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Author Topic: the female from jupiter,  (Read 8870 times)


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the female from jupiter,
« on: November 04, 2010, 04:05:20 PM »
i would love your thoughts on this dream,

i meet a beautiful female from jupiter,she is wearing a white cheescloth dress and is almost divine in nature,
i am very attracted to her,
she passes me a white shirt ,which i put on,she tells me that while i have been here,i have been enlightened,
we are now standing on a bridge,she takes my hand and tells me,we have each other now,
we kiss each other, tastes of nectar ,so sweet,
we walk towards an entrance to her world (jupiter),through the entrance i can see strange other wordly creatures .some look like dinosaurs,i am in awe of what i am seeing,
as we step into her world,she tells me to look up,which i do,the reason for this was ,she was telling me not to be distracted by what i am seeing around me,as a great raptor/eagle was coming out of the sky to pick me up,
phew ! this was an amazing dream and has had a profound effect on me,
i would consider this one of the big dreams that jung talks of,
i am a 55yr old male living in the uk if this is of any relevance,
i look forward to your thoughts.
regards mike

Tony Crisp

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Re: the female from jupiter,
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2010, 09:32:20 AM »
Quite a great dream Mike – It is so interesting to me how the ancient themes, as you say from Jung’s collective unconscious, show up in modern garb.

Staying with Jung for a while I feel certain the wonderful woman in your dream is your anima – your female self. That may sound very ordinary, yet when you meet, it is an extraordinary experience – even a religious experience. This is because meeting the anima for a man – or the animus for a woman – is a meeting with your whole self, your core, or the eternal spirit, depending on what you think of the spiritual centre of you.

Also you were told by this wonderful creature that you have been enlightened and that you have each other now. But there is more to it, or maybe you didn’t tell me. It is that you and she merge in an extraordinary oneness. And this is something I haven’t heard from Jung, a merging and a direct experience of enlightenment. So I feel certain this is one of many more meeting when you are initiated into the wonders of wider awareness.

Something else that can happen when you fully merge with her in an ecstatic union is you experience the spiritual marriage. When that happens you are married to all women you have loved - or can love.

For instance you often become lucid at these times, and although deep in sleep, are aware you are dreaming, but you have an experience of seeing deeply into yourself – and by deeply I mean that the self we usually know is a tiny part of us. And I am not speaking of what many people describe as lucidity, a sort of playing with dream images and meeting certain people, exploring Mars, etc. Those are all surface things. Enlightenment can be when in a lucid state, suddenly you are aware of yourself existing through all time and know how this life came to be – or else you are in the cosmic mind. See examples of this in http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/example-11

From what you say of your dream it seems to me you are moving into a new awareness of yourself and what you life is – and its possibilities. So I wonder whether you could use the Meditation with Seed to open you more – http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/meditation-with-seed



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Re: the female from jupiter,
« Reply #2 on: November 08, 2010, 04:51:02 PM »
thanks tony for your thoughts,
 you were right,the sacred union with the female is more a joseph campbell monomyth theme,perhaps even hindu ,an ancient theme as you say in modern garb,still very like the jungian anima idea though ,
 very perceptive of you,saying i may have not told everything about this union,only because i do not have the words,it was a rapture moment,
i also remember she had a name,which i forgot to mention,it was JANA, have no idea what that means.
and again you were right ,this is not my first encounter with her,i think that all that has gone before,has been preparing me for the moment she was alerting me to,ie the ,look up!
i must state that i am not religious or feel enlightened in any way,and it all seems a little unsettling,and wonderful at the same time, i suppose,no pain,no gain,
i will let you know what comes up,
kind regards mike.

Tony Crisp

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Re: the female from jupiter,
« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2010, 11:02:47 AM »
Mike – I am enthused by your reply, and thank you for feedback.

Certainly Hindu. I quote a relevant piece: “In my being I am Krishna and Radha.  In me they both live in a wonderful union of bliss.  I am both the incarnation of godhead and also the worshipper before that wonder.  That this wonder can live in us is beyond my understanding.  That it can take on flesh - and that it does, every time a baby is born - leaves me in a state of wonder. I feel all this because I am that blissful union of Krishna and Radha. In myself I know the union and the love.  I have been and am that sweet love forever joined.”

Religion and enlightenment are ridiculous terms for what is really everyday experience. As I have come to understand it, ‘religions’ were encrustations around people who touched the divine splendour. As things that were no longer alive they became doctrine and dogma. Whereas what your Divine female told you about enlightenment is, I believe a statement of what we are all capable of. For instance the baby can, if kept healthy, grow into a youth, and a youth into a teenager, a teenager into a mature man or woman – and a mature man or woman can flower into a new type of awareness – if they can face the transformation. You do not have to live a holy life or be ‘good’. You just have to LIVE as fully as you can.

No pain no gain is right. Many people are frightened of feeling everything they are capable of. And that goes for feeling the divine love.

So I salute you.
