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Dreams => Dream Interpretation => Topic started by: pimuli on September 06, 2011, 10:22:36 AM

Title: Clark Gable and me in a black and white movie
Post by: pimuli on September 06, 2011, 10:22:36 AM
Last night I dreamed a movie where I was a young woman and  I was engaged to a man played by Clark Gable. We were to be married. Then there was a complication which involved my younger sister in the movie (I don't personally have a sister), it looked like she was going to get Clark, but then it was straightened out and we were reunited. I woke up in a feeling of deep warmth.

I'm not sure how to look at this dream; is this dream about aspects of myself, male/female, or about an external relationship, do you think? Am I not being honest about myself, as I'm playing a role in the dream? Or was it an aspect of myself? The woman I was in the dream was hyper-feminine with frills and made up hair and stuff that I don't usually do myself.

Title: Re: Clark Gable and me in a black and white movie
Post by: Tony Crisp on September 11, 2011, 03:51:25 PM
Pimuli – Of course it is about an external relationship. Any great dream like this has repercussions in the way we relate in a relationship.

It seems a straight forward dream about you relating to your male self – in fact your twin soul partner. As Jung point out:

“One of the favourite themes that the animus repeats end¬lessly in the ruminations of this kind of woman goes like this: “The only thing in the world that I want is love-and he doesn’t love me”; or “In this situation there are only two possibilities-and both are equally bad.” (The animus never believes in exceptions.) One can rarely con¬tradict an animus opinion because it is usually right in a general way; yet it seldom seems to fit the individual situation. It is apt to be an opinion that seems reasonable but beside the point.”

That is the negative side, and the positive is: “Like the anima, the animus does not merely consist of negative qualities such as brutality, recklessness, empty talk, and silent, obstinate, evil ideas. He too has a very positive and valuable side; he too can build a bridge to the Self through his creative activity.”

It seems as if you must have had dreams like this in the past to get through the sister difficulties so quickly – the sister being a younger less mature part of you. Having established a loving relationship within you, you can learn to extend this to outer relationship.

To quote from http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/archetype-of-the-animus-jungs-view-of-the-male-in-the-female/

Good relationship with or marrying the man: Shows the woman integrating her own ability to be independent and capable in outwardly active terms. This makes her more whole, balancing her ‘female’ qualities. She would then be less dependent upon an external male to feel whole. It also shows the woman meeting her experience of her father in a healing way. This enables the woman to have a realistic relationship with an actual man. It also brings a sense of connectedness between her conscious self and what she senses as the ‘commercial’ world.

Title: Re: Clark Gable and me in a black and white movie
Post by: pimuli on September 13, 2011, 08:36:22 PM
Thanks, Tony! I'll look up the animus/anima article. Very interesting!
