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Author Topic: Well,demons again. Im not surprised anymore  (Read 4384 times)


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Well,demons again. Im not surprised anymore
« on: September 06, 2017, 05:06:32 AM »
Hello Tony!
There's this dream i just had moments ago. Very deep but it left me with no ulterior feelings,but somehow i feel at ease. The dream starts with me on a tennis field. I was playing for the first time and somehow i was so good at it. My opponent was no match so i asked for 2 at the same time. The atmosphere kind of remembered me of fragments of my childhood. It was a very welcoming,suntouched,happy atmosphere. I was surrounded by "friends" or thats how i saw them and everyone was laughing and having fun. There was also this girl i could clearly aknowledge who she was from my real life. She's a good friend of mine and sometimes i have the feeling i "click" with her inside dreams (its not the first time i dream her around) and i feel a bit ashamed because i have a gf i really care about. I know my unconscious mind sometimes let me feel i need something else in my life,like the attraction i feel for this girl,but i always ignore it because im too loyal to play games with the ones that i love. Thats not the point of this dream anyway. The point is,i was somehow in a "crossroads" deal with the Devil,and i slowly started to look like one but i was not alone nor anyone could see "us" for who we were. Some of them chose to keep the powers they got for themselvesm,i chose to help others get out of the deal,because i felt it was a burden on them,and i felt like i was the only one with a "sold" soul. Honestly,it didnt feel like something bad at all! I could protect others in way people couldnt do without special powers. At some point,while i was still playing tennis,i felt the presence of a sniper who was aiming for me. I was looking straight into his eyes,miles away,and he realized he could not hit me. So he chose to trigger me by shooting persons i care about,especially aiming for that girl in a full crowd. I panicked and i ran in front of them and created a spiritual shield that would protect them easely. Few moments later,the sniper changed the bullets into some explosives that could melt my shield. That was the moment i realized i had to go for him in order to protect others. I started to run like the wind and jump over all kinds of obstacles and buildings and the sniper kept shooting at my friends and i could "stop time" for each abd every bullet and either change their course or explode them in mid air. Finally i got him and saved my friends.
In the second part of the dream i was in a new country,visiting, with the girl i mentioned earlier. We would have fun around town, buying all sorts of food and stuff and at some point i "blanked out" and woke up inside some 30 years old woman apartment,asking myself "should i trust her? Is it ok what im doing?" ( She was ubdressing before my eyes and then got into the shower) i went downstairs and had a really fun chat with her 7-10 years old son that had the exact same height as me and i would make fun about it because we were 2 "midgets" and "mommy has 2 kids now" only that i was perverted about that joke ;)). It turned out the lady was a really nice woman and i got along very well with her and her son. The girl i mentioned before showed up again by my side,once i went out with that lady for a walk. There was some kind of carnival downtown with all sort of games,boutiques and attractions. This is where it gets interesting again. For seconds,everything stopped,everything was quiet,and i could only hear and old man's voice talking to me through a radio. I went to him and he was a mute and blind oldman that was actually adressing to me trough a radio. And the radio would tell my story in such a beautiful and scenographic way,like the begining of the movie Anonymous,with Shakespeare (if you saw it). But it talked too many truths and people around me started to show their demon face,me also but i was not mad. I was pleased with the words i'd hear. He also mentioned that there's many like me, servants of "The Butler"and i suddenly noticed that i was surrounded by a "demons carnival" and they all tried to kill the oldman because their secrets were revealed,and i somehow managed to save him too and the dream ended with a crowd of angry demons staring at me with hate (but i also felt i was the highest demon in ranking) and i would feel no fear. I actually literally saw my demonic face in the mirror,so clearly and detailed and kind of amused me :)) i had such a little nose and i would so desperately try to stretch out a black dot :)) it was like some funny sequel from a good movie.
Ps. I recently started doing guided meditation again and i would always feel the tingling feeling of detaching from the body but i cant reach the astral projection. Maybe that has to do with all my dreams as well?
« Last Edit: September 06, 2017, 05:14:29 AM by Yoma »

Tony Crisp

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Re: Well,demons again. Im not surprised anymore
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2017, 10:16:15 AM »
Yoma – Hope springs eternal.

The dream starts with you playing the game of life well – tennis.

The girl is probably an ideal image you have of a love partner – remember it is an image you created – so don’t get it mixed up with the real person. In life it is best not to complicate things which is what you suggested – but in dreams you can be as complicated as you can manage, so don’t feel guilty. See the huge division between your outer life and your inner life. See http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/inner-world/#MakesInner

The crossroad is a time of decisions – you have got the measure of the demonic side of you, but it is still an influence in your life. You decide to fight it – you started with a competitive game, and you still wish to win the fight.

There is another way – the way of understanding. But you have to learn new skills if you go that way. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson and http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/practical-techniques-for-understanding-your-dreams/

Part of the crossroads is the sexual side of your nature – the woman undressed in front of you. I believe dreams are largely about expressing or exploring our immense potential. But they go about it in the only language they know – the imagery and emotions we have collected in life. So sometimes, unless we break through the symbols into understanding, it seems like a mish-mash.

The scene with the young boy and then the mother shows you another aspects of male sexuality – for the sexual impulse is not simply about ‘having it away’ unless of course you are stuck at that level of your development, but you are not – but you are at the crossroads. The further development of sexuality is about caring, about providing and environment for children to learn and expand in; to work to supply the years of feeding them and protecting them, and meanwhile caring for the mother.

The old man is the part of you that carries the old age wisdom. You saved it. See http://dreamhawk.com/interesting-people/collected-wisdom/

In my dream I was watching a fern grow. It was small, but opened very rapidly. As I watched, I became aware that the fern was an image representing a process occurring within myself, one that I grew increasingly aware of as I watched. Then I was fully awake in my dream and realized that my dream (perhaps any dream) was an expression in images of actual events occurring unconsciously in myself. I felt enormous excitement, as if I were witnessing something of great importance. (A quote from http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/lucid-dreaming/)

« Last Edit: September 07, 2017, 10:23:26 AM by Tony Crisp »