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Topics - Tony Crisp

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Dream Interpretation / Dream of Father Passed Away
« on: September 27, 2018, 09:50:02 AM »
I know I dream often.  Remember having dreams and if I were to write them down immediately upon waking I know I could have some of them captured.  However, within minutes of waking I know I had a dream but don't remember any details.

Recently I did have a dream and as much as I remember there were lots of details...I only remember a very little bit of it.  The bit I do remember is puzzling. 

My dad died just 4 months ago.  I have not had a relationship with him for over 30 years.  At one point I was daddy's little girl (until mid teens).  I did go and see him two days before he passed...first contact I had made in many many years.  I had a brother that was about 3 years older than me and only lived for a month.  The part of the dream that is very "real" was my dad driving...he wasn't here on earth..it was different, and he was telling me he was going to pick up my brother at school.  All I can get from this is that a message was being sent to me that my dad and brother have reunited.  Perhaps if I could remember the rest of the dream I would understand better.

I'm puzzled!


Healing Dreams / A Charging Bull
« on: September 17, 2018, 11:31:06 AM »
In the dream, I was in a group of people and an activity was about to start. It felt to me rather like a growth group, ones I used to run. But I wasn’t the leader and was wondering whether to be involved. But I seemed to be in an old large rambling building and I was wandering about and found myself on the edge of a farm yard – an area where animals were kept or collected.

I heard a loud sound as if a very large animal was pounding nearer, running. I was sure it was a huge bull and wanted to stand clear of it. There was an opening just behind me in the building about three feet up the wall. I tied to step into it but felt as if my age made such movement difficult so I couldn’t do it. So, I tried with difficult to get my knee there and succeeded and felt safe.


Dream Interpretation / Cleaning a House-Imported
« on: September 17, 2018, 11:09:43 AM »
I dreamt I was on my knees cleaning a carpet in a house. I have the impression it was very large house, and where the carpet was I had no sense of walls nearby. I was cleaning it was some sort of electronic thing. It had a handle like a broom handle only slightly thicker, and was about three feet in length. It worked somewhat like the huge industrial carpet cleaners I worked with at one time, but it was small and had a head the size of vacuum cleaners, and sprayed water and cleaning fluid onto the carpet and sucked it up with the dirt. At one point I saw a part I had cleaned, the white part was beautifully very white – I think the carpet had a black and white design on it.

I felt the presence of people around me, just being there, but one woman who I felt was the woman I worked for was there with me watching. Then it was time to finish and I was going, but the woman said I should stay. I asked her why and she said she had read some of my poetry and indicated she liked it. Then we realised that we loved and respected each other, and somehow she had seen me as more than a carpet cleaner. I then realised we had a wonderful relationship and I felt whole.


Dream Interpretation / Facing the Bull-Imported
« on: September 09, 2018, 10:43:17 AM »
I dreamt I was in field with my wife. There was a bull and cows fairly close to us. The bull made a move toward me and I ran into another field, separated by a dip but no fence. My wife went off in another direction and we shouted to each other that we would meet back at the farm house.

Another bull moved toward me but I simple kept moving toward the road the farmhouse was on. As I approached nearer I could see the road at right angles to me, and I knew I would have to turn right on it. But on taking a right turn I found myself in narrow gulley with high sides. I kept walking on but it seemed never ending.


Thanks Tony. I appreciate you offering to look at my dream.

As a small amount of background, I had gone to sleep asking for guidance on how to remove any energy blockages in my body. I dreamt that I was at a house of a couple of my cousins. It was a large, modern house – entirely fictional. The hallway wasn’t a square or rectangular shape but was very angular, going in at certain points and sticking out at others. I couldn’t see many doorways but I got the sense that off the central hallway were many rooms. As I type I keep getting the idea of chambers of the heart – maybe the hallway was the heart of the house?

Their daughter was there in a white dress with her back to me. She was talking to my mum about having to move and find a new home. My mum was sympathising saying that she understood that she would need to downsize but she had misunderstood because my 2nd cousin corrected her and said she was looking for something larger. Next it was dark and I was looking through a large first floor window (almost floor to ceiling) with my mum. It was light enough that we could see outside. There was a large long puddle of water outside.

Nearer to the house, very close to the water was a large round muddy circle with a dip in it. My mum recognised it as an ‘ulcer’. She also said it was freezing (meaning the water was cold rather than frozen). I noticed the grass moving and saw what I thought was some kind of entity moving through it. It reminds me of the way the director Hayao Miyazaki illustrates grass moving in the wind – long blades, swaying side to side, rustling but so long that all you see is movement rather than what is causing the movement. I asked my cousin about it and he kind of brushed if off as nothing. I seemed to be the only one who felt the need to investigate because it didn’t feel right to me. I don’t know when I saw it next but others were able to see it. It was a youngish boy with a cap on his head (like maybe a chimney sweep?). He was completely black (not skin colour) and transparent meaning I could see through him. It was like he was drawn with a black sharpie. He was floating around in the air outside. I was concerned about what it might want. Was is evil? I’m not sure it was. Eventually I noticed it inside the house. It wanted us to give it things and so we put things on the floor in a pile near to where it was. It seemed to get a little less transparent – like it was coming to life. I still couldn’t sense whether it had ill intent or not but I felt a real sense of unease and disbelief that no-one around me seemed to be concerned. I look forward to hearing from you.

Warmly Donna

Dream Interpretation / Smashed My Car-Imported
« on: August 28, 2018, 12:11:24 PM »
Dreamt I was driving to work in my car. Just as I was opposite our house a lorry - bread - hurtled out past a parked car, didn’t seem to see me, and smashed straight over me. I was left standing by the roadside, the car smashed away from me to about the size of a bike. My right leg was slightly encased in the smashed car. I thought I had lost my leg, but it was not smashed off, only bloody and perhaps broken.

I remained standing by the road and shouted for my wife to call the ambulance. I thought I would have to be in hospital for some time and quite liked the idea, and decided to meditate while there. I seemed to have an inner realisation about the crash. I knew that my karma had led me to death at that moment, but because of the work I had done at ashram over the past eight months, this had been escaped.

Now I asked my wife to phone my boss and tell him I would not be going to work that day. Then I gave thanks - to God. Dreamt in August 4th 1975.


Questions about dreams / Exploring a Dream
« on: August 13, 2018, 10:27:53 AM »
Mostly we hear about analysing dreams, as if they are something we could penetrate by thinking about, or being analytical about a dream. In writing about this elsewhere I have said this is rather like thinking that you understand what the experience of swimming is like simply by thinking about it, but never having being in the water. Being in the water is a very powerful physical sensation, it is an emotional experience and it requires the learning of a skill to move around in that element and survive. Dreams are very much like that. If you enter the emotional and sensory aspects of dreams rather than simply think about them, it is often a very deeply felt experience. There are certain skills you need to learn to be able to do that, to move around in dreams, and learn from them.

Although the process of dreams might not be a direct attempt to present MEANING, a dream may nevertheless have a great deal of INFORMATION in it. This becomes clearer if we remember that not many years ago it would have appeared highly superstitious or suspect to claim to be able to tell a person details of their health and parentage from a sample of their urine or blood. Today it is common practice. We accept that a growing amount of information can be gained from these unlikely sources. Blood doesn’t contain meaning, but we can gain information from it. In a similar way a sample of our dreams can also tell us an enormous amount. Sometimes this data is obvious, sometimes it needs processing to uncover, as with urine and blood.

But dream exploration needs to be learned and practised. Many people say they cannot get any results from using the techniques. It is like any skill like riding a bike or driving a car – at first you will fail until with practise it becomes second nature.  You need to learn new skills and habits.  When they are learned they are life enhancing like learning to drive a car.

Dream Interpretation / Wolf and Dog Dreams-Imported
« on: August 03, 2018, 08:41:23 AM »
I was walking across a hilltop with another man who was on my left. The hill was, or reminded me of the one opposite the hospital that was so much a part of my childhood. As we walked across the almost flat top of the hill I saw a grey/blue wolf on my right, about 30 metres away. It was trying to vomit something and was going through extraordinarily energetic movements. I had the sense that it had been eating carrion and something had got blocked or stuck. Then I could see right into its wide open mouth. A large bone was stuck to the left of it mouth, projecting right back into its throat, and packed to the left of its teeth. As I watched it was almost as if my awareness helped the wolf to know what to do. It made forward movements of it mouth muscles and the bone was dislodged.

Then I was further along the field – away from the village – and on the edge of what I felt to be a big drop or sharp slope. I was lying on my front on the ground, and a wolf was standing over me quite still and not threatening. But I was unsure of its motive or needs. I could feel it was a male, and wondered if it was trying to express sexually, but this did not happen. So, I slowly reached up and stroked it, and the scene gradually changed until myself and perhaps one or two other people were with several wolves.

Dreamt I had a little puppy. It was very fluffy and powder blue in colour, like the wolf in my previous dream, a sort of grey blue. The puppy was running around exploring, and I was watching to see he didn’t get into any trouble. My dog was around too.

The puppy ran up a slope. Perhaps there were steps in it, like a country footpath going uphill, quite closed in with a hedge or wall. At the top the path led into a bigger space, perhaps a field, but still with a sense of some restriction. I went after him. At the top a man was lying in a bed or a chair. He had some sort of illness and was lying back with his head on a pillow. The illness produced eruptions from his skin like inch long blackheads about an eighth of an inch wide. He was talking to me in a critical and slightly angry way. I particularly remember he said he knew that I had been violent and abusive to my dog. At this point I could see that my dog was very old and near to death, though still walking about, but very stiff.

Meanwhile the puppy was up ahead and I called him back because there were large black dogs looking very fierce and aggressive – perhaps a bull terrier type of breed. I asked the man why the dogs were being bred and allowed to run loose. No harm came to the puppy.

Dreamt I was walking with my dog near where I lived years ago in Woburn Walk, London. In the dream my dog was young, but not a puppy, perhaps about 18 months or a bit more. He was walking ahead of me and I felt unsure of what links of communication existed between us. I mean by this that I have always trained my dogs to heel at command, or to stop if I said. This was done to protect them near traffic or in any other danger. Because this dog was new – literally as if I had just got it – I didn’t know if it would understand my commands. Also I noticed that it was walking with a limp in one of its back legs.


Dream Interpretation / Surrender to the Highest-Imported
« on: July 23, 2018, 08:17:07 AM »
I dreamt I am suddenly in an environment unknown to me, though I have a distinct sense of connection. A man leads me into a public meeting place, a rather old fashioned hall, where a small group of men, about fifteen or twenty, are seated informally near one wall. There is a clear impression to me that they are Middle Eastern, Turkish perhaps, or some of them are, but they are very direct and masculine.

I am led in front of them and stand alone. I am starting to explain to them about my thoughts about ones inner self and am taking my coat off as they say to me one word - "Test". This refers to the testing one can do once you have learned to surrender, as the group are members of a spiritually oriented organisation.

As I am still talking and taking my coat off they laugh at my incompetence. They have asked me to Test - that is, open to the spiritual - and here I am talking about something inconsequential and taking my coat off. I realise the situation, stop talking and open to the wider life. Immediately I feel a flow of uplifting feeling move through my being as I am led to make slow movements of hands and arms. These become full body movements, a sort of unusual dance, part of which is a difficult hopping and turning movement. This is done flowingly and without hesitation, so I know I am deep into surrender. As this is going on my shirt comes off at least half of my chest and back. I think and feel that the men will see that at least I have a healthy strong body. The men are silent and I feel connected with them through the Test.

Suddenly I lift my legs up and hang in the air. The men gasp with surprise and uplift to see this demonstrated. Then my body lifts higher and flicks into a backward arc, my hands touching my toes in a circle. The men gasp and shout out as this has some special significance. Now lifting right up into the sky itself, and feeling a part of the heavens I start to sing. My voice is like thunder filling space. I sing simple words - something like –

"Love is bigger than the ocean. Love is wider than the sky. Life is full of ancient wonder. Love is more than meets the eye."

I have a sense of enormous power being expressed in the levitation and voice. The power of spirit is pouring through me.

Then I am on the ground again, in the room, and shaking hands with the men. I have no sense of power or being a grand person. I am just pleased that I could have allowed what had happened, as it was a wonderful inspiration to us all, me included.

J. L.

Dream Interpretation / Being Murdered By a Serial Killer-Imported
« on: July 23, 2018, 08:01:30 AM »
Last night I had a dream about being murdered. I dreamed that I was the next target of a serial killer. I knew I was his next victim because he sent me a small package that resembled a pager, and when the pager went off, I knew it was time, and that he was on the hunt for me. I went around to various different people asking for help and protection, but no one was able to offer that to me. Most people that I had asked for protection became victims themselves, some were murdered as well. My boyfriend was with me, I think he was the one who handed me the pager, but I'm not 100% sure about this. He didn't play a huge part in the dream itself, I just know that he was present in the dream itself. At one point in my dream, I could see myself in a "murdered" state, parts of my body were chopped off. Funny though, with all this murdering, I didn't see any blood at all in this dream. I was terrified, and I vividly recall trying to move at some point during my dream, but couldn't, I felt completely frozen. Shortly after feeling and seeing being murdered, I was finally able to wake up.

When I woke up from my dream, I was chilled to the bones, really shaken up, and I burst into tears and was in hysterics for about a half hour. I live with my boyfriend, and as soon as I burst into tears, he woke up to comfort me.


Dream Interpretation / Dead Husband-Imported
« on: July 19, 2018, 09:37:03 AM »
Hello Tony,
My husband died 5 month ago in a tragic motorcycle accident. He called me and left me a message before passing, which I got hours later, and I think over and over again how I could have been able to help him if I would have picked up that phone call. I’ve had a few dreams with him where he comes back, like as if his passing was a mistake, but he is not happy, he seems upset to be back, like he is anxious, impatient to go, he’s looking around. Also, when he just passed I dreamt with him diving, which he loved, and brought from the bottom of the ocean a stone that had engraved “Jesus loves me”.
Thanks for your time.


Dream Interpretation / Please explain a little more.
« on: July 16, 2018, 09:09:16 AM »
   Thank you so much for responding..... your explanation resonates, you are right. I’ve endured many traumas since I was a child... but, I still don’t understand how I’m supposed to identify the fear that binds me. I’ve had horrifying nightmares for years, some so terrifying I prefer not to recollect them....
Could you please explain a little more.
Thank you so much.


Dream Interpretation / Horror, Terror, Demonic Ghost-Imported
« on: July 10, 2018, 10:30:29 AM »
Hello. I’ve had a terrifying nightmare that begins with my sister in law seeing a dead person hung on a tree outside my kitchen window… when I look it has become a skeleton hanging, I scream in terror and the nightmare progresses in ways that can only be described as a living horror movie, complete with a small blonde haired, blue eyed little boy…who demands to “ let me in mommy”… it becomes extremely frightening. He is seeing a demonic ghost, but without black eyes…. understanding if these symbols would be appreciated. I’m very shaken, and because it occurred in my own home, I’m now very scared, please help. Thank you.


Dream Interpretation / Native Indian Grandmother Spoke to Me-Imported
« on: July 10, 2018, 09:30:27 AM »

Could you please help me with this dream? I am walking at night in a big open field of wheat–it’s night time, but the moon is full and high in the sky and I can see mountains in the distance. As I’m walking I can feel the wheat hitting my fingers as I have my palms open and forward facing beside me as I walk. (I still had the sensation of the wheat hitting my fingers when I woke up).

I come to a clearing and there is a Native American elderly lady (or grandmother) waiting there–as if she’s waiting for me. As I get closer she smiles at me and says, “All you need to know is “A ka oona an na ee chey oo.” As soon as she said that I woke up, and this has been several years ago but it is still bugging me because I’d like to know what the last part of that sentence meant! lol Side note–I do have Native American blood on both sides of my family ancestry. Would love help with this. Thank you!



Hi Tony! Very insightful (the vagina entry) – thank you so much! Last night I dreamt that I found and pulled on a string coming out of my vagina, and ultimately it attached to, and I pulled out, my heart. Very powerful. Any insights would be appreciated.


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