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Author Topic: Recurring Dreams of Childhood Home  (Read 13289 times)


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Recurring Dreams of Childhood Home
« on: September 29, 2011, 07:20:09 PM »
Hi there, I just wanted to see if I could get some help figuring out what the recurring dreams of my childhood home mean. This house I grew up in was an old one, built in 1908, and my family spent years remodeling it and redecorating it from the time I was 6 until my mid-teens. I had a very normal childhood there, mostly happy, and I didn't realize until my late high school years that my parents marriage really wasn't very good. They separated my freshman year in college, then reconciled, and then separated again a few years later. They sold the house just a couple of months after my husband and I were married in 1994, then they finally divorced a couple of years later.

I have dreamed about that house since moving out of it, and initially it was just always my house in my dreams--like the house that I currently lived in. My dreams within it were always fairly normal, and it never seemed odd to me that my husband and I were living in that house together. Then a few years later I started dreaming about going back to visit it, and to visit the people who were living there now--people I didn't know. I would go up to the house and introduce myself to the current owner and ask for a tour, because the inside would always be spectacularly different than it had been when I lived there. (Let me just interject that this might be because when we lived there when I was in grade school, a boy that had lived there before us actually came and did that exact thing and we gave him a tour of the house.) In my dreams, the inside of the house had always been renovated into something impossibly large and fantastic. It would have crazy large rooms that made no sense and it would look virtually nothing like the house I grew up in--at least on the inside. One time I dreamed that there was a locker-room type bathroom like you'd find in a high school in it. I hadn't had the "house renovated" dream in quite a while until last night, when I dreamed that I went up and introduced myself and asked for a tour. It was beautiful inside and the rooms were large and very different, but there was some similarity to my old house...like I could at least see the shape of some old rooms and where walls had been removed/added. The weird thing is that normally I become aware in my dreams that I am dreaming--that what I'm seeing in the house isn't possible. Last night it was completely realistic, and I even told the owner that I had dreamed many times that the house had been renovated and that it was so exciting to see that my dreams had actually been right! I talked to her about keeping in touch and keeping me updated on the house and the changes that they were making and that I planned to come visit again.

I should probably mention that in real life, my family is going through some major changes. My mom has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's and my life is extremely challenging with regard to her care. She is still living independently, but I take care of all of her finances and medications and appointments. Our roles have definitely reversed, and I am very much the parent in our relationship. She gets angry with me at times for treating her like a child, and is very frustrated that I tell her what to do, and it's a challenge for both of us to learn these new roles and have patience with each other. I'm sure these changes have lots to do with my dreams, but I'm just not entirely sure how they connect. Although, with that said, I realized as I was writing about keeping in touch with the new owner in my dream, that part of that probably came from an old friend/student of my mom's who called me yesterday and asked me to keep her informed of any changes. That might not mean anything at all--it might just be a recounting of yesterday's events!

Thanks so much for reading all of this and if you could provide any insight, I would greatly appreciate it! :)

Tony Crisp

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Re: Recurring Dreams of Childhood Home
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2011, 01:31:53 PM »
Kluce – I have the impression, though you didn’t say it, that the house of the last dream was one that you liked.

Of course in our dreams we often build something we cannot acknowledge is ours – after all it is your dream and who created it? And I see the house with its larger rooms and opportunity to live an expanded life as the changes you have made as you have matured. And if you accept this house as representing yourself, it will make a difference to the way you feel about yourself.

You said, “I'm sure these changes have lots to do with my dreams.” And I see that is right, because your dreams of the house have moved from a sort of fantasy to a realistic representation. And your role with you mother cannot help but influence you.



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Re: Recurring Dreams of Childhood Home
« Reply #2 on: October 03, 2011, 04:28:10 PM »
Thanks so much for the insight. I'd read that houses usually represent ourselves in our dreams, but I couldn't figure out how my old house represented me. I guess it sort of makes sense that there have been changes within that appeared impossible from the outside. While they weren't perfect nor were they my dream house, they were beautiful and they were a huge improvement. Apparently, since I asked for an update on future changes, I knew there will be more positive changes to come. :)  Thank you.
