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Messages - Tony Crisp

Pages: 1 ... 222 223 [224] 225 226 ... 228
Greetings / Re: hello
« on: November 14, 2010, 11:22:49 AM »
Hi JoMay - It's good to have you here with all of us.


Dream Interpretation / Re: Pool full of glitter!
« on: November 12, 2010, 02:09:11 PM »
WellWorld – It means that you learned something wonderful. First of all you faced the fear of jumping off a roof – pretty good I think. Then because of that your dream started to transform, so you saw the glitter. And on top of that you managed to keep aware of what was happening – excellent.
I believe what you learned was that when you face your fears and meet them - in dreams of course – you create a different world in the dream and in yourself.

You had the strength to “force myself” to wake up. That takes a lot of doing, and in doing it you become a master of your natural impulses to sleep, to avoid what you are frightened of, to then create our own inner world. That is yoga or self awareness.

As you change your inner world you change your outer world as well. You cannot completely disconnect the two. So if you can, please read http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/the-magical-dream-machine/


Dream Interpretation / Re: Dead husband
« on: November 12, 2010, 01:40:42 PM »
Hi Ursula – I feel you ought to take hold of that wonderful stone your husband brought from the bottom of the sea and while you hold it in your imagination share your love with him.

There is often an anxious or difficult time soon after death, but it quickly passes. I think it is harder for young people to die than the old. This is because the dead have lost their body, with all its physical appetites and desires, so they have a great adjustment to make. With age many of the things we so longed for in youth drop away – if we are lucky.


Dream Interpretation / Re: Deceased mother
« on: November 12, 2010, 01:08:40 PM »
Kruffin – No, it doesn’t mean that she will continue experiencing pain inflicted on her, but it does mean that she will pass through and cleanse it. It seems that death is not a punishment but a change to grow through what you have gathered as a harvest of experience in life. It doesn’t usually take long to go through any rough stuff.

I think the way to talk to your mother is to imagine she is there and then talk. Realise that she doesn’t have the barriers of time and place that we usually have. Just thinking of her puts you in communication with her. To quote an account of this: “He need only think of a friend or place and immediately he was there and was later able to find confirmation for his observations. In looking at his body, he noticed that the brain was only an end organ, like a condensing plate, upon which memory and awareness played. The mind, he said, was not in the brain, the brain was in the mind, like a radio in the play of signals.”

So do not let you everyday experience stand in the way of communication, as in everyday life it all depends on physical sounds and signs.

As for the baby, I wonder if it is your mother coming back into the family.


Dream Interpretation / Re: Talking Cats!
« on: November 12, 2010, 12:54:39 PM »
Sleeptight – I hope so too. And please let me know when you have the baby, as I like to share the moment.


Dream Interpretation / Re: Deceased mother
« on: November 10, 2010, 12:35:55 PM »
Kruffin – The only explanation I can think of is that obviously your mother doesn’t know she is dead. This means she hasn’t been helped in the next stages of death, and there are several.

Although your mother was a beautiful and sacrificing person we all have things that haven’t been dealt with in her life. I would think the little girl she holds is a clue.

Being dead is in some ways like living in the dream world, and any past traumas as there in the people or situations. You have to realise that in death you are in the world of Spirit, and that has many different rules. To quote from a feature on this site:

“At death now begins what is for most people a purifying experience. In life we can choose to act from the direction or impulse given us by our whole being, or spirit: or we can choose to act from impulses arising from just one aspect of self, such as the body, sexual desire, intellect, emotion etc. Steiner points out that the desire to eat, for instance, is basically an urge arising from the Spirit, as it wishes to take part in physical experience. But frequently we extend this urge and eat just for the pleasure of tasting, or being in company, through insecurity and so on. This also applies, of course, to sexuality, emotions and thinking. If our activities had arisen purely out of spiritual impulse, we would experience no purification. However, we have built into our soul nature, many longings and desires that can only be fulfilled through the body, which are out of harmony with the spirit. There is thus experienced a period of burning desires; as these longings consume themselves in their own fire. During this time, one lives again through memories of life, but only those that were out of harmony with one’s innermost nature. Not only does one remember such deeds and emotions, but also experiences them as happening to oneself. Thus pain given to others, childhood pain, destruction wrought in the world, loneliness and fear sown, are now gone through personally. As with all these experiences, many people go through them during life, and are thus already cleansed.”

So I would suggest you speak to your mother and explain that what she is feeling is only something she will pass through – and with your loving support will help her have an easier passage.


Dream Interpretation / Re: hair growing in eyes
« on: November 10, 2010, 12:03:29 PM »
Well Kiwiblue82 – I wonder what eye it was – left or right? It makes a difference.

This suggests some sort of irritant or irritation connected with what you can see or have seen. If it is the right eye it means something interfering with what you can see that is going on in the outside world. If the left eye it is an interference with what you are really thinking or feeling; not aware of self, motives or behaviour; no ‘in-sight’.

Every time I think about your dream it reminds me of the saying: King James Bible - And if thine eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: it is better for thee to enter into life with one eye, rather than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire.


Dream Interpretation / Re: Talking Cats!
« on: November 09, 2010, 11:16:40 AM »
SleepTight - This has a lot of features in it to do with being pregnant. The many small fish are one, then the cat with kittens. And the cutting the screen could be the same. And the men with guns is very Freudian sex.

Obviously I can be very wrong, but do watch out. The female black cat is also a sign of your instinctive female speaking to you about babies. So if you are not pregnant I think there is a lot going on in you about your inner woman getting ready.


Dream Interpretation / Re: Hostage
« on: November 09, 2010, 11:08:59 AM »
I had a very strong feeling that you are the hostage that had been held, along with your artistic abilities.

The drunken state was you meeting the awful state most of us are in within ourselves. Then the vomiting was a release and so you came back to a new start.

As I remind people, the dream is like a fetus, it takes time to mature enough to be alive in our everyday life.


Dream Interpretation / Re: Squares and threes
« on: November 09, 2010, 11:04:36 AM »
Please let me know of any new realisations, as I am still learning how to best advise people.


Dream Interpretation / Re: the female from jupiter,
« on: November 09, 2010, 11:02:47 AM »
Mike – I am enthused by your reply, and thank you for feedback.

Certainly Hindu. I quote a relevant piece: “In my being I am Krishna and Radha.  In me they both live in a wonderful union of bliss.  I am both the incarnation of godhead and also the worshipper before that wonder.  That this wonder can live in us is beyond my understanding.  That it can take on flesh - and that it does, every time a baby is born - leaves me in a state of wonder. I feel all this because I am that blissful union of Krishna and Radha. In myself I know the union and the love.  I have been and am that sweet love forever joined.”

Religion and enlightenment are ridiculous terms for what is really everyday experience. As I have come to understand it, ‘religions’ were encrustations around people who touched the divine splendour. As things that were no longer alive they became doctrine and dogma. Whereas what your Divine female told you about enlightenment is, I believe a statement of what we are all capable of. For instance the baby can, if kept healthy, grow into a youth, and a youth into a teenager, a teenager into a mature man or woman – and a mature man or woman can flower into a new type of awareness – if they can face the transformation. You do not have to live a holy life or be ‘good’. You just have to LIVE as fully as you can.

No pain no gain is right. Many people are frightened of feeling everything they are capable of. And that goes for feeling the divine love.

So I salute you.


Dream Interpretation / Re: More cake without icing?
« on: November 09, 2010, 10:28:44 AM »
Hi Midlander – I am having trouble keeping up with the many posts, so thus this late response. Also I lost the thing I was replying too, so this is out of sequence. It was the garage dream.

“Do the attributes of the animal pertain to the other person?” I know I use this example a lot, but it might answer your question: “I was recently asked by a man who had given no thought to dreams how on earth you could extract any meaning from them. He was wearing a fairly old T-shirt, so I said, "OK, let’s imagine you dreamt of your T-shirt, what would you make of that?"

After a while he said, "I don't know that I would make anything of it."

My response was to say, "Right, but now tell me where you bought the T-shirt, and what memories it has for you." Whereupon he told me, with some hesitation his memories of being abroad, and that the shirt was part of memories that he didn't want to talk about. Not only did he realise he had very powerful associations with the T-Shirt, but he wanted to hide them.

Obviously you have associated feelings, hopes etc for the man, and his dog. So what are they?

I would guess they are something to do with your own natural feelings. After all you like the feeling of the dog on your lap. I would guess again that the connection and associations are ones that relax you and make you feel easy with the relaxtionship.


Questions about dreams / Re: Question about dreams
« on: November 07, 2010, 02:04:47 PM »
I don't think dreams have a hidden meaning. There is nothing hidden about the French language, but it may not be understandable if we have not learned to associate meaning to the sounds. Also dreams arise from an ancient part of our nature that did not have language so expresses in what it associates with the people and objects you dream about.

As an example I was recently asked by a man who had given no thought to dreams how on earth you could extract any meaning from them. He was wearing a fairly old T-shirt, so I said, "OK, lets imagine you dreamt of your T-shirt, what would you make of that?"

After a while he said, "I don't know that I would make anything of it."

My response was to say, "Right, but now tell me where you bought the T-shirt, and what memories it has for you." Whereupon he told me, with some hesitation his memories of being abroad, and that the shirt was part of memories that he didn't want to talk about. Not only did he realise he had very powerful associations with the T-Shirt, but he wanted to hide them.

The important point is that everything we see and deal with, every person, every imagined scene, has such a background of feelings and perhaps memories. It is exactly this background of feelings and information that the dream weaves its story from. It is these associations that are the language of our dreams. To understand them you need to become aware of the usually unconscious feeling responses you have in connection with every thing, place, perseon and animal you fill your dreams with.

So I am certain that if we could explore our unconscious every dream has meaning. But of course many people who try to understand dreams are exploring them from a very rational state of mind, never having ventured into their unconscious.


General Discussion / Re: Dreaming in colour?
« on: November 07, 2010, 01:03:00 PM »
I believe women dream in colour more than men. I think this is because in general they are more interested in colour. For myself I seldom dream in colour, and if I do it is a special feature of the dream.


Dream Interpretation / Re: the female from jupiter,
« on: November 07, 2010, 09:32:20 AM »
Quite a great dream Mike – It is so interesting to me how the ancient themes, as you say from Jung’s collective unconscious, show up in modern garb.

Staying with Jung for a while I feel certain the wonderful woman in your dream is your anima – your female self. That may sound very ordinary, yet when you meet, it is an extraordinary experience – even a religious experience. This is because meeting the anima for a man – or the animus for a woman – is a meeting with your whole self, your core, or the eternal spirit, depending on what you think of the spiritual centre of you.

Also you were told by this wonderful creature that you have been enlightened and that you have each other now. But there is more to it, or maybe you didn’t tell me. It is that you and she merge in an extraordinary oneness. And this is something I haven’t heard from Jung, a merging and a direct experience of enlightenment. So I feel certain this is one of many more meeting when you are initiated into the wonders of wider awareness.

Something else that can happen when you fully merge with her in an ecstatic union is you experience the spiritual marriage. When that happens you are married to all women you have loved - or can love.

For instance you often become lucid at these times, and although deep in sleep, are aware you are dreaming, but you have an experience of seeing deeply into yourself – and by deeply I mean that the self we usually know is a tiny part of us. And I am not speaking of what many people describe as lucidity, a sort of playing with dream images and meeting certain people, exploring Mars, etc. Those are all surface things. Enlightenment can be when in a lucid state, suddenly you are aware of yourself existing through all time and know how this life came to be – or else you are in the cosmic mind. See examples of this in http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/example-11

From what you say of your dream it seems to me you are moving into a new awareness of yourself and what you life is – and its possibilities. So I wonder whether you could use the Meditation with Seed to open you more – http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/meditation-with-seed


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