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Topics - FreakedOutFee

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Dream Interpretation / Black Goat Dream with Disturbing Twist
« on: January 23, 2014, 03:36:37 AM »

Hi Mr. Crisp. I just woke up from a disturbing dream, researched, and found you. I hope you might be able to explain….
In my dream, I was asleep. I awoke to the sensation of someone nursing at my breast although I haven't breastfed in over 10 years. I opened my eyes and I see a black goat. I remember thinking, why does he persist? There's no milk to be had. But the longer he continues, I realized I enjoy it and am NOT disturbed by it. I touch his head, his hair feels like silk. I glanced up at the lamp on my dresser because I see something move and it looks like a very large rat on the shade but it’s in shadows so I can't make it out. My attention is drawn back to my billy goat. I make him let go of one and he moans (not an animalistic sound!) and take the other and BAM! I am thrown into full blown release! I try to get him to move his forelegs but he refuses to let me up and I get the feeling that he wanted so much more from me, that he wanted to DO so much more TO me. Immediately after that, I wake up for real because I am prone to Charlie Horses and had to jump up to stretch one out. I am extremely freaked out by this because all my life, I’ve been taught that the black goat in a dream is evil and when the tone is sexual, he wishes to copulate with you! I never quite believed it but this dream was disturbing! In reading through your links, I’ve been attempting the “Talking as a Dream Character” idea. I don’t know if it’s because I have no practice, but I am seeing nothing. Maybe I am still a little too disturbed? If it helps to have more information on me, I do have a high drive. Am I simply sexually repressed? That doesn’t feel like it could be the whole answer. Maybe part, but not the whole. Any insight would be much appreciated!

Thank You,


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