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Dream Interpretation / Re: School dream
« on: February 10, 2015, 06:20:04 PM »

That helps too   :)

How old are you ?

Dream Interpretation / Re: School dream
« on: February 10, 2015, 06:17:30 PM »

That helps  ;D

Why do you feel pain about this relationship?

Dream Interpretation / Re: School dream
« on: February 10, 2015, 06:12:16 PM »
  ;D ;D ;D

Let us make a resume first for you use so little words in your posts. That is why I reckoned you had troubles with the english language.

Do you love someone?
Do you feel that love is carmic?
Do you have a relationship with this person?
Do you feel pain about this relationship?

Dream Interpretation / Re: School dream
« on: February 10, 2015, 05:18:55 PM »

I dont understand that... !? Translated !

Trev  :) What other language do you speak besides english? I could try to explain to you what I mean
in Dutch, German or Spanish.

Anna :-)

Dream Interpretation / Re: School dream
« on: February 10, 2015, 02:05:14 PM »

Trev  :) You wrote:
My Love is Carmic.

As I see it, the sadiron - sad iron -
The sadiron — whose name derives from the Old English word “sald,” meaning solid — first appeared in the 17th century
  is a sign that the carmic love,
comes with a lot of carmic pain.

You can work your way through that pain without having a relationship with the person for whom you feel
this "carmic love".
Your INNER work will free both of you from a long cycle of "love" (what is love?) and pain.

Anna :-)

Dream Interpretation / Re: meeting the fool in white
« on: February 10, 2015, 01:12:00 PM »

Tony  :) I love it how you are always able to refine "my stuff", based on your own experiences.

So far you have been a wonderful "training adult" and I am grateful that we can continue
with each other.

Thank you also for your patience with the tricks I played on you  :'(
I am glad you understood.

Anna :-)

Dream Interpretation / Re: Mokey's Dreams
« on: February 10, 2015, 12:34:29 PM »
I wonder if this is where you could learn to think outside of the box?

Mokey  :) I always need some time myself to understand what i write down  ;)

As I see it:
In the second part of the dream you identify with your mother role and with doing that you
dissociate your daughter from you (again), for you are upstairs and she is downstairs.

It is a process to learn to become an observer - observers do not think inside of the box, for the observer is beyond it - for you are both the mother AND the child.

I think it is helpful for you to go back into this part of the dream and take the role of observer.

I had no problems seeing what your dream expresses in this second part - and I am only still learning too - so I trust as an observer you can see it yourself  :)

Anna :-)


Tony - Thanks for enabling me to read Language - foreign or strange  :)

processing dreams and speaking links do not work in this entry.
I could find these two links though with the search option, so it was not a mission impossible as with the entry Language - foreign or strange.

It IS a never ending work  ;D and I feel we have not touched the core of this yet.

I dream in four languages and I do not know what is behind the choice for each language.

I like to look again with you at a dream with a pool and me using the spanish language in that dream.

Anna :-)

Dream Interpretation / Re: Mokey's Dreams
« on: February 10, 2015, 10:11:06 AM »

And Mokey  :) It is out of this wonderful Nothingness that we create our self; a new self  :D

Your dream genius "pieced that self together" for you already, for it has more information than you have.

So you can TRUST IT and cross the choppy water   :D

Anna :-)

Dream Interpretation / Re: Mokey's Dreams
« on: February 10, 2015, 09:50:26 AM »

Mokey  :)

I think this is more confirmation that I am looking after my inner child now, the wounded part of me

I wonder if this is where you could learn to think outside of the box? There is no sign of a wounded child
in this dream anymore  :D

Anna :-)

Dream Interpretation / Re: The Shape-Shifting Large Brown Owl
« on: February 09, 2015, 04:34:20 PM »

Hall of Gems  :) Welcome. I like your name. I "googled" it and I liked what I found:

The  Hall of Gems exhibits an array of precious and ornamental stones—uncut, polished, and even a few set in elaborate pieces of jewelry—as well as organic materials such as coral and amber that are prized as gems.

Do you perceive your inner life that way? As in some parts are still uncut, some are polished and some
are elaborate pieces of jewelry?

I like to enter your dream and see what arises. I am still learning  :)

You are the owl and a wise part of you helped you enter your unconscious mind. All you needed was to be lift up a bit and then it was easy for you to find your way to your memories of your childhood home in your unconscious mind.

There is a great willingness in you to look at what happened there without judging it.

Once you had seen the tree-house, you became lucid in your dream. This means that you were able to look
at your childhood experiences without them being wrapped up in symbols; you cracked the dream code in your dream.  :)

Because of your looking at your mother and because of your coming to a point of understanding without blaming or judging, the owl transformed into "something" in between "you and your mother" and it left
you feeling a solid love, which cannot be damaged.

You were then able to fly high, for you have managed to rise above the damage you received in your childhood.

If there are things which you sense do not apply at all, then please accept that I was at these moments looking into a mirror you hold up for me.

Anna :-)

Dream Interpretation / Re: meeting the fool in white
« on: February 08, 2015, 07:57:02 PM »
Dreamtime  :)

Also, when I looked up the naval uniforms I found an image of a man in a similar uniform and it was said to be the full dress white uniform worn for a ‘Change of Command Ceremony’, which seems to fit with the change of command and perception going on within right now.

I came across that meaning too and I wonder what the change of command means to youi?

You ARE writing a wonderful myth and I wonder if the fool is there to help you to not take it all too

Anna :-)

Dream Interpretation / Re: Mokey's Dreams
« on: February 08, 2015, 03:21:14 PM »

Mokey  :) I like to take a try with your dream, for "it speaks to me". I know you will take into account that I am still learning too and that some of what I see will be my own looking into the mirror you hold up to me.
So please take the best and leave the rest for me  ;)

I see the man on top of the box as your animus who is guiding you into your unconscious mind again.
He knows that there is nothing to be afraid of and that there is no need to take it too seriously what you have to face and "somewhere" you know he is right, because you perceive the box you are in as "a secure box type carrier".
Another way of looking at this symbol:
you are still thinking "out of the same box" and perhaps it would be helpful to allow yourself to learn to think a bit more "outside of the box"? It is a process though  :)

I see your daughter Poppy as a symbol of the work you did
I also healed my childhood issues that were still lingering.
She is a symbol of strength and confidence and she waves at you to let you know she is doing fine.

The second part of the dream shows once again the confidence of Poppy, the newly healed part in you.  The next step is to look for new ways - the shop - to deal with this part of you.
With every new step - whether it is looking at our past to heal it or taking the next step towards integrating our new part in our behaviour - we have to go through some fear. I trust that is only human.
Perhaps the woman asks you to question yourself "where you are on your journey" and why you still do not feel safe?

I see the third part of your dream as a symbol of your not being aware yet "where you are with your self", it is still a secret island.
I have often experienced myself that by integrating those healed parts I have to go through choppier water than with healing those parts. So perhaps that is what you perceive too?
Perhaps that is what the grey storm refers to as well, and the promise that once you have reached the island that you will reach "the blue skies"?
I like to use Tony's symbol of the blue skies:

The first time for me, as described in Life's Little Secrets, was like falling into the unknown without others around who knew the way. But somehow I had a great sense or feeling that I could trust the process.
The love felt is what I call finding the Blue Skies.

Looking at the drama taking place in your own life that you may have overlooked.

I wonder if what you "missed" is the next step?
Perhaps you thought that "when the healing of my mind is done, I am done with it all the way"?

It is worth to give birth to this child "into the world" after you have healed your mind and there is a beautiful island waiting for you to be occupied.

Island in stormy sea: Personality traits such as independence and self assurance that give strength amidst difficult emotions and turbulence.

As is the castle once you have reached it:

Castles often have memories or associations with fairy tales or myths, and so can point to important changes going on in you. The castle of the Sleeping Beauty for instance that is a wonder of information. If, in reading the story, you have no previously discovered the ideas relating to an unconscious, hidden part of you, with its promise of greater love, wisdom and beauty, then you have just heard the legend. But you have not heard the legend unless feelings have stirred in you telling you there is a ‘sleeping beauty’ to discover. The legend is the dim, subtle, difficult to prove feelings and hopes within us, that suggest a greater beauty sleeps and can be found. The legend is those hopes that tell us there is more in life if we would only search for it.

Anna :-)

Dream Interpretation / Re: meeting the fool in white
« on: February 07, 2015, 11:24:41 PM »
Dreamtime  :)

I suppose you did look at the meaning of white clothes in the dictionary and could not find what you were
looking for yet?

White clothes: A sense of wholeness; purity or marriage. Attitudes that express or allow a lot of your core energy.

Since the fool is an archetype and therefore part of our collective unconscious where every information can be found, perhaps your dream figure chose the white uniform because it knew of the nickname it has?


Summer White Service
The Summer White Service uniform (formerly known as Tropical White Long; nicknamed the "milkman" and "Good Humor") consists of a short-sleeved white button-up shirt worn open-collared, white trousers and belt, and white dress shoes.

Since a nick name is very unique, perhaps that is what you sensed about the uniform?

Anna :-)

Dream Interpretation / Re: School dream
« on: February 06, 2015, 09:46:02 PM »

Tony - An interesting movie trailer  :)

It is only now that I have come to understand that I only respond to posts when I feel I have to.

The movie trailer reminded me of something I wrote to someone "for Christmas" last year. She writes a blog and I felt like commenting on one of her posts.
I taught myself some interesting lessons with that comment:

Have you ever been aware of the difference between a fear of your own personal mind and the fear of the collective unconscious, which fear is beyond any rational understanding?
Have you ever been aware of the fastness with which you project our collective fear onto something or someone in your own mind, repress that and then project it onto the world?
I wonder if you are able to decide otherwise when you can manage to stretch the time between the moment you become aware of our collective fear in our collective unconscious and the moment you project it onto your own mind?
And if you cannot catch that first moment of projection, if you can catch it when you project it out into the world?
I have reached the understanding that it is more helpful to deal with the fear which is part of our collective unconscious WITHOUT projecting it. Somewhat like:
“Fear is and then we cease to speak”, for it is as much beyond our personal understanding as God IS.
Making fear less abstract by projecting it onto something non abstract, because we believe it is more easy to deal with then, is perhaps not the best way?
I wish you a Very Merry Christmas.

It was an eyeopener to me to uncover what fear is actually.
If we would understand fear, can we then all become "divergents"?

Anna :-)

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