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Dreams => Dream Interpretation => Topic started by: mikey on January 10, 2016, 01:36:36 PM

Title: canoeing to the sea
Post by: mikey on January 10, 2016, 01:36:36 PM
hi tony,
i recently had a few dreams regarding meeting a female who told me i was stuck,said she was going away for a while ,that when she returned she would bring something to un-stick me,
i have a good idea that this dream refers to my intuition which has been on holiday to put it mildly,
last night i had this dream which i am not sure relates to the above ,hoping you can help.
the dream.
i am kayaking along a narrow river,this river is barely wide enough to take just one canoe,it is so shallow in parts that i have to put my hands down into the water and push myself along,the narrow river also goes up and down hills like a rollercoaster ,flowing in one direction which i come to understand is one way only,as i reach the top of a hill i meet two other kayakers coming the other way,they get out to let me pass,i thank them and paddle on,
we reach the sea into a large bay similar to what you would find in scotland,heather,rocky etc.
i remark out loud ,that finally we have arrived at last.
what i did feel was the relief of transferring from what was quite a constrictive almost claustrophobic journey into a much more expansive  environment,so many symbols in this dream ,
the narrow channel plopping out into a bay has a birth motif about it,
look forward to any thoughts.
kind regards mikey
Title: Re: canoeing to the sea
Post by: Tony Crisp on January 11, 2016, 10:04:00 AM
Mikey – A very important dream.

Your journey along the narrow river shows the up and downs of your life which were preparations for your reaching the ocean. At times you could have given up and felt that you were stuck, but you move on through personal effort. It is certainly like birth but it is more than that – it is the second birth.

“Unless a man be born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.”

You were born of the waters of life that carried you along, but you own efforts added to the current, because most people get stuck at a certain stage of their life. I quote from something I wrote recently:

“Human self-awareness was another stage of growth beyond instinctive or animal awareness, which is an old and amazingly successful stage. It seems obvious that the human being is simply another stage – the move from the animal instinctive into self-awareness - on the growth of the amazing ‘seed’ of possibility that the universe is. So we are a direct expression of the amazing process that formed us, but we are all at different stages of growth So we are a direct expression of the amazing process that formed us, but we are all at different stages of growth.”

The second birth is about the next stage of our possible growth – most of humanity are still in the ups and downs of life.

To enter the ocean is to meet a widening awareness of the situation humanity are in, and the place in life, the earth, the universe, you exist and work in. It is often known as enlightenment – the great ocean of consciousness.

The meeting the two coming back is something I feel, and I sense it represents something that happens when one has experienced the second birth, the person goes back into what I have called ‘the ups and downs of life’ to share what was found with others. It is shown as your two impulses going back.

It may take some time for the dream to emerge as a reality in everyday life. For this second birth brings a new power into the world. It adds to the thousands already with us. That is why it is an important dream.

I salute you.

Title: Re: canoeing to the sea
Post by: mikey on January 14, 2016, 11:30:54 AM
 hi tony,
sorry for taking so long to reply,
it is you that i salute,as you can see deeper than me,
all i arrived at with this dream was that sense of some sort of birth,at least thats the analogy i came up with,but i  could be wrong,i do not know of anything significant happening to warrant the content in the dream,
i can only hope it is something that will reveal itself  further.
kind rgds mikey
Title: Re: canoeing to the sea
Post by: Tony Crisp on January 15, 2016, 09:06:17 AM
Mikey - Your dream says a great deal to me because from 50 years of dream watching and recording them in my journal, I had many dreams which at the time were interesting, but that was all. But later, maybe even a year of even years, I saw that they were amazing signposts to the way my life and events would go.

So watch and wait.
