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Messages - Tony Crisp

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Dream Interpretation / Re: Terrorgroup in town
« on: August 01, 2021, 11:05:11 AM »
Hi ToBeAware - The ideal world you said the world should be, if it was not the result of human action but some great being, it would make us all into robots only acting as commanded, to be good. Instead we all have wills of our own and some choose to be murders and to dominate others to do heir will.

Unfortunately we cannot magically change others, and many have seen that the best we can do is to change ourselves and start the ball of change rolling.

So the call here is for people to wake up to the worlds they are unconscious in. I particularly want to point out the forces that manipulate many of us into being consumers. See http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/questions-2/#Victim  and http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/instinct/

Also see - https://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/what-we-need-to-remember-about-us-3/#Learn

Dream Interpretation / Death
« on: July 30, 2021, 11:37:38 AM »
Hello Tony,

How are you?

I would love your input on my recurring (well twice now since may) dream theme:
First one: May 23rd
- Im in a helicopter when suddenly the helicopter turns down towards the trees 🌲 & the ground & the engine comes to a stop & i can feel How the helicopter starts to descend. My friend yells: ”We are Going to die now”, i realize it as well first With an amazing shocking fear but then suddenly i become calm & aware in the situation as if; i dont want to miss this, i want to be aware as i die. As i descends i wake up.

Second one july 26th:
- i am back at Uni, With my old golfcoach & the assistant coach We are told to run up & down this ”Ladder” 15metres up as a workout, i love workouts so Im doing it. After a couple of times Im at the top & i can feel How the ladder Will fall to the ground! Im going to die & i feel super scared & then; suddenly i become aware (not lucid) & calm wanting to be aware as i die.. somehow i manage to take a small jump right before i hit the ground! I was fine..

Lots of love💗💗💗💗💗,

Dream Interpretation / Re: Missed Shot - Frustration
« on: May 17, 2021, 10:52:32 AM »
Carina - Recurring dreams are produced because fundamental to our dream process is the life action of self regulation - the attempt to heal a problem.

One woman wrote to me that she dreamt the same dream from childhood. She was walking past railings in the town she lived in as a child. She always woke in dread and perspiration from this dream. At forty she told her sister about it. The response was, ‘Oh, that’s simple. Don’t you remember that when you were about four we were walking past those railings and we were set on by a bunch of boys. Then I said to them, ‘Don’t hurt us our mother’s dead!’ They left us alone, but you should have seen the look on your face.’ After realising the dread was connected with the threatened loss of her mother, the dream never recurred. 

So what is your dream trying to tell you? I believe it may be because 'someone is in your way is 'stopping you from expressing your power fully'. I don't have any brothers and sisters who often do this to you. but mothers and fathers can also stand in your way.

We tend to think and feel that it is only if we have been beaten and knocked about that we have huge life problems. Here is part of my discovering how wrong that is.

I had dreamt that my left bicep was damaged. The damage to the bicep, to the flesh was the whole area of my life that I was trying to save and heal, but which I needed to let go of, and wait for the new muscle tissue to grow. How does start again in ones 40's? Is it with patience to let the new tissues and strength grow?

My left arm is my support system, my confidence to do things in the world. I am right handed so do things with my right hand, but support everything with my left – hold the paper as I write; hold the nail as I bang it in with my right. So, the damage to the muscle was the injury to my supportive confidence which I saw as I explored the dream, that arose through my relationship with my father. As all this was felt I sobbed uncontrollably. I wept for the lost years, the wasted years of my youth. I was convulsed with the pain of not having been loved by my father. Tears fell from me for the failure of my life. I would never have believed one could feel so much pain about something missing in one's life. I had always thought to feel that much pain you would have needed to be beaten or abused in childhood. My father was kind, but he showed no warmth. And that was as bad as being beaten, perhaps worse. I had been severely beaten at school, but it hadn’t scarred me like this.

So who is the man in your way of really expressing yourself? Try using the methods explained in https://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/peer-dream-work/


Dream Interpretation / Missed Shot - Frustration
« on: May 14, 2021, 02:06:32 PM »
Hello Tony, How are you? I Have noticed a recurring dream since 2018 i Have had 6 dreams of below theme. Any insight on I can come to insight would be wonderful Thank you: My dream: I cannot tee off (golf). I am standing on tee number 9 at a particular hole i am familiar with, my guy opponent hits his drive perfectly, even makes a bounce on a hill & pushes the ball another 100yds almost into the green! When its my turn there is always someone in my way which makes it impossible for me to hit. I move my ball & tee it up, but then my practice swing feels like an amateur as if i wont hit the ball? Again people who don't know about golf is in my way. By now I'm so frustrated!!! I'm aware that I'm taking too long!! (Fear of penalty?) I never got to hit the ball. Carina

Dream Interpretation / Re: The Party Wasn't On Yet
« on: April 21, 2021, 03:20:00 PM »
Eti- The word telepathy was thought up because at that time they had no real sense of how it could happen. Unfortunately it is still use as is out of body experiences.

Once the awareness is independent of the body, as in sleep, the boundaries of time and space as they are known in the body do not exist. One can easily pass through walls, fly, travel to or immediately be in a far distant place, witnessing what may be, or appears to be, physically real there. We lived through a period where we saw only our physical structure which will be wiped out at death. Now science has seen that we are each fundamentally quantum – energy – and from this view they cannot find death. Ancient people saw the same thing and gave different words to describe it.

Jung and others see individual human consciousness like an island in a huge ocean in which there are countless other islands. Above the surface of the water, which is like individual waking self-awareness; in that state there is a sense of separate existence, with definite boundaries where the shore meets the sea. Beneath the surface however, one island is connected to all other islands. The land stretches away under the waves and rises here and there into other islands. So, it is thought, personal awareness, beneath our everyday consciousness, shades off into a connection with a collective unconscious we all share. Through this connection we may be able to arrive at insights into other people otherwise denied to us.

Your dream - When you stay in a hotel you temporarily transfer your feelings about territory to the room you hire. But you know it is only temporary, and so dream hotels often link with a situation you are in that will not last long, or that you are moving through. This may be in connection with work or relationships, or even the way you feel, depending on what else is in the dream. It seems you have deep in you the desire to find a companion, but the dream put the drama in a temporary relationship.

Looking out of a window and seeing rain, you are looking at the world outside you and the ran can mean you can experience strong emotions. In fact you wonder why people do not buy raincoats, which in dreams represent the attitudes we use to deal with difficult emotions or events. You dream suggests you see this applying to other people not you; a simple psychological way to prevent us from seeing the truth about ourselves.

Whether we remember or not, each time we sleep we create an apparently real world out of our remembered impressions, habits and emotions. As the stage managers of our inner theatres, we have the most abundant props, costumes and backdrops imaginable. Yet, because a dream is our own creation, no part of it, no emotion contained in it, no flight of fancy portrayed, is other than oneself. Even when we dream vividly of another person, such as the man in our life, the dream personality is made up of our own impressions, memories of them, hopes and feelings. Most people are often totally unaware of the experience they take in and how it interacts with them when we live with someone.

So your dreams are a magic mirror that reflects nothing but your own beliefs, worries, fears, wisdom and even genius. To do this it creates characters, situations and drama that are all  reflections of your own inner world. All the images and drama, along with the emotions you feel are simply you looking at yourself. Most of it we do not recognise because we are so blind to our failings and of course our wonder.

Your friend shows you the man riding away - what do you think that suggests. Well the first part of the dream suggests it is a temporary thing. So ask for a dream showing how you can  form a more permanent relationship.

To do this you could try Dream Incubation - https://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/dream-incubation/


Questions about dreams / Why Am I Stuck In Life
« on: April 19, 2021, 09:57:03 AM »
How do we get stuck in life – unable to move or grow?

Many of us get stuck in life situations from which we may never emerge. The situation might be one of never establishing a full and satisfying sexual relationship; constantly feeling hurt by the actions of others; existing in a state of depression or anxiety; forever having to seek activity or company to deal with ones own inner emptiness; experiencing enormous jealousy or anxiety in a relationship – the list could be endless.

Orthodox medicine, recognising how difficult it is to help people move from such mental emotional prisons has turned to chemical attempts to shift the person’s inner state. Overall this sometimes seems to aid, but is not a universal answer to the human condition. There is however a self help path we can take that can radically change such situations. The first step is to recognise how we personally hold such inner conditions in place. Maybe we might even ask the question as to why we maintain such an awful relationship with life. The answer to that question might very well reveal the most powerful process that freezes us in our difficulty.

Example: I had an insight that I had got into a negative feedback loop. Because I had got stuck in this place, then I feared I was stuck there in reality, which produced the certainty I was stuck, which produced the inability to move out. We feed back to ourselves images of failure and feelings of unattractiveness, and all the other negative feelings we all meet during the week. Instead of looking at them and seeing them as passing feelings, we take them as impressions of reality and drown in them. We accept them as true and start to live them. When that happens we see conformation for the negatives, and so it goes on.

I tried to find the way out of the loop. The only way out I could find was the realisation that the loop has no end, like the figure eight. There is only one thing to do, stop it playing. Grab it and stop the crazy record or habit carrying on.

To help with this, to help grab the thing and kill it, we obviously have to realise it is untrue. If we still believe the loop to be playing a truth, then we only strengthen the action. So for its cessation we need to realise that our sense of self is a constantly moving fragile thing that has no stable reality. We aren’t ANYTHING – stable, so how can we be a failure, or a success, or great, or of no account, or any thought or feeling? No thought or feeling represents our reality. No feeling, or sense of ourselves, is anything more than a sense, a feeling, it is not us. So how could this feeling represent some sort of permanent personal reality?

You are building a hell for yourself by your beliefs, and thoughts. You need to recognise the power of these thoughts and in recognising them, say to your self, “I have taken this path of thoughts so many times and it always leads to the same place – emotional pain and turmoil – so why do I keep pushing this crazy button over and over”?

Example: I suffered torment for years, messing up my life, until a dream showed me what I had been doing. I had thought the pain and misery was from some earlier trauma but could not find one. And the dream showed me that it wasn’t a trauma but cultural programming that said that I was a bad father and also a bad husband, both true from a certain viewpoint.

The view that I was shown by the dream was that my pain was from habits created by the culture I grew up in. I realised that I could create a new life by changing the habits of a lifetime. But every time I left the house and my children the old habits started tearing me apart again. I stopped just outside the door and looked at the awful feelings. I had tried positive thinking and that didn’t work. What I saw and reminded myself was that I had gone down that road a thousand times and it always led to self-destruction. So by seeing that I decided to change the habit and reminding myself, not that I was a wonderful person, but that I was a human man, who did not want to make his wife suffer from my awful moods, and also I saw from the dream that we are always free to go in any direction, and that sense of freedom enabled me to start a new life.

It didn’t happen suddenly, but each day it got easier because I knew the attitudes and feeling that led to my misery and so tried another life direction. The direction was the recognition that my state of mind led me to self-destruction every time it took that road and that resolved me to change outside the door.

The tremendous meaning and possibilities of that are amazing. Through the manipulation or observance of our own images, we can discover, trace, change our own innermost processes. See https://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/opening-to-life/#Opening

See Conditioned Reflexes or Responses

A Great Power is Self Justification.
I recently asked a man who had experienced enormous pain through, as he felt, being misused by a woman friend. When I pointed out that this was the woman’s normal behaviour that he himself had described to me, so why was he hurt by it, he said that she should have been more caring for his feelings.

I then asked him if perhaps he was asking her to act like an adult while he maintained the emotional level of response normal in childhood – namely blaming someone else for his hurt. In response he again justified himself by saying that it was normal to feel hurt from such an action.

Such justifications, and the statement that it is normal to feel pain in love, at the death of someone close, at the twisting and turning of life events, or because of the unthinking remarks of someone, are the chains that bind us to that misery.

Carl Jung wrote, “If we could fully meet our shadow, we would be immune to any moral or verbal insinuations. We would already have seen this for ourselves.”

To meet our shadow – to acknowledge our own follies – to see our own childish behaviour – we need to be self aware. Of course that path is not for the weak hearted. It means to stop the continual justification of why we feel and respond in the way we do, and instead, to pull back what we hide from ourselves to reveal the underlying causes of our responses and behaviour. It lies in taking ourselves by the scruff of the neck and perhaps saying, “I am still responding to this as if I am a three year old. Come on, time to grow up, and stop justifying myself for feeling angry, jealous, afraid, and ill.”

Growth is an innate urge in us. If we stop holding it back we will emerge from childhood and our countless justifications. See Avoid Being Victims – Martial Art of the Mind – Water Wonderland – A Way Through – Meeting yourself see them by pasting each heading in the search box in Dreamhawk.

Dream Interpretation / Re: The Party Wasn't On Yet
« on: April 17, 2021, 10:01:13 AM »
Hi Tony,

Yes, exactly. The encounter with this man left me very disappointed since I had different expectations. I almost feel tricked.

I always thought messages are telepathic exchanges between individuals, seems I was wrong.

Can't wait to see the interpretation of this dream.

Thank you! - Eti

Over a month after things ended with this man:

I was in the Marriott hotel with him in a room and we were flirting, being silly and something tells me also intimate even though the scene was not about that. We both were looking out the window and heavy rain started, we saw pupils running away from the rain. I asked him why they don't buy rain coats.

Later on I see us walking around with a very good friend of mine (in real life, but they don't know each other) and the guy showed me the Marriott Spa. I thought maybe he wants us to go there together. Abruptly I see him riding away with his bike. My friend told me that he had to leave since he was scared his bike would get stolen and that he would be back. I was thinking to myself that he would text me in the evening. My friend also told me that he had an interesting question for her: If she had ever met any of my ex boyfriends. That seemed to show that he felt more for me.

This is an interesting dream because the first part is sort of remembering what happened (us being flirty, him leaving and i haven't heard from him since).

Dream Interpretation / Re: The Party Wasn't On Yet
« on: April 16, 2021, 11:23:14 AM »
Eti - Does a party mean for you a celebration or possibility of a social relationship and how you deal with it; a sexual or business opportunity, or even a desire for recognition or warmth?

Dreams can make sense when you realise that it is your own personal feelings that are dealt with in dreams. If you look https://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/getting-at-your-dreams-meaning/ it shows exactly how this works.

The guy inviting you suggests so many possibilities. Obviously it meant something that caught your emotions for it to appear in your dream. I am guessing it was a hunger in you for a male that might be a complimentary partner.

But your dream has a different view for you enter a large storage room - did you have any feelings about that space? It suggests possibilities for space can mean you could do anything in it, but your expectations were not fulfilled because the party was not even started. The dream - your wider awareness - suggests it was not a good direction or hope.

Dream Interpretation / The Party Wasn't On Yet
« on: April 15, 2021, 12:19:30 PM »

I dreamt this dream 2 weeks after a story finished with a guy:

I receive a WhatsApp message from this guy inviting me to his best friend's birthday party. I was surprised since I thought that he just didn't want to show up there alone since all his friends have girlfriends. So I went to this place, it was like a big storage room and the party hadn't started yet. 


Dream Interpretation / Re: Dreaming of dreading becoming a Pilot
« on: April 05, 2021, 09:47:02 AM »
Hi - You seem to forget that to make sense to our conscious self, dreams that arise from the process that developed millions of years ago in animals, had no modern language and uses images which we have associated ides with as symbols, not as a real thing.

So your dream is not about being a fighter pilot, but my guess is it is saying that you need to have the courage to face up to unexpected things to fight in yourself, not in the world as a pilot.

But you can experience it yourself by Being the Person or Thing - All the images, people, animals, places we see in our dreams, are simply your own feelings, fears, hopes and wonder projected onto the screen of your sleeping mind as images. So, it makes sense to take the image of your dream person, thing or animal back into you and own it. In that way, you are actually meeting and dealing with the things about yourself you are not owning or conscious of. That is why dreams are often difficult to understand, because we are hiding things from ourselves.

One of the most important things about actually understanding your dream rather that interpreting it is to become the dream person or object – to actually completely identify with it. This needs to be practiced as most people feel the dream person or object is something other than themselves and are often hesitant to become it. For instance the Devil in a dream is simply your own emotions and fears given an exterior image. Also a teacher or Mentor is in a dream the highest wisdom in us. In doing this you can step beyond the imagery of the dream into direct experience of yourself in all its variety and wonder.

So to do this the dreamer next chooses one of the characters, images or objects in the dream to explore. The character can be themselves as they appear in the dream, or any of the other people or things. It is important to realise that it does not matter if the character is someone known or not, or whether they are young or old. The character needs to be treated as an aspect of their dream, and not as  if they were the living person exterior to the dream. So do not attempt to describe them an outside person, but the dream character.


Dream Interpretation / Re: I Need Help
« on: April 05, 2021, 09:38:18 AM »
Pinaly - My experience over 50 years is that nightmares are an attempt by a deeper self to face a trauma or difficult feeling we refuse to face consciously because of the fear or distress such feelings cause us.

As example
A THING is marauding around the rather bleak, dark house I am in with a small boy. To avoid it I lock myself in a room with the boy. The THING finds the room and tries to break the door down. I frantically try to hold it closed with my hands and one foot pressed against it, my back against a wall for leverage. It was a terrible struggle and I woke myself by screaming.’ Terry F.

 When Terry allowed the sense of fear to arise in him while awake, he felt as he did when a child - the boy in the dream - during the bombing of the second world war. His sense of insecurity dating from that time had emerged when he left a secure job, and had arisen in the images of the nightmare. Understanding his fears he was able to avoid their usual paralysing influence.

Another example of another method to deal with such fears -
A little Kuwaiti boy survived the Iraqi invasion of his country and was living without his father, a prisoner of war. But a recurring nightmare, of Saddam Hussein stabbing his brother to death, was prolonging the trauma.

One night he had a different dream: This time he carried the knife, becoming a hero who kills his nemesis. The emotional weight he carried disappeared. Altering recurring nightmares may hold a key to recovery for many victims of trauma, says Dr. Deidre Barrett, a professor of behavioral medicine and hypnotherapy at Harvard Medical School. Barrett spent a month in Kuwait City after the Gulf War training other therapists to treat post-traumatic stress disorder.  She says, “Just changing something in the dream gives people such a sense of mastery in controlling things.”

“Just that sort of dramatic sense of confidence he had in a dream carried over into his waking life.”
Research and human experience over many years have shown ways we can work with the wonder of your dream process. From such research Dr. Nielsen and Levin suggest that dreaming attempts to create ‘fear extinction’ to deal with painful or fearful dream experience. The dream process succeeds at this when we do not wake from a fearful dream. When we wake from a nightmarish dream it has failed. As Dr. Nielsen points out, ‘If you feel yourself falling spread your arms and learn how to fly’.
This is not a crazy suggestion. Dreams are simply feelings put into images. Nothing can actually hurt you while you dream. If you really take that in and decide to confront your dream fears – don’t confuse this with externally dangerous things – you can transform your inner world of anxieties, heal past hurts, and open up the treasure house of your potential. When this happens it flows into confidence and pleasure in daily life.

Remember that in dreams you cannot be hurt or die. Whenever we dream its images are not like real life, because a dream is nothing like outer life where things could hurt you, but is an image like on a cinema screen, so that even if a gun is pointed at you and fired it can do no damage – except if you run in fear; so, all the things that scare you are simply your own fears projected onto the screen of your sleeping mind.

So try this -
All the images, people, animals, places we see in our dreams, are simply your own feelings, fears, hopes and wonder projected onto the screen of your sleeping mind as images. So, it makes sense to take the image of your dream person, thing or animal back into you and own it. In that way, you are actually meeting and dealing with the things about yourself you are not owning or conscious of. That is why dreams are often difficult to understand, because we are hiding things from ourselves.

One of the most important things about actually understanding your dream rather that interpreting it is to become the dream person or object – to actually completely identify with it. This needs to be practiced as most people feel the dream person or object is something other than themselves and are often hesitant to become it. For instance the Devil in a dream is simply your own emotions and fears given an exterior image. Also a teacher or Mentor is in a dream the highest wisdom in us. In doing this you can step beyond the imagery of the dream into direct experience of yourself in all its variety and wonder.

So to do this the dreamer next chooses one of the characters, images or objects in the dream to explore. The character can be themselves as they appear in the dream, or any of the other people or things. It is important to realise that it does not matter if the character is someone known or not, or whether they are young or old. The character needs to be treated as an aspect of their dream, and not as  if they were the living person exterior to the dream. So do not attempt to describe them an outside person, but the dream character.

In choosing an image to work with, such as a person, a tree, cat, place, or an environment like the street in the example dream above, it must again be treated as it appears in the dream, not as it may appear in real life.  One can take any image from the dream to work with. But do not start thinking about the person or thing, imagine yourself as them or it – step into their body. Then wait for any feelings to arise and describe them, avoid trying to understand it by thinking about it – dreams arise from a level that preexists thinking. See https://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/masters-of-nightmares/


Dream Interpretation / I Need Help
« on: April 05, 2021, 09:33:26 AM »
I am getting nightmares every single night. And they are new every night. Sometimes I see my self fighting with my dad. Another I see myself killed. Next I saw that I was getting married forcefully with someone.

And another thing is that I am having a very close friend who is my colleague too. Every single time it happens that I am at fault I only keep making mistakes every single time. How does it happen that I am only the one who makes mistakes every time then fights arguments and much more. Pinaly

Dream Interpretation / Re: I Don't Want to Hope
« on: March 11, 2021, 12:16:50 PM »
M - The tree is your life as it unfolds - with all its strengths and weaknesses. It is certainly stability - luck in love? To see that you have been looking at trash because people make up things without experiencing them. Love is a word thrown about to get people feel their need for love - it is not the meaning of tree.

The dream shows you at the top of the tree - the point of growth, but also the point of tenderness because the new growth can be your highest self but it can be torn apart because it hasn't hardened. Your dream shows this as your uncertainty.

The guide is shown at the foot of  the tree in the dark showing that he has no experience of your growth, has not been able to climb the tree, meanning he has no experience of your inner personal growth and your urge to grow.

Your dream is your truth, shown as the guide who is insecure. After my searching for external help from many guides for 50 years, I found that the greatest guide who knows every part of you from babyhood through teenage, and on through your future is within you. That is what I was trying to help you find, the inner energy of your personal highest self. For within each of us lies a radiance that enriches us if we can meet it. This radiance, from its vastness using things we might understand, says that we too must reach beyond our often pitiful understanding to move toward and touch the wonder of Life within us.

As for hope - T. S Elliot sees the truth of that: 

I said to my soul, be still and wait without hope 

For hope would be hope for the wrong thing; wait without love 

For love would be love of the wrong thing; there is yet faith 

But the faith and the love and the hope are all in the waiting. 

Wait without thought, for you are not ready for thought: So, the darkness shall be the light, and the stillness the dancing. 


Dream Interpretation / I Don't Want to Hope
« on: March 10, 2021, 03:20:17 PM »
I have lots of dreams with the guide. He gives me mixed signals saying that now he is not ready and feels insecure about himself but I see how he looks at me. I don't want to hope for something which will be futile anyway, maybe I do project something onto him and he knows that's the part of ayahuasca integration and he is scared to be involved? So my dream was quite strange.

I was on the top of the tree. He was close to the trunk in the dark and I tried to reach him. I tried to be a tree as one of your techniques advice and i felt it may mean stability. But I also checked the meaning and it also may mean luck in love.... M.

Dream Interpretation / Re: Between a Rock and a Hard Place
« on: March 03, 2021, 01:59:06 PM »
Andrew - I cannot see this dream needs interpretation; instead it needs education.

Dreams are the greatest of virtual realities. Remember that dreams are just like computer games in which you get very involved and face monsters and kill or be killed and nothing has actually happened – you are still alive and unhurt. But that is exactly what this wonderfully alive virtual reality of your dreams is, for we are all playing the game of life – the game we play in which we face or run away from the things that scare us; in which we explore the depths of our existence, develop the speed of our reactions or learn how to love – or simply meet a reflection of our own weakness, terror and of course the wonder of your inner genius. For that is all it is – a magic mirror in which we see ourselves naked of pretense.

So it seems you are still seeing your dream as if it were real life in which you need revolvers to hold people  off. But while we dream we have entered another dimension in which we are shape shifters, or bodiless awareness or any dam thing we wish. Remember the image or even your body is not you. So you could put down your guns and let the police rush and grab you - but you could be like a ghost image where their hands pass through you. Or here is a good one, let them pull a hand or arm off - and produce lots of blood to see what their reaction is - meanwhile you are still whole for you can create a new image of yourself.

Example:  It was a mammal of no particular type – a bit like a mixture of dog, rat and guinea pig. It seemed very ordinary and tame, and stood looking at me. I walked toward it and stretched out my hand. It was a tan colour with short fur and gave a feeling of being okay to approach, so I touched it to stroke. This was okay and I was thinking there was no problem when the creature leapt at my throat in a flash of movement and ripped my throat out.

This sounds disturbing but I simply observed this and thought to myself that stroking and trying to be friendly was no way of dealing with this thing. It was as if I was in command of the imagery in that I simply formed another body. But then it dived into me to devour me from within. In fact apart from the gory imagery, there was nothing to be frightened of, as the creature was only attacking my dream image of myself. As I wasn’t identified with this, it couldn’t hurt me. So I simple created another image of my body.

Example: Facing my adversary and becoming lucid in the dream, I allowed the adversary to kill me with a sword, knowing all the while that absolutely no harm could come from this experience. Fully lucid and looking at my dream attacker I said: “You can plunge the sword through me if you wish,” whereupon my adversary did just that. Then I drew the sword out of my dream body and very lovingly and wisely gave it back to the adversary and said: “Thank you.”

All it takes is practice. Do it by imagining it,


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