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Messages - Dakota

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Dream Interpretation / Re: Red bird
« on: August 10, 2011, 03:45:35 PM »
Dear Dreamhawk and Mooky,

Well, this is why we all post our dreams here. What a wonderful way to approach the dream Mooky had. So  much there to be able to meditate on and integrate into her waking life. Thank you Tony for sharing a 'wider awareness with all of us "Newbies"'.

Mooky, I hope you can spend some time really working with the deeper levels of your dream as T suggests. If you go exploring, surely there are new revelations to be found. I believe that your dream was a huge gifting and that the Red Bird is now a spirit ally of yours, if you choose to claim it.


Dream Interpretation / Re: The Redtail Gifting
« on: August 10, 2011, 03:39:10 PM »
No, T, it is not strange to me at all that the Dreamhawk is still able to fly with Creator. Not strange at all.

I am grateful for the gift of/for you

Sweet Dreams.....

Greetings / Re: Hi All
« on: August 09, 2011, 03:03:14 PM »
Hi Mooky,

I have found that my dreams fall into 2 big categories, the little dreams and the Bi Dreams. Now, I am sure there is important stuff in eery dream, but some leave me with such a powerful sense of joy , awe, and/or wonder that it sets them apart. I try to write up all of the Big Dreams. It helps me to give them a name or title. Then I try to go back into them in meditation to mine them for more information. Tony has lots of information on his site how to explore them.

Sweet Dreams!

Dream Interpretation / Re: The Redtail Gifting
« on: August 08, 2011, 06:28:13 PM »
Dear DreamHawk,

Thank you for the insight. And of course I have taken it all home, to the DreamLodge where it is all growing and healing..... Visited just this morning to do a healing with our Hawk on a 16 year old boy from long ago.... It was lovely....

Thank God it is all real. I always believed it was.


Dream Interpretation / Re: Red bird
« on: August 08, 2011, 06:23:21 PM »

Lovely. Focus where your heart leads you.

And thank you so much for Zitkala-Sa. Surely she is a spirit sister of mine....I will follow her shadows to see where they lead.


Finally found the 'coffee table book'.

Its "Australian Dreaming, 40,000 years of Aboriginal History" by Jennifer Isaacs. It was recently reprinted. I haven't seen the new version but the original was amazing!

Dream Interpretation / Re: Red bird
« on: August 08, 2011, 02:01:20 PM »
Hi Mooky,

Very interesting that we have some similar themes running through these two dreams. I don't know what it means, but I am keeping open to the threads that seem similar.

I carry some native american teachings. In my teacher's tradition, Thunderhawk (yes...yes, Dreamhawk, Thunderhawk, Sisterhawk!), Red is a wonderful color. Yes, because it is the color of blood, which is the gifting of Life for us as two leggeds, but importantly it is the color of the Good Red Road, the path of goodness, which requires dedication and sacrifice. It is an honor to be following the Red path. And birds have wings and fly in the air where they are closer to Creator, often carrying our prayers to Creator. So I would see the Red Bird as a very special blessing indeed.

I think that symbols in our life mean different things to each of us. While it is always good to look at other's interpretations of symbols in your dreams or meditations, many of us prefer to connect with our own meanings. That is why it can be so helpful to write them down and reflect on them. It is certainly helpful to work with others and use resources like Tony's Dream Dictionary,(you can find the link on the Dreamhawk site; it is very extensive) but in the end it is your dream, and your associations are extremely important.

As to both of our birds turning into black cats, well, I am going to have to ponder that. Cats eat birds, and carry very different medicine, so it is an interesting puzzle.

 Anytime I dream of Hawks, which is often, it is a spiritual gift for me. That is my own vocabulary. You will need to develop yours. I again would encourage you to re-enter that dream in meditation if you wish, meet your bird again and ask him/her what s/he is sharing with you. Those who work with animal medicine develop relationship with their dream animals who may be guides in their lives. Just a possibility.....

That's a lot for now.


Dream Interpretation / Re: Bottom Step is Alligator
« on: August 08, 2011, 01:39:31 PM »
Here is an excerpt from something Tony wrote in another dream interp (Was it a dream?) regarding crocodile mothers:

"Western science has in the past painted a picture for us that suggested nature and the universe is one vast impersonal and almost mechanical process. When you travel beyond the frontier of your own personality and contact the life that gives you existence, a completely different viewpoint emerges. What you find is the mysterious love that leads a crocodile mother to carry her babies in her mouth unharmed. You discover the wonder that drives birds to fly hundreds or thousands of miles to an exact location to mate again with their dedicated partner. You meet the indescribable beauty that lies behind a flower’s miracle of colour and intricacy. You meet the creative impulse of the universe that has woven your being throughout eternity. You exist beyond Time and Space."  TC

The full entry is worth reading.


Dream Interpretation / Re: Red bird
« on: August 06, 2011, 01:37:22 PM »
Mookie, What a wonderful dream. I am so glad you have recorded it. I have just posted a recent dream of mine here, Redtail Gifting, which seems similar in many ways, and affected me the way you describe. It was more vivid than real life, and the wonder of the bird trusting me, the fulfilled longing that quenched, and the sense that I had been very blessed by the dream are things you also experienced. You can go back into your dream in a meditation and hae that lucid encounter with your Red Bird as you are hoping for in dreams.


Dream Interpretation / The Redtail Gifting
« on: August 05, 2011, 04:25:47 PM »
So, Dreamhawk, As you thought you had commented on this, but I never received it, I would love to hear your thoughts on this wonderful dream I had.  Thank you for being so giving here with your time and experience. Blessings.....

The Redtail Gifting

July 15, 2011

I was at an outdoor stadium of sorts with UCLA athletics friends and Sam. It was summer and we were talking about the upcoming move temporarily to another football stadium and how bad the staff seats should be. I was musing that maybe we should pay for an upgrade when one of the staff said, “Your seats will be good. There’s a little heart shaped section of good seats for the senior staff”. I thought, ‘Its good to be Queen”, or some such sentiment. Just then a huge hawk came flying by, low and close to the high edge of the outdoor venue we were sitting at. Some other bird, or creature was chasing it in flight, and as it came close, in full flight with those gorgeous, enormous wings, I jumped up from my seat and extended my left arm. I was surprised as it turned towards me, clipped its wing a bit on the glass screen under the arena covering and flew into the seat area.

The other animal did not pursue. As I extended my arm, the Hawks hooked its talons tightly onto my fingers and held on tightly. I was stunned and exhilarated. Arm raised with the Hawk standing on it, I immediately I stood on the back of the stadium chair before me and then climbed onto another and another to get away from the other people and give the hawk the most space to be able to take flight again. The hawk held its very tight grip on me. Then something wondrous happened. I cannot remember exactly how, but the living bird’s spirit transmuted out of the hawk body I held on my hand and spirited away. I did not really see it fly, but I spied it, featherless covered in a white down in a eucalyptus tree far away, while the fully feathered body stay clinging to me. I worried that the featherless bird might die now, and wondered if it had wings to still fly, but it seemed large and healthy and I made peace with the way things had happened.

I realized I had just been gifted by Creator an entire Retail hawk to partner with  in Ceremony. Sam said to me, "You better get those wings spread out right away”, and indicated we should leave immediately, and I knew he was correct. But I was a bit stunned and felt we should stay at the game till the end.

Shortly after, the bird’s carcass had morphed into my black cat. Still sitting in my stadium seat I held him, spiritless, yet still warm in my arms, caressing him and laying my cheek upon his soft fur. Again, Sam warned me to be careful, that the animal may not be completely dead yet, and no sooner had he said that, then my cat took a few labored breaths, hissed at me and started to scratch me. I let Him leap off my lap.

Then I realized what had happened; that the Hawk’s spirit had flown out of the hawk body and transmuted into the downy white SpiritHawk using the body of my cat somehow. I realized that I was meant to have the full Redtail body and began gathering my things to go home and lay out the wings. I placed the hawk body gently in a blue silk sleeve bag and then in my larger satchel. I could see rigormortis setting in and realized Sam had been right and we should have left right away. A women and her friend came up to me and asked if I was all right. It had been an amazing sight to see me standing on the back of the chair, arm extended and the large Redtail perching upon it. I could sense she was going to ask me for a feather, but I knew I wanted to keep all of this bird together as a sacred gifting, and not start plucking and giving away feathers. She never asked that, but I volunteered that I was fine, that I had dreamt of this type of thing often so I was ready when it happened. I also told them that it was a huge blessing and gifting and that the Native Americans use the feathers in prayer.

They left and I again went to gather my things to leave. A man and his friend had already come to take my seat for the next event. Now I found that the bird was out of the satchel and lying a bit stiff and slightly squashed under my seat. I picked it up worriedly and wondered how I could have been so careless with it, and again I felt it still warm and placed it in the blue silk sleeve and the bag and left the stadium to go home.

I awoke at that time and realized it had been a dream. It had been so real that I had no idea I was in a dream and while exhilarated, I was a bit sad that it hadn’t happened in the physical world. I do know that it was a huge and wonderful dream of the sort I haven’t experienced for a while, and I feel very humble that my Dreamtime Spirits love me and continue to gift me with many amazing blessings.

As the Dreamhawk, I thought I should share this with you.

Xoxo SisterHawk  

Greetings / Re: Dakota in from Lodge
« on: August 05, 2011, 04:20:50 PM »
Its good to have finally found it. You referred to it, but I never quite caught on. I'll post the Redtail dream here as you suggested. Aho.....

Dream Interpretation / Re: Bottom Step is Alligator
« on: August 05, 2011, 04:18:46 PM »
I think this is a wonderful dream to mine. Alligators are often symbols of fertility and female powers. They are incredibly strong, agile and confident in both the watery (emotional) world as well as on land (the physical realm). They are ancient inhabitants of this planet and with them carry that wisdom. Stepping out of the House (familiar territory) down literally into older, hidden or secretive emotions is something to explore.

Hi Daniel,

There is a very good book, Aboriginal Dreaming, by James Cowan that has a very good introduction to this. Also, many years ago there was a very large 'coffee table' book called The Dreamtime, or something like that that had pictures which truly evoked the power of that way of knowing. I have been searching for a copy of that book for decades, to no avail, but it was a powerful visual tool of understanding. Good luck to you!


Greetings / Dakota in from Lodge
« on: August 02, 2011, 04:22:11 PM »
Hello Fellow Dreamers,

I have only just found this DreamLodge where I see my Great Teacher is holding a Circle. I look forward to sharing this part of the journey with you and learning many new things while rediscovering the old....

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