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Topics - Qathe

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Dream Interpretation / Mowing a lawn that keeps moving
« on: November 04, 2013, 09:40:22 PM »
Hi all, newish here. I had a rather puzzling dream recently. I dreamt first that I had gone into business with one of my roommates. I'm not sure what sort of business, but we had a storefront office in a shopping center (not one I recognized). I went out to mow a lawn right in the middle of the shopping center, kind of an odd place for it to be. It was a push-mower, and the grass was green, not very overgrown, just needing a trim. :) I kept getting interrupted and ever time I went back to mow this big square of lawn, it had moved. To one side of the shopping center, then the other. I went into one of our neighbors' offices at the shopping center at one point, a tax preparer's office, just to chat. My stomach started growling very loudly at one point, so I apologized and stepped out. The other interruptions, I don't remember. Dark clouds were in the sky at one point, the rest of the time it was sunny in my dream. It just bugged me that I couldn't get finished with the lawn.

I'm not in business with that roommate and doubt we would be. I think I understand the meaning of the bit in the tax preparer's office, in that there have been some financial troubles that have been "hard to digest." :) Not specifically re taxes, but job loss.

Seems to be a lot of different meanings in dream dictionaries of whether dreaming of mowing the lawn is good or bad.

Thanks, to anyone who tries to interpret!

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