Dreamhawk.com discussion forum - Dreams, health, yoga, body, mind & spirit

Dreams => Dream Interpretation => Topic started by: Xochitl on December 28, 2011, 06:01:06 PM

Title: RE: spider nest and mutation dreams
Post by: Xochitl on December 28, 2011, 06:01:06 PM
Dear Tony,

I'm wondering if you or anyone else here might have some insight into a short dream I just had recently.  There is another related one that happened also with spiders in the same location which I'll mention first in case you think it has any bearing on the recent one.

It took place outside of a small restaurant in the Northeast U.S. (a part of the country I consider to be "home"), mountains in the distance, a peaceful location and similar to a place I worked for many years.  I had a dream some months ago that I was getting out of a pickup truck in the gravel parking lot at this same location and almost ran into a huge (2 feet oval/sphere) spider nest that was hollow and spun very solidly.  (Note: I do not drive but here I was getting out of the drivers seat from an old dark color Chevy, the kind I always said I'd buy if I moved out West.)

The web looked like a birds nest, oval, 1-2 feet diameter with a hole on the side (like for letting birds in except it was for the spider).  A couple of small brownish spiders came out and I was looking at the "nest/web" because it was so beautifully done (I am a sculptor by trade) but was warning someone else not to get caught in it when they got out of their car.  Fascinated, knowing it was somehow not "out to get me" but it's nature (i.e. web, spider bites) necessitated being scared, protective.

So recently, I was in the same location again in a dream and dreamed that I saw a black spider crawling on the sidewalk and it zapped out it's tongue and ate a bug.  The spider itself was maybe about an inch big but it's tongue--which just looked like a long streak of black--was easily eight times it's length.  (It reminded me of those frogs that dart out their tongues really fast to eat bugs.)  I wasn't really afraid of it but I recognized that it was kind of aggressive with the tongue and all.  Then my younger sister and I were looking down on the sidewalk and we were watching what I thought was the same spider except that it looked completely different.  It was larger--maybe 2 inches diameter--brown, spotted and ridged (like camouflage for a rocky locale) and reminded me of one of those seashells that is a textured sphere with hole in the top.  So then we looked in amazement as it grew a whole other body of the same shape, like when cells mutate and go from one to two.  Maybe some connection with breasts?  (A very, very close relative died of breast cancer.)  It was just sitting there strangely, alive but like two hollow bodies made of one.  I was afraid--because it looked pretty wild and crusty--but we just watched in fascination and then I woke up.

The dream felt very significant.

Thank you (and all!) for any insights.

Title: Re: RE: spider nest and mutation dreams
Post by: Tony Crisp on January 01, 2012, 01:34:50 PM
Xochitl – At first I could not make out what this dream was about. It didn’t have any landmarks I could recognize. The first thing I picked up from your description was that the spider that seemed aggressive, and spiders need to be watched in case they are dangerous.

I didn’t take any notice of what you said about cancer so that didn’t rate in my calculations. But then as I mused about it I saw that this thing could reproduce itself, as cancers do, and that made me sit up and wonder. I have only once seen a dream spider refer to a serious illness. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/spider/#Spider

So if you are worried by this I suggest having a health check.
