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Dream Interpretation / Dreams of a white horse
« on: May 10, 2011, 12:46:05 AM »
Hi, just wanted some help in understanding two dreams I had about a white horse with wings (not a Unicorn).
The first dream: My husband were walking along a country road and stopped at a place with a Hindu Temple but we did not enter the Temple. We walked along the building and came across a pond. The water initially looked dark green but as I got closer the water was clear and I saw miniature creatures floating above the water. A miniature marble looking white horse with wings in a bubble of water floated up to my face and hovered there. Then the earth shook and the ground opened to let out horses pulling a carriage followed by skeletal demons with swords. A sword instantly appeared in my husband's hands and he fought them, I yelled for us to run but strangely enough I was not scared, then I woke up.

The second dream: I was not asleep, but my eyes were closed and I saw a red light in the midst of darkness. The light grew to a big circle and it was pulsating. I saw something coming out of it, then a white wing blocked my vision. I opened my eyes and closed them again only to see a huge white horse with wings hovering and looking at me. I opened my eyes again and have not dreamt/seen the white horse since.

What does it mean. Does a white horse with wings signify something?

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