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Messages - Tony Crisp

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Dream Interpretation / Re: dream wedding
« on: January 25, 2011, 12:56:35 PM »
Pimuli - I recognise this dream as one that should be part of a series about love and marriage. And of course the marriage is really one in which you meet the your soul mate. And the true soul mate is not another person, but your own self – your female/male self – and the marriage is one in eternity, a spiritual experience.

But leaving that to one side, it is about you not having the right qualities to be married. It is a long journey to be worthy of a spiritual marriage. It seems that courage to face risks is there in the dream. And when the marriage comes again in a dream, you will see how far you have got. If you succeed, and you are married to your female self, then you can marry almost any human, for you will have forged love.


Dream Interpretation / Re: dark shadow spirit
« on: January 25, 2011, 12:53:31 PM »
Terraann – The lady is a medium; suggesting that she either goes into a trance or is controlled by another. If this is so means she is using a faculty that was very old in mankind’s development. Or in other words it is a way of getting information that you do not understand with any higher faculty. They tend to live only in the idea of us having physical shaped existence. So of course she is not sensitive enough to recognise your own ability to live in the light, so is frightened.

Yet the dark shape is formless. So I wonder if this is the Guardian or the Threshold. If so it can represent all the actions that are yet not transformed. A sort of embodiment of your karma – as you sow so shall you reap. But up till now you are largely unaware of them, but now they will become known and transformed. The threshold is crossed when you meet the fear that you have used to hold the dark figure at a distance. Only in death have you met it before.

Lurch in the comedy in which he appeared is an excellent image of the Shadow and the Guardian of the Threshold. Lurch represented Frankenstein's monster, and Frankenstein's monster was a composite made up of many dead bodies, dead people. So of course he is a wonderful depiction of the Dweller of the Threshold, the karma from past lives, the bits that need to be faced, healed, or met and integrated. 

Obviously it is presented dramatically in your dream, but if you have a good will and can meet the fear you built to protect yourself; especially if you believe that life is not a punishment but a way to help you to grow to your full potential, then you can pass by the guardian.

Here is a dream that explains one meeting with the guardian.

I had gone in search of belongings left to me by8 my ancestors, and realised I had the key to the door. The door was of very solid construction but easily opened with the key. It led into a large area with much the same feeling as the floor above -- old and empty but not ruined. 
Then suddenly, as if he were a caretaker or butler, Lurch, the character in the TV series in which he plays Frankenstein's monster, stepped out from the shadows. I observed him without feeling any anxiety, and noticed he had a large kitchen knife in his belt. I asked him why he needed such a knife, thinking that perhaps he might threaten me with it. He said that there was a large puma that sometimes jumped out on you unexpectedly from the shadows, and you needed a knife to protect yourself. Having said that he handed me such a knife, knowing somehow that I had come to explore the house of my ancestors. The suggestion in handing me the knife was that I killed the puma if it leapt on me. Then he and I started to walk into the shadowy areas of the house to begin my search. 
We had only gone about ten yards into the dim space stretching before us when a very large puma leapt on me. As I felt its impact on my chest I held it firmly in my arms and realised that I had no intention to kill or hurt it. Its head was close to my face, and with surprise and love I could see that, although it had the face of a big cat, it was the face of Dakota. The puma was, I saw, her beautiful and wild sexual love for me, and an embodiment of her spirit self ready to share the journey into the house of the ancestors. So I put Puma down, and Lurch, Puma and I walked together into the darkness. 

I realised that I had been tested to see whether I would feel fear because of the large knife, or would kill an animal. So I had passed the first test of non violence, and of loving the animal.

So I think this is why you woke feeling uneasy. And what I have said can only be suggestions. Perhaps you can meet the Dweller? He is certainly dwelling on your threshold.


Dream Interpretation / Re: sea journey themes in dreams
« on: January 24, 2011, 12:04:21 PM »
Mikey - That is the death part. And it isn't an awful thing usually. It can be like giving birth, something inside you becomes so big it has to burst through your usual limitations of mind, and sometimes of body.

Perhaps the feature Aphorisms http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/aphorisms/ will help.


Dream Interpretation / Re: My dreams are shifting
« on: January 24, 2011, 11:50:45 AM »
Terraann – Thank you from my heart for your good words.

I see the main theme of the dream is that having got a feeling of being in a state of harmony with yourself – the family gathering and with a good view – you then experience anxiety. You show it as your young son, but it is more likely that it is out of a vulnerable feeling you have that the vulnerable part of you could get hurt in this joyful game of life.

But it is probably a mixture of your mother’s scaring instinct and your own feelings. This becomes plain when you do not like getting splashed. But what are the little red things? If you imagine yourself as one of them and describe yourself, what would you say?

Also the mix up with the plumbing could be a real synchronistic event. See Coincidence or Synchronicity - Terraann – Thank you from my heart for your good words.

I see the main theme of the dream is that having got a feeling of being in a state of harmony with yourself – the family gathering and with a good view – you then experience anxiety. You show it as your young son, but it is more likely that it is out of a vulnerable feeling you have that the vulnerable part of you could get hurt in this joyful game of life.

But it is probably a mixture of your mother’s scaring instinct and your own feelings. This becomes plain when you do not like getting splashed. But what are the little red things? If you imagine yourself as one of them and describe yourself, what would you say?

Also the mix up with the plumbing could be a real synchronistic event. See Coincidence or Synchronicity. http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/coincidence-or-synchronicity/



Dream Interpretation / Re: The curse
« on: January 24, 2011, 11:23:52 AM »
Midlander – I feel you have spelt out the situation, a dominating father, a difficult mother, a curse that you knew would come back at you.

I know the way out of these prisoning feelings, but it isn’t easy. Something I faced some years ago was that I realised that if I didn’t forgive my mother it would mean the end of my marriage. The reason being that the hateful feelings I had for my mother was the way I had learnt to love a woman. Either I really let go of them or continue to love as if it were a battle field. It wasn’t easy letting go of those feelings.

I suppose the same will apply to your father. The curse is a way to attain independence. I did it by hating my mother at the age of five and so managed to live without any real feelings passing between us. In that way I became independent at an early age, but at an awful cost.

And here is a dream that spells out another way toward breaking free of the prisons most of us are in. Not just prisons of hurt emotions and habits we have lived, but prisons of belief, of convictions, or hate, or prejudice, and the subtle one of knowing we are right – especially the one that most people hold that what they see and touch is reality.

I was in a prison cell with two other men. I felt it was in Spain somewhere. We ate, slept and defecated in the cell. I was standing at the bars of the cell, and had the impression I had been in the prison for years. I was shouting and cursing the people who had put me in the prison, full of hate and self pity.

One day as I stood raging at the bars I suddenly realised that my years of shouting had availed nothing. The only person who was upset by it was me. I was the victim of my own anger and turmoil. It was as if I had been haunted all my life by ghosts of anger and passion. I dropped the attitudes or ‘ghosts’ and was free of them. Years went by and one by one I recognised and dropped other habits of emotion and thought that had trapped and tortured me. I realised I could be totally free within myself.

One morning I woke and sat up on the mattress on the floor that was my bed. The last ghost of inner entrapment fell away. A fountain of joy opened in my body, pouring upwards through me. It was so intense I cried out. My cell mates called a warden because they thought I had gone mad. They stood looking at me as I experienced radiance so strong I felt as if I must be shining. I was aware my joy poured into them, although they thought I was possibly insane. I could sense the enormous change in me influencing them, and I knew it couldn’t help but change them also. I realised that I might never be released from the prison, but it didn’t matter as I had found a fuller release than simply walking the streets. Even though remaining behind prison bars, I would still be touching people’s lives deeply. Nothing would ever be the same again.”


Dream Interpretation / Re: sea journey themes in dreams
« on: January 21, 2011, 10:54:46 AM »
Mikey – I would like to remind you that you are Buddha. This is very clear in the Buddhist and Christian teachings. In the New Testament it says, ‘Lift up the stone and there shalt thou find me: Cleave the wood, and I am there.’ In Buddhist teachings it says, The Perfect Mold of a Cosmic Christ or of a Buddha exists everywhere…and remains the same, for everyone, since they are made of the same pure essence of Primordial Wisdom and therefore, all Perfect Molds and Models are ALIVE and ACTIVE expressions of the same substance.

In Hindu Ramana says: What is the end of the path of knowledge (Inana) or Vedanta?
It is to know the truth that the ‘I’ is not different from the Lord (Isvara) and to be free from the feeling of being the doer.

And Shirdi Sai Baba said: “Then there is no need to give him knowledge but simply to remove the veil of ignorance that hides the existent Knowledge. This, of course, is not to be done at one stroke, since the disciple is immersed in age-old ignorance and needs repeated instruction, perhaps through life after life. And what is this instruction through speech about what is beyond speech? Isn’t it like removing the cover? Ignorance conceals the pre-existent Knowledge just as water plants cover the surface of a pond. Clear away the plants and you have the water. You don’t have to create it; it is already there. Or take another example—a cataract grows on the eye and prevents a man from seeing; remove the cataract and he sees. Ignorance is the cataract. The universe is the efflorescence of the indescribable Maya, which is ignorance; yet ignorance is needed to illuminate and dissolve ignorance ... Jnana is not something to be attained, it is eternal and self-existent. On the other hand, ignorance has a cause and an end. The root of it is the idea that the devotee is a separate being from God. Remove this, and what remains is Jnana.”

So Buddha and Christ are already there – are YOU!

And your dream is a wonderful dream. Full of assurances, and I think your interpretation is right. And if possible make use of what you have learned. Turn to the image of the Skipper when you seek information. And also remember that he knows the way and you are certain to get there.

But something I learnt one of the first times I touched the Core was that we are all “Waves on a shoreless sea; From no beginning I travel to no goal, Making my movements stillness. Constantly I am arriving And departing, Being born and dying. I am always with you And yet have never been.”

We are entering the world of paradoxes now.


Sorry I missed replying to this.

Stranger things have happened. Some years ago I worked on a book about coincidences, and some of them are completely amazing. I think these things have a way of working themselves out, especially if you have a strong desire to meet.

Here is an interesting one:

Stoker first escaped with two other naval officers on 23 March 1916 from the Afion-Kara-Hissard camp in the middle of Turkey, with the aim of reaching the coast, just under 200 kilometres distant. Steering by the stars, they headed due south, walking sometimes above the snow line and struggling to stay warm. After some nights, Stoker poisoned himself when a purifying tablet reacted with the colouring material used in his water bottle and he became delirious. It took some days for the effects to wear off.
On the eleventh night, in an effort to avoid guards, they had to make a forced night march through a pass in the Taurus Mountains, which lay between them and the sea. They were exhausted and dispirited, yet their nerves were taut. They saw the guards’ fires and stealthily crept past them. Signals lamps flashed in the dark and gale-force winds whistled through the peaks. Stoker says the effect was one of unreality, like a weird sort of dream bordering on a nightmare.
Then, in the middle of the night, he felt they were not three men struggling along in line but four. A Fourth Man was following at the end of the line. Stoker goes on:

When we stopped for a few minutes’ rest he did not join us, but remained in the darkness out of sight; yet as soon as we rose and resumed our march he dropped into his place forth¬with. He never spoke, nor did he go ahead and lead us; his attitude seemed just that of the true and loyal friend who says, ‘I cannot help, but when danger is at hand remember always that I am here to stand — or fall — with you. ‘

Stoker had at first thought he was again delirious and did not mention the ‘presence’ to the other two. Some hours later, they had made it safely through the pass and were resting in a safe hiding place. Then one of his companions mentioned that he had seen the Fourth Man and the other officer also admitted seeing him. All three had seen the man during the moments of greatest danger that night.

We were agreed as to the effect his presence had on each of us individually —  the sense of friendliness and comfort; we were agreed that the moment he left us was when we felt we had put the danger behind.


Dream Interpretation / Re: Flooding...Dream theme?
« on: January 18, 2011, 11:23:50 AM »
Dear Terraann – Wow, now we are moving on.

This is about not recognising the signs on the one hand – and in your case acting upon them.

I believe we are in a critical situation that if handle wisely will be okay – and it is not particularly about global warming, but about the whole ‘out of harmony with Life’ that many people in the world are in.

Your dream clearly says there is a difficult time coming, but there is time to act wisely. And the babies are tremendously important. Because you do not panic you can take the time to save these infants, who are the new people, the ones who will take up tools and use them well. In a sense they are aspects of you that you do not recognise. But you can hear them calling you for help and care if you listen. And I think you are listening otherwise you would not be taking notice of your dreams.

The flood is a great surge of influence – as with Noah’s ark – that is a power to change people, to change the way we live and the way we relate to life around us and within us. If they cannot change and adapt they will be swept away by the power of that change.

Be aware of panic. It is that which causes people to leave behind the hope for the future – the babies. It is the living influence of these in your life that will guide you to act appropriately. Listen to them and they will quickly mature.

If you understand the seriousness of this and listen for further guidance your dreams will change their character.

The crack that divides is important too. It shows how it is only a step away in the right direction to find a safer way in life. But without that step there can be darkness – a human darkness full of denying and living a life refusing to see the way that Life itself is going. If you can, see http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/prophetic-dream-coming-years/


Dream Interpretation / Re: apocalyptic deams
« on: January 17, 2011, 03:18:16 PM »
Beth – This is the end of a world for you. But you must have faced the end before when you left childhood. Looked at from the point of view that dream images represent your own life and feelings, such dreams depict the powerful and threatening inner and outer changes that accompany major transitions in your life. The transition from childhood to adolescence for instance is the end of the world that existed for the whole lifetime up until that point. Such transitions occur several times in the life of anyone who dares to grow and adapt. Menopause for women, the leaving home of children, the loss of a job, retirement, can all be represented by the end of the world - or a world.

But it can also arise out of feeling uncertain about the future. So I would ask yourself what changes you are meeting at the moment. Having had several such dreams in my lifetime I can look back and see that I met a great change about three months afterwards. And the change wasn’t bad.


Dream Interpretation / Re: ex boyfriend, shoes, and a baby
« on: January 17, 2011, 01:33:42 PM »
Venesa82 – I often feel, when ask to look at someone’s dream, that I am looking in at their inner life. So looking at your dream I find you an interesting mixture. First of all there is the care for your niece, but it isn’t a powerful thing. But then you see an ex boyfriend, and then that is the main interest in your life; that and fashion – your shoes.

In fact there seems to be an odd tear between your need for a man and a baby, and your needs for shoes/clothes. Even your desire to get the ex’s girl friend out of your life is only a passing thing. So I wonder of you are still very young inside, and want a fairy tale wedding etc.

I would like you to read Growing Up to Love – http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/growing-up-to-love/


Greetings / Re: Question about my dream
« on: January 17, 2011, 10:59:02 AM »
O2gordon02 – It certainly has the feeling of being a warning. I had to listen to my intuition about this, so please take what I saw as information and not gospel.

I felt that if you had another baby it could happen that you lost it. But there was also the suggestion that you take each day a vitamin C – about 500mlg; a B complex and vitamin E about 400mlg. Then watch your dreams asking for any comment on the baby, and results of taking the vitamins. I have seen this work, so do not be frightened of the one dream.

Surrounding you with Life.


Well Dear Lovely Fat Lady - I have had the good fortune to have been loved and to love some really big women. So I wouldn't bother about your size. But it was their confidence and lovingness that attracted and held me. So I feel you need some more confidence and sureness of the quality you have.

I honestly believe that everyone has a shining Light inside them, but mostly it gets covered up with feelings of despair, thoughts about themselves, and the culture we live in. In Africa and other cultures men love fat women. All the evidence we can see around us is that nobody is too fat to be loved and lovable. What happens is that women after rejection reject themselves.

But I am not being flowery or idealistic when I talk about the Light in you. Just think about it. Where has everything come from as far as we know? The Big Bang. Without the universe none of us would exist. And the universe arose out of a mystery that we are still trying to understand. In its unfoldment it created time and space. Before that there was no time and no space. And today in quantum physics we are told that our fundamental particles are not little atoms, not little bits of matter, they are much smaller and subtle than that. and science as shown that these particle that are us at our base, are beyond time and space, and can be in touch with all things. So it is not a fanciful thing to say you are a fantastic creature, and have links with the creation of the universe, and have fantastic creative power. So do not forget that as you look at your child.

What many scientist are on the verge of saying, but are so bloody cautious, is that we are the children of that creative explosion. My experience is that the creative burst before the big bang, died in forming the universe. So we are it!!


Dream Interpretation / Re: in an airplane
« on: January 13, 2011, 11:31:33 AM »
Well McCurious – To start with climbing aboard a plane suggests the amazing possibilities of change, of varied experience, of romance, business and discovery in life today. But it also holds all the possibilities of failure, of not being able to get your projects or relationship off the ground, along with delays, unexpected threats, and the possible tragedy and loss you might meet in life.

And it can also mean embarking upon dramatic movement from one way of life, or one situation in life, to another; a leap into the unknown, into chance – so it is a powerful symbol of change. Perhaps that flight into chance, into life and its mysterious possibilities might be okay. But it might fall from the sky too.

So in your dream you are sitting on the lap of your husband, a very loving thing to do, but with a lot of anxiety. So I am wondering what change you or your husband are planning or are engaged in that causes you to hang on for dear life while he or you are learning to fly to something new and risky, but with a lot or promise.


Dream Interpretation / Re: Dream of Father Passed Away
« on: January 12, 2011, 01:38:50 PM »
LadyDi – Thanks for an interesting dream.

Perhaps if we could remember a fraction of our dreams we would be a lot wiser. But dreams are like snowflakes and melt away as you hold them to look at.

I want to quote something that is not directly relevant to your dreams, but does explain why you see your dad driving a car and your brother at school.

“The television picture you watch on a screen is translated from signals the TV set is sensitive to and changes into pictures, colour and sound. The signals are not in themselves images, colour or sound. So, like the TV, the world you feel so sure you are seeing and experiencing, is one your brain has created in order to enable you to deal with survival. Your eye picks up vibrations of light, that are then translated into nervous impulses, passed to the brain where it creates a meaningful experience. We are not SEEING what is actually outside of us!

So it is true to say that you live in a world, in conceptions of yourself and your surroundings that are a self-created virtual reality. And dreams are the greatest of virtual realities.”

What I was leading up to is that the signal you got from your father – although a true signal – was a translation into images you could understand.

So you can take it seriously that your father was making contact with you, and passing on a message assuring you of his love and that he was also caring for your brother. The car probably means that your dad is easily moving about in his news environment.


Terraann – That is quite a dream, and I see from what happened in the dream you have already made quite a journey of growth in your life. Because there are so many aspects to your dream I might only gloss over some sequences.

The whole dream is about what you sense are the possibilities you may face in the future. The conflict with the scientists and the man with the syringe seems to represent a feeling you have about the present, and what has happened to you.  You had been injected with something that would make you passively accept the way things were. Injection usually points to something that has been put into you, such as ideas, viewpoints, education and propaganda. But something has woken you up to this – the economic crash – that you mention later.

Your rushing off and wanting to tell the ‘authorities’ is you period of waking up to what is happening around you in you waking life. It isn’t easy for you because there are so many opinions – people – pushing every which way. Nevertheless you feel it as am imperative to carry on. You are heading north – you are a creature of the northern hemisphere – so north is about difficult times. In Native American symbolism the North is said to be “The Black Road, The Rough Track of Trials.” So again it is suggesting that you are, or will, face trials. Therefore the suggestion is that you do not pull back from opposition or trials, but carry on the direction you feel you are impelled to go.

You are going up hill, a hard climb, and then you climb higher into the building. This shows you pushing against the odds, the growth that I mentioned in the beginning. You have covered a lot of ground – or will do – as you meet the events of that are coming.

Now the Purple Snake comes and you try all you can to avoid it. Now the snake is a much misunderstood image in dreams, and is usually one causing a lot of fear. Reptiles and Snakes in dreams are not some psychological symbol, but are an image, like on the computer screen that is just a link with an active and live principle. It is one of the three levels of your brain, the medulla, and is called the lizard brain. Neuroscientist Paul MacLean says we actually have three brains, the most primitive being the medulla. This part of our brain still deals with the same things it did in the lizard. Namely, flight and fight, reproduction, territory and ritual behaviour. I believe the lizard or snake in your dreams shows what is happening at this very basic, but very important level of your consciousness. This is why snakes and lizards are so often linked with sex. But they represent much more than that. They are also the wonder of the instinctive life in you trying forever to move toward survival, even if blindly. The snake and lizard represent the sexual, emotional and mental energy within. This energy, like electricity, can accomplish almost anything. In the home it can light a light, produce music or TV images, heat us or kill us. Your ‘snake’ energy can produce illness through being expressed as fear or terrible depression, or it can become amazing mental creativity and emotional pleasure, depending how you relate to it. So what is happening to the snake/lizard in your dreams shows what you are doing with your creative/destructive energy. Therefore being bitten by a snake depicts the emotional energy turned against yourself or someone else. 
The snake in your dream links with the rising ocean; and the rising ocean denotes a cosmic event, an event that threatens ordinary human awareness, and awareness that if it isn’t centred in the Life principle within us could be downed – as with Noah’s. That you came to terms with the snake shows your measure of growth and achievement, even though you were originally terrified. The snake is the personal meeting with the forces of Life and the Cosmos as it underlies our personal life. See Levels of the Mind. See also Prophetic Dream.

The snake communicates with you telepathically because it IS you, a powerful and amazing part of you. From the dream it seems as if your mission or destiny in the future it to care for children, and see them all as yours.

The sunset and other cosmic events are about the ending of a period in your life, and probably the ending of a period of human development. When you pass through a tunnel you are facing the darkest period, but passing through it okay – after all you have the power of the snake with you now. But you need to keep honest and act with care with other humans. And that brings you through to a very new experience of life. It is a new world after the old one was devastated – not necessarily by floods, but by a massive shift in human understanding that many would be ‘drowned’ by.

The end is that you will have to build your lives in a new way.

Keep the faith.


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