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Author Topic: Crossroads of Life - Imported from Comments Section  (Read 4220 times)

Tony Crisp

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Crossroads of Life - Imported from Comments Section
« on: September 08, 2017, 10:18:52 AM »
I am hoping you can help me get clarity on this dream. I only remember parts of it, but I was in my childhood home in the basement where we used to play as kids. I was an adult as I am now, i remember seeing a huge white eagle approaching me, nudging me, and gently circling me as if it wanted me to hold it. I put out my left arm and it lands on it and proceeded to cuddle. This huge ominous bird wanted me to hug it, so I did. It then wrapped it’s huge wings around me. I felt love and intimacy emanating from it. I felt protected and loved somehow. In my current life, I am on a spiritual path of discovering who I am and my true purpose. I am at a crossroads with my career, and a marriage of 23 years. Can this dream possibly tie in to any thing in my current life?
« Last Edit: September 08, 2017, 10:21:46 AM by Tony Crisp »

Tony Crisp

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Re: Imported from Comments Section
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2017, 10:20:26 AM »
Roseanne – "Where we used to play as kids" in dream represents the childhood of the human race.

“There used to be a large pool by the house in which we all bathed when young.
I started exploring the pond, and had the most unexpected set of fantasies and feelings bubble up from within. The garden when we were children referred to a condition of mind, which I now experienced, in which a group shared a common awareness, and felt at one with their environment. In other words there was no separate identity. No one in the group knew themselves as an individual. I knew as I experienced this that it was about the early condition of human beings.”

The basement represents going just below everyday awareness into your inner world. See http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/inner-world/#MakesInner

From there you are in touch with the wonder within you. Shown by the image of the huge bird – and image meaning that you have the possibility of the eagle’s vision. Because the eagle, like most hunting birds, has an extraordinary far reaching and inclusive gaze, it can link with the ability of your own mind to at times expand far beyond the immediate sense impressions and concerns, to include years of life experience, and what you have learned when looked at as a whole. It can therefore represent spiritual vision. This is because the height of the bird and its steady gaze give it unusual perception and wide awareness. To touch such enormous wealth of experience is to be penetrated by the holy. Something so beyond the limitations of our own small personality enters us and leaves its imprint.

You are loved and protected always, but we lose sight of it when we are facing the crossroads of our life experiences – necessary but difficult. Your dream came as a reminder of your path you are on, and the love and protection you have.
