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Messages - Tony Crisp

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Dream Interpretation / Re: Skin Falling of
« on: September 08, 2011, 12:01:56 PM »
Mazerrackham – Sorry I am late in replying, I have just moved to a new/old address and so am behind in being on the site.

Dreams tend to be what is called a magic mirror – in other words it reflects to you in very frank images how you feel about or see yourself inside. So it is an image of your soul, showing you something in a way to get your attention.

This is largely about the image you have of yourself – not consciously but you must have had feelings about it at times. It is the image your dream shows you of your outer personality. Something rotten is going on in the way your present yourself, it isn’t a disease of your body but of your soul.

Maybe you have problems about feeling sure of your identity, who you are, what you want in life and how to do it. I am only guessing about that, but you did do the right thing in going to the doctor in your dream. Now watch for further dreams to see what you can do about yourself.


Greetings / Re: dream
« on: September 08, 2011, 11:37:16 AM »
Hi Charlotte – An interesting view of an ex boyfriend.

The dream seems very explicit about what you feel deep within about his needs and sex. In the first place you went along with it, but your dream says, excuse the language, it gave you the shits. It upset you. You tried it hide your feelings about it but it still left you not wanting to be near him.

Sex without love can be like that; maybe that was why you pushed him away.

The next part of the dream seems to move your focus onto people you see around you. It gives you the feeling that many people are ‘totally out of it’. They are lost in the world, have no sense of destiny or connections with their own inner self – that is a common situation for millions of people who have lost any awareness of your central self.

By the way, thank you for what you say about my biography. I had to read it again to make sure you were talking about me -  :)


Greetings / Re: Avid Dreamer
« on: September 08, 2011, 10:40:28 AM »
Naomi - Thank you for your good words. It is a good feeling for me to have yo with us.

I hope you get a lot out of it.


Dream Interpretation / Re: One of Them Has to Leave
« on: September 03, 2011, 09:23:16 AM »
Thanks so much for telling so muc about yourself. I too didn't know how to express anger until it exploded and was destructive. But I found a safe way of expressing all of me in LifeStream -  the bad and the wonderful.

I suppose some of it takes time and experiment.


Greetings / Re: Hi there
« on: September 03, 2011, 09:14:39 AM »

Welcome and join in.

I hope you find some new information and inspiration here.


Luciddreaming – I believe these awful dreams arise out of the culture we grew up in – a culture that sees death as the end of all. We see it on all sides. Even if we believe in survival of those we love the negative influence of the scientific opinion, based on the ancient belief that the atom is the basis of us, and consciousness arises out some obscure brain process, and as atoms are physical, we are completely wiped out at death.

That is not so, and I state it not as an article of faith or belief but from experience. It is good to read the book Closer to the Light, as it can be a great experience.

So I see your dreams as a replaying of the awful feeling that death, and the experience of death is awful. Most people are taught fear of death - not by directly telling us, but by our attitudes and responses, especially the grief that most people experience at the death of someone they love. All of that is telling us how awful death is.

But of course my saying all that doesn’t rob you of your fear that creates such awful pictures of death. But maybe the book I recommended with help you toward a different view of it.

When your husband died he did come back to you. He is with you every time you feel love for him.


Dream Interpretation / Re: One of Them Has to Leave
« on: September 02, 2011, 01:16:51 PM »
Christine – I see this as a dream about your future growth - the growth of your personality or potential.

It starts with you in a store, which often relates to you looking for something you are seeking or want. And then a woman stands on your left – if you are right handed this suggests your less dominant self, the self that stands in the background of your behaviour but is not expressed so prominently. The woman with black hair, skin and clothes also suggests a partly unconscious self – in the background again.

So I feel the last thing that was said, "There are two planets in this house and one of them has to leave” seems vital. A planet is a world, and a world in the language of dreams is a different life and culture, so I feel that the mention of you mother ties in with the different hats – thoughts and style of presenting oneself – and the dry cleaning suggesting a change that is still about your potential.

The two worlds could therefore be about the world you grew up in from the influence of your mother, and the ‘you’ that has been kept in the background that you are emerging into or growing towards.

There is an awful lot of growing going on.


Dream Interpretation / Re: Meeting spirit showing us time
« on: September 02, 2011, 12:26:45 PM »
Denise – I feel this is a profound experience. You see when you walked into the forest area you entered into wider awareness. Some people call it the unconscious, but that is only when you have not entered it. And usually before you can have an experience such as this you must have had other dreams leading up to it.

The person you are with in the forest is an important part of you that has not been known until now. That suggests that you have been going through either powerful life experiences or something like spiritual practices that have produced this growth – a growth of awareness. But you are still in the first stages of realising who this person is and what part she plays in your life.

Then the second woman, who is like a guide and advisor to you, points you in a direction that confronts you with the next step of your realisation. The woman whose face you could not see and the tombstone without a name represents parts of you that are now becoming aware of, but are still not really understood.

The tombstone and the time on it are doorways into very personal memories that you can only reach by really opening to your dream. It is an important part of you that wishes to be known. You can open to it by finding time to relax in a quiet environment and then imagine you are standing in front of the tombstone. As you do this leave your body, emotions and mind like keys of a piano that are ready to be played, but not by your conscious direction. Then watch and wait to see what arises.

As I said, this only happens to you because you have grown to the point where you were ready. Do not be anxious. She will bring you so much.


Dream Interpretation / Re: No Women
« on: August 31, 2011, 11:08:28 AM »
Hi Chris – I am in Portugal at the moment, so no problem with the storm in New York. But usually I live in Wales. If you go to Google maps ad put in SA9, Wales, UK, you will see that I live in a tiny hamlet. Use the satiate view and you can see the houses, and if you go to the street level you will realise the tiny houses miners were put in. My little house has two rooms upstairs and two down, with a tiny shower room and toilet tacked on the back. As I live alone it is fine.

Your dream has a feel about it of you at times not being at ease with being a woman. This is quite common in men and women. Of course it is usually just aspects of ourselves rather than all of the business of our gender. I had years of struggle with being male.

Is there a difficulty in relating to women as well. Tell me if I am way off the mark.

So the second part of the dream is about purity – at least an idea of purity. And there is a comparison with the black skin and hair. I wonder if this is a comparison between the feeling of purity and the more ordinary yet capable side of you. It could also represent your unexpressed or repressed self.

There is always some degree of conflict of having body. A friend, quite a while before he knew he had cancer, told me a dream. In the dream an angel appeared to him and said to him, “Shaun, before you were born you lived a life without limitations. Then you were born in to this life with its difficulties and restrictions, because there were important lessons to learn. But when you die you will return to that world where there are no limitations and no restrictions.”

So I feel that applies to all of us but we may not be conscious of it. Though in the case of your dream I feel it is more of how you would like to live your life that the example I gave.


Greetings / Re: Brown Bears--dream interpretation
« on: August 30, 2011, 02:36:28 PM »
Kiria – It sounds as if you have a busy life – or did at the time of the dream. Then the pay phone call is one of those out of the blue experiences. The police force is about someone looking out for public safety – yours.

Three bears has a lot of associations with mum, dad, and the young one. It doesn’t seem like there is any danger though, unless you didn’t mention feelings of fear. The only thing I can think of is that you have family heading your way – and that is a wild guess.


General Discussion / Re: Healing dream
« on: August 26, 2011, 11:20:14 AM »
Leswan – What a beautiful dream and what a wonderful way to learn – and what a teacher!

It seems to me that you are learning to allow your Core Self to move you – as it does all the time with heartbeat, breathing, and all the other minute things its does to keep us alive. But as humans we do not let it really shows us what else it can do, and I think you are on the way to finding out. See The LifeStream if you haven’t already, and also People’s Experience of LifeStream.

http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/the-lifestream/  -  http://dreamhawk.com/body-and-mind/peoples-experiences-of-lifestream/

I believe what you are learning is a tremendous power of personal evolution.


Dream Interpretation / Re: Nightmare Twins
« on: August 26, 2011, 10:59:57 AM »
Years ago I worked with a woman who was sent to me by her doctor because she was depressed. It impressed me enormously how we do not care for women who have lost babies. The following is about an abortion, but it is a good example. I had encouraged  the woman to allow her body to express her feelings in movement or sounds.

The movements were much stronger this time and her whole body became involved. Her knees drew up and her abdominal area domed. She made very little sound - some people are extremely vocal - but she was intensely absorbed in the movements for nearly an hour before they stopped and she lay peacefully. She then sat up and told me she had experienced something extraordinary. She said that four years earlier she had been divorced and went to live in Spain with her children. While there she had an affair with a Spaniard and became pregnant. Because she already had children and was not wanting to stay with the man, she had an abortion. During her body movements it had seemed to her as if the life in her had said the abortion had hurt it. It then led her through the spontaneous movements to complete the process of birth of that baby, and in that way she now felt whole. The process of birth which had been cut off had been able to complete itself.


Dream Interpretation / Re: Self Harm Dream.
« on: August 25, 2011, 12:39:18 PM »
JazzIsaDinosaur – One of the astonishing things about being human is that we are made up of so many ‘selves’ and influences. So do not be afraid of this dream or the other self you see cutting wrists.

This can usually be sorted out quite quickly by what has been called the two chair method. This will be explained in a moment, but it is a method to help two aspects of you to find an agreement that works – and in your case gets rid of the dreams. But first a little explanation:

As I wrote in my book, Lucid Dreaming:
No computer, however amazing, can yet do what your mind does in creating a dream. It produces a living being such as a dream character that can have a conversation with you, and in doing so draw spontaneously from huge areas of your experience or memories. Behind the image lies enormous data, emotional response and created patterns of behaviour. So the main thing to remember at this level is that you are in a full surround databank of fantastic information. You can tap this information just as you would with any person, by asking questions and prodding for a response. But, even the trees and animals in your dreams are also enormous reservoirs of information, linking back perhaps infinitely with your potential and experience.

To do this, imagine yourself as one of the characters, animals or objects in your dream. It may help at first to have two chairs – one empty and one you are sitting in. The character or object of your dream is in the empty chair. When you are ready to be that character move from your chair, sit in the empty chair and speak as that character. You really need to let that character speak without any editing. So in the case of your dream, who is a hidden person, you could say, “I don’t really want to be known, because I like to hide my activity of getting you to feel like cutting your wrists.”

That is only an example so let yourself speak freely.

To answer or question the character from your own identity, move to the original chair and speak from your own character. So you could confront the character by saying, “It is doing me no good to have you hiding like this. Show yourself.”

Be playful and curious in doing this. Question the character, and when you move to that role, let whatever your feelings are as that character motivate what you say and do. Exploring your dream in this way unfolds a great deal of information that would otherwise remain unconscious. It also enables you to make real changes in unconscious attitudes or habits, as you are literally dialoguing with areas of character patterning or programming, and can change them.


Dream Interpretation / Re: a comodo dragon , heavy flood and me...
« on: August 25, 2011, 09:24:15 AM »
John – The Komodo and the yellow lizard are images that are an expression of powerful forces or energies in you. Strangely enough you are witnessing something that you have set in motion yourself without realising it. The Komodo is the enormous power of primitive life in you, what is usually called the instincts. But it is better to think of it as a powerful uprising energy that brings life and function to all of you. So it could be expressed as movement, sex, emotion, speech, etc. It can flow in any way, but you are witnessing it at the instinct of flight or fight. So if you imagine this great column of energy in a pipe, the somehow there is a leak and that leaking energy is fighting the big energy – the Komodo. It has taken energy from the main flow so weakening it.

I think an anxiety has attacked the main flow and causing feelings of helplessness. Do you really want to break through so you can go under the water? If you do – and remember you are dealing with the inner world of your dreams – you will be in a very different level of mind. Okay if you know how to deal with it, but confusing otherwise. Because at the moment you are dealing okay with the flood of emotions; and if you can imagine the Komodo and the lizard merging it might help.


Dream Interpretation / Re: aliens
« on: August 24, 2011, 01:27:58 PM »
Luke – That is quite some dream(s) to get myself around.

They all seem to use different symbols to represent the same or similar themes. The room and the spaceship are ways of communicating to you that you are more than you suspect – and that you are afraid of a ‘higher self’ because it seems alien to you and unknown. This is a common first reaction to going beyond the usual boundaries of your awareness.

The desert zone is probably your experience of life at that time – nothing growing in it. And your mother – at a guess – is probably all of your stored resources to survive. We all pick these up non-vocally from parents – as do mammals who teach their children how to hunt or find food. Unfortunately some of what is passed on is not really good advice. But at that level we know that our parents are alive and that is enough.

The information is what you need to realise for yourself. And hiding the information could be that you hide things from yourself. You would be amazed how much we hide. We do so well at it that we are not even aware of doing it. And you are probably hiding the best in yourself from yourself.

Why don’t you explore some of your dream to really touch what is hidden under the dream images. Try http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-in-your-dream/ 

Sorry if I have already recommended it.


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