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Topics - ccomerford

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Dream Interpretation / Vivid Dream of plane crash & aftermath
« on: August 05, 2016, 10:15:45 AM »
Last night I had the most vivid Dream I have ever had of a plane crash & it has kind of spooked me.
I was walking with my brother up a street in my home town when we looked up and saw an Emirates plane do a loop in the sky and fall toward the ground. I never saw it hit the ground because I was running away from it as I thought it might hit us. But as I was running I could see the ground shaking & people being knocked off their feet by the impact. But I never felt the ground shake or fell & I continued to run & shout to people that an Emirates plane had crashed.

However when I looked back at the plane there was no sign of a crash, no explosion, no smoke but everyone knew something major had happened. I phoned the ambulance & then returned to the crash site (which I couldn't see but knew it was there) which happened outside a church. I opened some doors & found bodies of people all spread out flat on the floor but there was no marks on their bodies or no blood anywhere. I could make out exactly what they where wearing. They where all dressed as if they were coming back from holidays. During all this I knew that I would be traumatised by the sight later. Then I went out back & saw more bodies but again just normal people as if they were asleep on the floor. I looked to my right & saw there was one survive who was wrapped in a blanket hugging someone else at the scene.
The oddest thing I found was when the ambulance drivers arrived  (2 males) they were naked and trying to raise money for a charity!! Then I was woken up.
The whole way through my dream I had a feeling of shock & disbelief that I was witnessing this event.

I have had dreams of plane crashes before but nothing this vivid. I can still remember everything so clearly. Please could you help me figure out what it meant? :)

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