their unconscious, and has been years in the process, much of the work continues rather autonomously.  Meaning the unconscious itself continues to seek its own integration with the self/Self.  We need only be loving and compassionate (which includes deeply felt and experienced understanding) witnesses/partners. 

The information on the four types was extraneous for me, as it is something I am quite familiar with ... along with our task of individuation.   So, I had to weed through all of that to see what you might be offering that was new.

Just so you know, in case I might continue to share dreams here, I am many years practiced in working with dreams.  I have an electronic dream journal that is over 500 typed pages long. 

I used to share on dream forums all the time, earlier in the process.  I generally do not any longer, as I do not feel a need for it.  Once in a while, however, an odd dream will want a little more attention.



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Re: Fish Gill-like Flaps on Head
« Reply #4 on: May 02, 2015, 02:25:19 PM »
Hi Anna,

No, I do not understand your attraction factor and what it means to you when you say it "runs much deeper."   Would you explain this to me?

I do understand the mirror factor.  However, in my way of approaching things, I think it very important that if and when I offer an interpretation to another, I do so as objectively as possible, without projecting my own individual issues/fantasies onto the other dreamer. 


Tony Crisp

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Re: Fish Gill-like Flaps on Head
« Reply #5 on: May 03, 2015, 10:07:14 AM »
Clarity - Everything runs much deeper as far as life is concerned.

The human personality – the You that you call yourself, with a name, is only a tiny thing. It is moved and tossed around by all manner of drives, ambitions, emotions, fears, temptations, worries, love and desire with its pains and hopes; it is something we take so seriously and get carried away into awful situations.

I think you can see that all the time you are moved - literally - by forces and motive you only have a little awareness of. You are moved when you breathe even during deep sleep - your heart beats and digestion continues. You may feel that they are simply automatic life functions - but yet they all show enormous wisdom.

 Dr.Walter Cannon describes in his book The Wisdom of the Body this: 

Many years ago Murphy and I observed with X rays a curious phenomena after the first part of the small intestine (the duodenum) had been cut across and sewed together again. Although peristaltic waves were passing routinely over the stomach, the sphincter at the outlet (the pyloric sphincter) held tight against them, and only after about five hours did it relax and permit the gastric contents to enter the injured gut. The interest here lies in the relation of the delay to the process of healing; according to surgical observation, about four hours are required after an intestinal suture for a plastic exudate to form and make a tight joint. It was after the proper time had elapsed for that process to come to completion, therefore, that the chyme from the stomach was allowed to advance. Similar results were obtained when the section and suture were made further along the alimentary canal. 

We also make the mistake that the mother 'makes' the baby. But it is the amazing life functions that form it - the mother has the task of leading the baby to self conscientiousness. So we are all largely unaware of what we are and the wonder of Life. See http://dreamhawk.com/interesting-people/animal-children/#Program which explains that we are even unaware or our own becoming.



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Re: Fish Gill-like Flaps on Head
« Reply #6 on: May 03, 2015, 01:48:12 PM »
Tony - Thanks for this, but I really am quite aware of the miracle of "life"/process of "Creation" and that there exist forces and influences which affect us that the majority of the human population are very little aware of. 

Profound and many are my experiences with life, but I've no need to showcase them here to justify/prove the depths of my understanding. 

Indeed, sadly, many go to their grave having never consciously beheld the wonders there are, because they live more like conditioned automatons, in awareness of only a very narrow sliver of the wholeness that actually they are - that we all are.

More to the point though, my question to Anna was about her attraction, specifically, to me/my dream and how it runs deep.



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Re: Fish Gill-like Flaps on Head
« Reply #7 on: May 03, 2015, 02:16:33 PM »
Anna - I am surprised that you are unwilling to respond to my genuine question.  I sincerely wanted to know.  It may have led to an enlightening discourse. 

For the record, a more honest feedback from me about my feelings when you "entered" my dream is that you did treat it as if it were your own.  You used my dream to your own ends.  And you made a sweeping generalization about me when you went on to preach and lecture to me as if I was a beginner.  I felt disregarded as an individual . 


Tony Crisp

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Re: Fish Gill-like Flaps on Head
« Reply #8 on: May 04, 2015, 08:48:27 AM »
If that is really so, you would have learnt some humility and compassion for others. Which is the basic we learn when exploring the wider world.

"Thanks for this, but I really am quite aware of the miracle of "life"/process of "Creation" and that there exist forces and influences which affect us that the majority of the human population are very little aware of. 

Profound and many are my experiences with life, but I've no need to showcase them here to justify/prove the depths of my understanding. 

Indeed, sadly, many go to their grave having never consciously beheld the wonders there are, because they live more like conditioned automatons, in awareness of only a very narrow sliver of the wholeness that actually they are - that we all are.

More to the point though, my question to Anna was about her attraction, specifically, to me/my dream and how it runs deep."

Thanks for your understanding.



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Re: Fish Gill-like Flaps on Head
« Reply #9 on: May 04, 2015, 01:21:03 PM »
Indeed, humility and compassion are important.  I am reminded of these from time to time.  Now is not one of those times.  I have also learned that honesty is important.  And far more noble than bowing down in subservience to any ideal of another is being true to one's own self and one's feelings.  I actually have a very strong moral identity, Tony.  And I do see that it bothers you that I was offended by Anna's manner.  I also see that you are playing savior for her.  For what it is worth, I have perused the forum (just a very short bit, mind you) and see where Anna has refused to answer the inquiries of at least two others in a very short amount of time.  I guess ignoring others is considered kind treatment here.  It is like relegating others to the status of a poorly treated black man who must search in the mud for whatever tidbits he can find, because he is not good enough, or "as good as" to be served and fed like the regulars. 

May you and your following here have a good day.


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Re: Fish Gill-like Flaps on Head
« Reply #10 on: May 04, 2015, 02:19:46 PM »
Thank you Clarity :)

 I totally agree with your opinion .

Tony Crisp

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Re: Fish Gill-like Flaps on Head
« Reply #11 on: May 04, 2015, 03:14:44 PM »
Clarity - WOW - you assume so much about me. My remarks were not about being anyone's saviour but because most of your post have quite a critical feel.

 "And I do see that it bothers you that I was offended by Anna's manner.  I also see that you are playing savior for her.  For what it is worth, I have perused the forum (just a very short bit, mind you) and see where Anna has refused to answer the inquiries of at least two others in a very short amount of time.  I guess ignoring others is considered kind treatment here.  It is like relegating others to the status of a poorly treated black man who must search in the mud for whatever tidbits he can find, because he is not good enough, or "as good as" to be served and fed like the regulars." 


« Last Edit: May 04, 2015, 03:17:40 PM by Tony Crisp »


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Re: Fish Gill-like Flaps on Head
« Reply #12 on: May 04, 2015, 03:19:46 PM »
Anna, let me tell you something, you are very negative person, I do not know if  you're able to realize it. I wonder how still no one spoke to you about it .
I'm a very sensitive person and when I read any written text, book, comments  and so on I can feel the vibration of a person  who wrote it. All your comments  carry negative vibrations, even if at first glance they seem to be positive advice.
You can write whatever you want, but even with out reading your text I can immediately feel the vibrations with which it was written.
And you will not be able to hide it, because it's real you.


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Re: Fish Gill-like Flaps on Head
« Reply #13 on: May 04, 2015, 03:36:43 PM »
Tony:  The evidence is in the material of this thread.  Any can read it and see that it is true that you are stepping in where I was addressing Anna who first addressed me.  No assumption needed for that.

Anna:  I am not trying to get you to "react," only to respond.  You may do so as thoughtfully as needed.  I asked you a sincere question which you refused to answer for no apparent reason.  You were so full of words when first you responded to my dream, why suddenly did you go silent?

I am not being critical.  I simply am a direct person.  I find it is much better and more efficient than "beating around the bush," as they say.



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Re: Fish Gill-like Flaps on Head
« Reply #14 on: May 04, 2015, 03:38:47 PM »

I do try to be an honest person.
