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Topics - Nuke90

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General Discussion / Am I Losing Control??
« on: May 16, 2015, 03:19:15 AM »
This evening I was sleeping and I had a peculiar dream. In this dream it was sunny outside. I was biking down an extremely steep hill and there was a bunch of traffic around. Half way down the hill, my handlebars the bar holding them comes off. I still surpassed all cars and did not get hit. I attach the handle bars back on and I go on this BMX type of incline. I go up on this incline and I land in a body of water while still holding on to my bike. The water was completely clear and I was just floating along for about a few minutes. A group of people close by on a dock type of contraption, pulled me out of the water and I was completely dry along with my belongs in my bag and my bike was fixed. I'm not sure what this signifies since every interpretation I have read was not good and I'm also female, if that helps.


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