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Messages - - anna -

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Healing Dreams / Re: Healing of Myself
« on: September 28, 2014, 03:19:03 PM »

Thank you for allowing me to "shop with you".


Healing Dreams / Re: Healing of Myself
« on: September 28, 2014, 05:51:44 AM »

I walk behind a shopping cart in what I believe is a small supermarket. There are two cooling shelves right opposite each other. I think there is meat on the shelves.

Each cooling shelf has two shelves which have "day tags" on it. One tag says "Thursday" and one says "Friday".
I am looking for the "Wednesday" shelf, but I cannot find it. Then I realise that it is already Wednesday and so I have to buy meat (?) from the Thursday and Friday shelf.

Then I continue - without a shopping cart - and I am in what looks more like a living room than a supermarket. I pass through an open door and glance inside. I see an unmade bed in the room and I reckon it must be the private department of the shopowner. I immediately look away again, because I think the private room of the shop owner is none of my business.

Then I continue - now I carry a plastic, orange wicker basket - and all of a sudden I realise that I must be in a house from someone, having believed it is a supermarket.
I do not want to be caught by the owner and so I rather call the owner so I can explain it all. I call "hello" and immediately a to me unknown woman enters the living room.
Then I wake up.

Healing Dreams / Re: Healing of Myself
« on: September 25, 2014, 08:43:46 AM »

Tony - Thank you for sharing what you see. I like it  :) and I will practice it:

And so I will put my thoughts together with your thoughts in a wicker basket, hand it over to my inner growth and step back.


Healing Dreams / Re: Healing of Myself
« on: September 25, 2014, 05:50:36 AM »

-Tony Crisp

2014-09-24 10:29:08

An Unfinished Story

After that I can’t account for my movements. I can only describe the images indelibly imprinted in my emotion. No, that’s not right. It feels to me they were carved into my body. The earth writhed and surged. Suddenly it was no longer earth but a great snake, as long as several men, powerful, devastating. But it was white. The sort of white some men’s flesh is when never exposed to the sun and they are dying. And that creature lifted out of the earth and looked at me. Such was my state of mind that the eyes may have considered me for hours, cocked and frozen, or perhaps a split second. I don’t know. But I am certain there was intelligence there, of a sort I had never encountered before. It was ancient and impersonal. I had the impression of it being more than it’s body, as if it were a power, the power of impersonal nature itself which can create the miracle of a new-born baby, then eat it alive with a strange disease, or crush it with an earthquake.



2014-09-24 20:53:07

Tony – You took me with you in the tunnel. And my energy was all focused in one point, untill we entered the open area:

“Through the door was a huge area maybe a hundred feet square. It had most likely been used for storage at one time, with raised areas for loading and a many arched roof supported by columns”.

It was at that point that I lost my energy being in one point and I could only regain that focus again when we were back in the tunnel again.

I did not leave the tunnel yet and I will explore it in my dream tonight to see what I have hidden there.


P.S. I do believe the story is worth it to be finished.

I see "light threads" travel through space. There are smaller ones and larger ones. It comes with the sentence: "Dandelions through space".

Tony - When I woke up the first memory was of a painting I had made with dandelions on it. I will send it to you.
If the dream had not come with the sentence, I would not have been able to see that it where dandelions, for it was far more abstract than my painting and I would not have recognized dandelions in the light threads.

I do not know what it means this dream. To me infinite space is the opposite of being in a tunnel, although I see both as symbols of the unconscious mind.
Perhaps the dream was merely a reflection of what I had perceived - and often perceive in my communication with you - as the infinite directions I can see in front of me of "where to go with what Tony has shared", in this case your unfinished story?
I do not know why that happens sometimes, for other times I can just "walk along with you"; as in the direction is clear because there is no other direction possible.

Perhaps the space dream was a flight out of the tunnel?

Perhaps a better approach is to weed the dandelions before they grow to seed?

Any help is appreciated.


Healing Dreams / Re: Healing of Myself
« on: September 24, 2014, 03:15:38 PM »
Thank you Tony  :)

I will make a start with this first and read your unfinished story later.

I am grateful that you put in words for me, where I did not manage to break through my resistance. I did get the first part:

I think it depicts the power of the unconscious when it is not dealt with well

it was here where I had trouble seeing:

and understood it has the power to tear down your personality with madness.

To my "clean and respectable part" this whole episode in my life was a horror.

I like to see it as that the unconscious has the power to tear down the personality. To me the "with madness" is somewhat limited.
When I went through that episode, which started in Temecula, my personality was teared down with everything imaginable. That is how I still perceive it when looking back. To me the only part which was still "available" was the observer, most of the time in what I perceived as a heightened sense of awareness.

I made one promise to myself: this never again.

And because of this promise I wonder if this approach in my dream:

I pull the child who twists the arm away from the other child.

will have the same result as your experience in your dream:

Then I saw Christ standing on my right, and the terrifying woman on my left, and they came together and the evil was neutralised - but so was the power of Christ.


Healing Dreams / Re: Healing of Myself
« on: September 24, 2014, 09:42:23 AM »

Tony - Thank you for sharing your dream  :) I did not want to ask you, for although your motivation to not share the dream sensed somewhat strange,
The other dream was also life changing but too long to quote
I did want to respect your choice.

There is one part of the way you describe your dream which I cannot get a clear picture of:

I felt there was enough power to tear down my house if I had used it as an anchor.

What does this inner picture look like? What is the "it" that you saw?


Healing Dreams / Re: Healing of Myself
« on: September 24, 2014, 07:03:26 AM »
Tony - There was a moment in the dream which skipped my attention and which I was only able to retrieve this morning when I went back into the dream again.

The whole picture of the dream:

I see two children. I do not see what gender they are. One of the children secretly (behind one's back) twists the left arm of the other child behind his/her back. Although it must hurt, the other child does not move.
I pull the child who twists the arm away from the other child.

I identify with the clean and respectful child and so I am angry with the natural impulses child. I show that anger by squeezing the arm of the natural impulses child when I pull her/him away.
I become aware that someone is observing me and I change my approach.

I tell the animal impulses child that I love him/her and that this is not the way we deal with each other.


“When you are a Bear of Very Little Brain
and you Think of Things
you find sometimes that a Thing
which seemed very Thingish inside you
is quite different
when it gets out into the open
and has other people looking at it.”

― A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh


The fact that light is both a wave and a particle is astonishing enough. More astonishing is the fact that its nature changes according to the way we observe it.

If I am a "being of light" and I observe while identifying with one of the "children" or "that what I have created in my mind", then this way of observing will change the nature of what I observe. This change, which is not a real change, has kept me imprisoned because I believed I had to choose either one of my two children/creations in my mind.

Because I cannot observe my observer, I needed you as an observer.
Since you were able to observe the whole picture - that is not only the two creations in my mind, but also my observer - I was able to escape from this "either/or" choice which kept me going around in circles, without getting anywhere.

With this in mind I wonder if the "clean and respectable child" is merely paralyzed, because in order to preserve its status quo, there are no observers allowed.?
I could not find the last part of the question yet and so I wrote "there are no observers allowed". I do believe it is a good question though.


Healing Dreams / Re: Healing of Myself
« on: September 23, 2014, 04:03:35 PM »

I lay down and ask for a dream:

I see two children. I do not see what gender they are. One of the children secretely (behind one's back) twists the left arm of the other child behind his/her back. Although it must hurt, the other child does not move.
I pull the child who twists the arm away from the other child. I tell the child that I love him/her and that this is not the way we deal with each other. I am aware that someone (no gender known either) is observing me.

Tony - I experience the dream as that the secret (unaware) fight between my natural impulses and my clean and respectable (paralyzed) part are brought into the light, without judging one or the other, which is for me the way to heal.
Along with your post I was enabled to take back the projections I had on the outside world, eiter perceiving the natural impulses in others or the clean and respectable part.
My role in the dream is that of an observer, not identifying with any of these two children.
By giving to you, I have made you into an observer who can more easily see "the whole picture", because I definitely have my blind spots.


Healing Dreams / Re: Healing of Myself
« on: September 23, 2014, 11:13:19 AM »
On one side of us is our own natural urges and being, and on the other side is what the social norm is, the enormous social pressure. People tend to side with one or the other. If we side with our natural impulses which are often our animal instincts to get food or sex and survive with anger, and so often end up with a battle with others than can never been won.

On the other side is the person who is so clean and respectable they even smell like they have just come out of the dry cleaners. They are so sure of themselves and never break the rules that sometimes they are stuck in beliefs that are paralysing.

Tony - Thank you  :) As a true libra I have been at both ends of the scale, either battling with the part of myself in others who represented the "clean and respectable" part of me or looking "clean and respectable" - at a huge distance in order to not be contaminated - at those who represented my natural impulses.

You provided me with a deeper understanding of what went on in my life and in my interactions with what I had perceived as "others".

I now want to grow into the more healthy alternative:

But there is a way in the middle that you can see being used by those who are living from their own nature, but expressing it in a socially acceptable way - like musicians, artists, and those who create from their vision instead of fighting everyone.

The thing is to sing out about what you are.


Dream Interpretation / Re: Open wound dream
« on: August 11, 2014, 05:27:42 PM »

Ticice  :)

I am glad you found a tool/means which works for you.
Have a nice flight.


Dream Interpretation / Re: Open wound dream
« on: August 11, 2014, 10:02:03 AM »

Ticice  :)

I like to think that it is important to some part inside you, for otherwise you would not have dreamed about it.

I like to think that "how to find out" is when you set the intention to find out in a helpful way, meaning "I want to uncover the memory I repressed, which is the cause of my sadness and tears, so I can let it go and live a more confident and loving life.

I like to think that it does work for some of us, to just delete it for good, as in set the intention to let go of the whole story which caused the wound, without knowing what happened.
It is what I wanted for myself for a long time, for I thought it was the most practical and most easy approach towards the wounds we all receive in our formative years.
For me it did not work so far, and so I continue to uncover the story and then let it go.

I hope this helps a bit.


Questions about dreams / Re: what does it mean
« on: July 30, 2014, 09:58:32 AM »
Pixxy - I would like to ask you a question about your dream, I hope you do not mind.
I like your dream and especially the symbols of both the white owl and the old lady sitting on the fence resonate in me.

I read in Tony's dictionary what the meaning is of sitting on the fence, I discovered that it is even an english expression, which I did not know:

If you are sitting on the fence, it shows you attempting to avoid decision or action.

I do not know in what circumstances you received the dream and so I would like to ask you if it could be possible that the dream shows you that it is wisdom to refrain from any decision or action at this moment in your life?

Both symbols of wisdom - the white owl and the old lady - sitting on the fence remind me of Hexagram 64 the first line:

1.Don’t be tempted to rush ahead when there is so much opportunity here. Take in the situation carefully and watch for the right moment.

Could it be that you see/sense both sources of "intelligent guiding" - the white owl and the old lady - as equals, reason why the owl and the lady have the same seize?



Navkanth  :)

Thank you for the "more information".

I focused on your inner process of a loving acceptance of your inner feminine qualities, because I trust it will change your attitude towards any woman in your outer world.

I see it as that that a predictive value is in some way related to what is happening in the outside world.

I do not know how to see two people, one madly in love and one definitely interested, who are not able to speak with each other.

However, perhaps you did sense it all right and words were not needed.


- anna -

Navkanth  :)

It all depends:


Girl Girls

Female under the age of thirteen: Feelings; emotional self; young sexuality; vulnerability.

In male’s dream: Emotions; sexual feelings; daughter. But a young girl can also be used to depict a new pattern, a new opportunity to relate to a female. In contrast to an old woman, the girl is a shift from old patterns of relationship you may have developed with your mother or a wife. So she could represent a development in you away from old and perhaps destructive patterns. See Anima

In a female’s dream: Oneself at that age – whether older of younger; feelings about sister or daughter; the aspect of oneself portrayed by the girl – as in following example. The young girl, depending on your age, could depict a new aspect of yourself emerging or being met. See Characters and People in Dreams



A woman in a woman’s dream: An aspect of yourself, but often a facet of you that is not immediately identified with. See example below.

Woman in a man’s dream: This is fundamentally about your felt relationship with a particular woman, or women in general. What is happening in the dream will depict the aspect of relationship being illustrated. The dreamer’s present relationship with his own feelings and intuitive self; his sensitivity and contact with his unconscious through receptivity; or how he is relating to his female partner. The latter is especially so if the woman in the dream is his partner.


Hit Hitting

Apart from aggressiveness, you may hit on an idea, hit on the answer.



Acceptance of what is being kissed – Pat in the example mentioned below, accepts or allows her sexuality depicted by the cat. It can also be a sign or sexual agreement, tenderness or a movement toward unity.

In a sense, a kiss is always a merging with the person or creature who is the dream character. Because we are always inside of ourselves male and female and also everything we dream about, it may therefore show merging more fully with these other sides of you. Or if it is the same sex kiss, then you are merging with your own self image.

When you are a man:
I see your two dreams as a process of growing more fully into the relationship you have with your feminine side, as in from rejection towards a loving acceptance.

I suppose the woman is over 13 years of age, and in that case I would question why you see her as a girl.

I see it as that no matter what will come of this relationship with this (young?) woman in the outer world, your reaching out to her by writing her a letter started a process in your inner world.

I hope this helps.

- anna -

Dream Interpretation / Re: Hairy forearms triangle
« on: July 04, 2014, 11:20:05 PM »
Ticice  :)

Who is shooting at you and with what purpose?

Shooting Shot

A hurt received, or given. Fears or worries about death. The destruction of a part of yourself by another which is demanding energies in an aggressive way.

Being shot: A traumatic injury to feelings, often out of parental or other close relationship. It need not be something dramatic like being assaulted, but can be a quiet injury like not bonding emotionally with parents, or feeling as if you have been a target for other peoples ridicule. Occasionally a bullet wound suggests some sort of illness in the part of the body indicated. It can often depict critical remarks that are deeply wounding. So the criticism is felt as an attack.

But being shot can also indicate penetration, the breaking through your barriers of old patterns of thinking and feeling, to allow something more into your life. It may be painful but growing or being enlarged is often like that.

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