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Author Topic: Feedback  (Read 5574 times)

Tony Crisp

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« on: February 08, 2018, 10:52:26 AM »
Tony, I can't imagine the personal time you dedicate to replying back to so many! But you should know that your ripples affect far beyond what you see on the surface. Your work is your legacy, and I am positive there are many that have been touched deeply by your healing words.  I hope little bits of happiness always find their way into your days, even when performing the more mundane things in life, like replying back to some of these dreams... I have read some of the unbelievable dreams that have been posted, and I have to confess, I sometimes wonder if some try to get creative and make them up just to see how you will reply?!   :)

All the best to you!



The article on this website about “Black Magic” in dreams is very close to the truth. I really appreciate the notice where the article says: “Fear is the thing to overcome.” I highly respect the fact that this website informs people on what to do if you are a victim of black magic. Thank you for informing the public about all of this.


Vangeline Udan
Nice. I love your works and need to find one of your books about dreams and yoga! Found your website, read your biography. When I was searching for the meaning of my dream, I then realised it was you who my major psychology professor Nell Limbadan was talking about in my class, way back in college. You are like the dream expert in psychology! A living artist!


Hi Tony

Earlier this year I went through a kundalini spiritual awakening. ..phew that was some deep transition.

I'm wondering if or how the content of my dreams may change. My dreams feel more complex and sometimes 'dark'.

Also I wanted to say thanks to you. For many many years I've used your dream site. I'm sure your writing and intuitive understanding of the human being was a key help in my spiritualawakening as you made me keep looking deeper into myself. I wish I could find a way to express just how much your site has helped...but this is email so BIG THANKS - Tricia


Tony, I'm taking a course on dream interpretation on-line. It's called Universalclass. I'm on lesson 2 and it's going over the history of dreams and the rituals of "dream incubation". I was thrilled to see they used one of your articles for study. I've often asked very specific questions before going to sleep in hopes for answers In the dream state. I had no idea I was using a version of an ancient ritual. Anyway loved your article and the new perception that my subconscious is my best friend. Thanks!


Hi it’s me,
I am also visiting this web page daily,
this web site is truly good and the users are in fact
sharing good thoughts.


John Hodgson

This is a profound article.  Your voice, coming from a life's experience of inner and outer exploration, informs the clarity and power of your writing.  How rarely one encounters another human being who looks inward and writes with perception and honesty about the endless difficulties of facing the world and coming to maturity.


Then I changed categories and settled in to the body of your work, and I haven't read everything yet.  What do I love so much... hm.  I love that you are conscious of what is happening within you.  I spent so much of my life not knowing the truth of me, unable and unwilling I guess to turn and face the demons. And you have managed that, and wrote about it, and wrote about love and anger and sadness and pain and all matter of spirit things, and you have been incredibly bold in it.  And your earthiness, and I don't know if that is the right word, I don't mean earthy like in Earth Mother, I mean earthy as in, when something snatches you and wrestles with you and reveals to you this great passion, sensuality, this daring, gripping, wildness, spirit.  I want to just say, wow, but that is taking the easy way out.  :)   So I thank-you, for sharing this epic story of you and your travels both on the inner planes and the outer ones.  To me, it seems you've made yourself intentionally vulnerable, and it is something I struggle with, being vulnerable.


Thank you. Before your helpful reply I was unaware of an Inner Father within all of us. I haven’t explored this website much. I just wanted to know the meaning of my dream and then be done with it, but you actually replied within a short amount of time, and for that I am impressed and will be sure to share this website with everyone I know. Of course its not just the reply, you managed to help me, impress me and teach me something new all at the same time. I believe you have a really good thing going here and I wish you all the best for the future.


-Chance 2016-05-13 12:11:55
Dear Tony, My mice were singing. (Can not remember song) Also ate one of them with fruit in the center. But in this same dream I found myself naked, wrapt in a white sheet. (At four years old a great uncle had me laying on his bed fondling myself while in his view from the bathroom ejaculating. My great aunt lived next door, noticing i had disappeared apparently, and rescued me by covering me with a white sheet and assumingly took me back home.) I'm a female. This was my first encounter of shit happening. Anyhow I've tried shrinks-prozac and not talking about the matter in life are their way of dealing. Ccould you give me some insight please. 42 yrs old and in desperate need. If this finds you I greatly appreciate your time and thank you for the insight you’ve given over the last seven years to me.



Your I Ching interpretation(s) are, ultimately, the best I have seen. DEEP BOW.


Dear Anna
Thank you alot for your reply. It does make a lot of sense when you mention all this considering where i am in life, studying having exams im unsure of and in fact keeping to wonder how everything will end up in the end.
It made me better understand myself and what im subconciously dealing with in regards to this issue after getting your interpertation! Thank you so so much both to you and Tony for this homepage.


I have mentored many people directing them to your teachings online and books that have taught them further. Your Dream Dictionary and then a session with Brenda in Hobart (hmm maybe 16 ish years ago) that changed my state of consciousness profoundly and continues to do so.
To me, your teachings reach people profoundly and infinitely on a daily basis that you never get to know about (as in my situation as an example). I call it the ripple effect.
Could it be that you have so much deep street cred beyond what you possibly recognise? Are your teachings life's little secret?
Go well :-).
Terri x


I discovered your book, Dream Dictionary, many years ago as I was in the process of reading everything that I could get my hands on relating to dreams and the process’ the mind.
Your dream dictionary is simply a breath of fresh air. I am on my fourth copy as I have simply worn out the others (this one is the Barnes and Noble 2004 edition/ copyright 2002 by tony crisp.
My efforts in the past 15 years have centered on dream interpretation (primarily online), with the ultimate objective of helping others know that their dreams are of great importance, and life changing to say the least.


This is my first contact with your site, and I look forward to seeing the new format that you will soon implement. I fully understand the energy that it takes to decipher meaning in others dreams and the commitment to try to get to all of them, and I am not very well known.
I want you to know that your efforts to help others, is so appreciated, and I would like to offer encouragement that you may somehow find the strength and all of the resources to help you deliver your valuable knowledge.


Mr. Crisp,
I've been a big fan of yours and your "Dream Dictionary" for quite some time.  So, big that I've recommended, given, and occasionally "forced" your book upon all my dreaming friends and relatives.  They all loved it.

Glad to see that you've embraced the Internet.  Good Luck with the new


Buildings around me destroyed

Thank you Tony for helping me understand my dream.
Everything you said about my dream makes perfect sense in my current situation.
I am grateful I found this website and I am reading the referrals you made.
Once again, thank you. Mark


Jim Burke.

I gave my Auntie Laurel a copy of your original version almost 6 months ago and she called me last week to say how much it has helped her.  She has very vivid dreams at times and many having been frightening her.  She said that the book has really helped her to see things differently and they don't seem so frightening anymore.
I really believe you have such a gift in what you have shared with us all through publishing the book.  It is so important to be able to reach people like my aunt who are not on the same path direction as us but can really benefit to get through their lives by looking at their dreams as a guide and be able to read the messages.  She represents a big group or market that would never think, or even if they did, would not go to a dream processing workshop or course to learn to engage with their dreams on a daily basis.  I really believe that we have to try to reach this group because they have no other way of becoming exposed to gaining insights to learn the process to analyse their dreams.  They are probably not interested any further than being able to pick up the dictionary and look up a few things to put it all together...and that is more than OK, since that's the journey they're on, but it's important that they connect with yet another little lamp for their growth.


A reader from Amsterdam , 28 January, 2000
Great for Beginnner AND the more advanced
I've been using Mr Crisp's book for years and find it invaluable in my quest to understand my dreams better. Unlike many other books which seek to tell you what your dreams mean, Crisp guides you through interpreting your dreams as individual and personal stories about your own psyche.
Psyche waves@tesco.net from London , 18 September, 1999
An enlarged version of the author's Dream Dictionary.
This has the same excellent coverage as Dream Dictionary. So anything said about that refers to this. The difference is that Tony Crisp has much enlarged this version, and re-organised the entries to read more easily.


chick from new york , 12 December, 1998
Best Yet
If this book popped up on your recommendation list next to a few others about dream interpretation, and you're only going to buy one..pick this one. Tony Crisp's "Dream Dictionary" is by far the most enlightening book on this subject that I have. If the subject interests you, it's fun to have a few different books by different authors to cross reference. But again, if you're only going to get one book on dreams, chose this one over any other. I found Crisp to have a much more realistic look into the subconscious than, say, Gustavus Miller ("The Dictionary of Dreams..") who seemed to have only three standard explanations of dreams... (death/illness, doom or good fortune). I find myself referring to Crisp's "Dream Dictionary" several times a week. --This text refers to the paperback edition of this title

camille  wrote:
  Hi Tony Crisp: I thank you and I'm grateful to God that you are there, I suspect in more ways than one. And you are, I think, insightful with a nice uncomplicated pragmatism. I appreciate your learning experience and that it is available. In spite of your books, I am pleased to find your website.

  Apart from having your "Dream Dictionary" in the bathroom, a copy also is in my study and in the truck I drive. (I've been driving a truck for over twenty-five years.) In some ways, you remind me of  Robert Johnson in conjunction with James Hillman. I presume you are familiar with such thinkers.

  Anyway, thanks again and God bless you.


  Peace, Bruce Metzger, British Columbia - Go Seize the Day


Marie de Kock

Thank you so much for an approach that interprets with an expanded consciousness. It is the accent on self respect and openness to receive that makes these interpretations stand out from other doom and gloom and limiting interpretations. Mother Earth bless you.


Hi Tony,

Thank you for putting my dream on your website, it informs me that I have explained the dream. And how I gained the knowledge from the dream using the skills you taught me, all those years ago.

It was a great dream and staying true to my body/mind I persisted, until the dream was understood. The only change that I would ask would be to change the wording about my sister’s abuse, as I have not asked her if was ok to mention it.

I have just about finished my transpersonal art therapy course, during which I had another dream regarding my needs, which once again the mind thought it knew the answer, (I had been to an evenings talk on sexual abuse), and I dreamt that I met a woman who looked very frail (her life had been hard). We spoke about puppies and she invited me to go with her to see hers, as we got to her back yard.

There on the floor were two little puppies in the gutter on a concrete floor in the rain; the woman went to her back door which was green. She said" I just need to go inside and sort things before you can come in." It sounded like there was many animals desperate for something. She went in and I turned and walked away thinking I don't want to go in there. Working with gestalt and embodiment I discovered that I was keeping my needs behind a green door, and that all I needed to do was open the door, there were many different animals some young some adults, all able to take care of themselves if the door was open.

I also think of you, and talk of you often, there is a sense of amazement still, how did I manage to meet someone like you, how generous you were/are with your time . And how long it has taken for some of society to catch up, and I know its still a minority.

Take good care of yourself till we chat or meet again, lots of love as always xx      Brenda Blake



Thank you, Tony, for your insightful dream interpretation! I have read your bio and although I don’t know you personally, I am so grateful for what you have done in your life and all those you have helped through your experiences and knowledge. I am planning on purchasing one of your books, and just wanted to say your passion and life is an inspiration to me and so many. People like you help raise our collective vibration and make the world a better place. Namaste



I really enjoyed ur site. I was having troubles for years of me dreaming of one of my phobia (bears) i have always dreamt of the bear following me or chasing me horrifically. It scared me so. Just the other day i had another dream of the bear actually opening my car door. I looked at ur site tonight to realise its nothing too crazy. Thanks for saving me alot of time for looking for my answers.



I am currently reading about archetypes for my college course. In trying to define the movie The Island, it was necessary to understand what the underbelly, basement of the compound represented. You hit the nail on the head, as it made me remember when I was a child and had a terrifying dream of the bad men chasing me into the basement. Thank you for clearing that up. Also you cleared up my alligator dream. And a
Light or ate me alive when I was near a pool in the backyard of a relatives home. Terrifying dream that haunted me for the past 11 years.
I found it interesting that the suggestions for books on dream symbology were wanting compared to you very intense exploration on the subject. I will be using your site for references in my essay because I find that it is very indepth.
Thank you for such comprehensive quality and work!
Could you please let me know how I can get your premature book about your own birth. I was a preemie as well and think I have memories, although I always thought they were just young kid imaginings, although I couldn’t put words on these experiences because they were simply observations…wonder observations for me. At the age of 4 I told my mom about atoms and what they were and also about time and about a mini soul inside this flesh we call the body. She asked me who told you that? I said no one it just came to my mid as a whisper. She was always surprised at my ability to intuitively know things without learning them conventional ways. I would love to get a copy of your story Tony so that. Thank you.



Wow, thanks for this. Tony your dream dictionary is amazing. I dreamt about two camels last night and when I read this it's so relevant to my life experience right now. I'm always amazed because how random for me to dream of camels. Thank you for an excellent resource.


« Last Edit: February 11, 2018, 09:52:41 AM by Tony Crisp »