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Messages - Tony Crisp

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Dream Interpretation / Between a Rock and a Hard Place
« on: March 03, 2021, 01:34:00 PM »
I dreamt that my life was fine, no problems and then suddenly a group of police and schemers had put a large number of crime cases online  suggesting that I had committed them.

I was shocked and wondered why these people would want to do that to me. So I was taken to court and the judge, who had the cases in front of him said that he could do nothing but pass judgement on the evidence.

I had two pistols with me and threatened the many police who were waiting to grab me so they held back. I thought I could get someone to see what had been done, but nobody came.

Tony I wrote this to you hoping you might help - Andrew

Dream Interpretation / Re: Just starting to fall asleep...
« on: March 03, 2021, 01:18:40 PM »
Gordon - Men do not realise that they too can give birth. In physical life it is usually giving birth to creative things like music, an inventive idea etc. But here is an example - the easy way for men to give birth - in dreams.

"I was in a basement where my wife and a woman I loved was giving birth to a baby, but I was somehow the one who gave birth to it without a doctor being there. It was a lovely boy. Its lower face was covered by a tight caul, but I pulled this off and it began to breathe. It opened its eyes and looked about, fully conscious. Then said something about Jesus, and, “It is gone!” I asked what had gone, and it replied, “The other ego; where has it gone?” I explained that the spirit self it knew before birth was now gone so it could live in the body. The baby was then taken upstairs, and I felt it was a holy and wonderful baby. I was going to rest from the rigours of the birth, but on looking around saw how dusty and dirty the basement was. I began to clean it, and felt I would go upstairs and rest afterwards."

In Islam it is believed that men can give birth to the holy one.

You were also involved in some way with great changes - medical. The aged man probably symbolises the amount of wisdom you have gathered that has led to being able and ready to give birth. The women with you I see as the feminine aspect of you needed to gave birth - shown in the example where the man was also two women. for we must have incorporated our feminine side to be capable of such spiritual growth. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/archetype-of-the-anima-the-female-in-the-male/

Vibration and shaking is movement, and movement is one of the main signs of life. Life and growth are interwoven, and one of the first signs of massive personal growth or change is shaking or vibration in the body or pelvic movement or even electricity running through your body.

Example: What I am given to understand is that once those inner organs start to function it begins to transform the body. New energy or different levels of energy flow through the body. Sometimes the person feels themselves vibrating either as they meditate or in sleep, and this is a sign of that new energy. It also shows that in some way, as suggested in the analogy of the seed, when the seed produces a stem and pushes above the soil, it can take in the energy of the sun. So as these organs unfold in a person they become almost like leaves that taking this new energy in. See https://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/dimensions-of-human-experience/


Dream Interpretation / Re: Unpleasant dream
« on: February 05, 2021, 03:27:09 PM »
Hi Mernel - The cat is often a symbol of yourself as a woman. You reached with your hand, a sign you were extending good will to someone. But your attempt was met with things that hurt your feelings of attempting to be friends.

Cooking is a way we transform ‘inedible’ or ‘unpalatable’ aspects of our life. So you cut off your attempts to be a friend and tried to make your actions 'palatable'.

It seems like you want to make things okay, but that might not be possible. You can turn the other cheek of course, but that does not mean you are literally hit again and again, I think it means you do not have to carry bad feelings with you and that you can be yourself - maybe your loving self? That is sometimes a very powerful thing.

Dream Interpretation / Re: The big question.
« on: February 05, 2021, 03:03:05 PM »
You have both been busy. I will add only a small thing. Here are some peoples experience of realising you are more than your brain and body.

Another person says, ‘Unexpectedly everything changed and my fundamental self was something that existed throughout all time. It didn’t have a beginning or end. There was no goal to achieve. I am.’

Slightly different but still the same enlightenment. ‘Everything seemed to slip away and I felt as if I melted back into the primal being of the universe. It didn’t seem as if my ego was gone, just melted into everything else. It was blissful.’

"In a few words, I got to the point where I realised that the answer I was looking for was myself. So why was there any need to make an effort to find oneself? The more one sought an answer, the less likely one was to find one. All effort dropped away and I existed in a simple state of being, of clear existence, for hours. My ego seemed to melt, yet it was still there, it hadn’t been destroyed or overcome, or denied. It had simply dropped like effort from the limbs when we sleep.

In this state I had a wonderful sense that I had been let into the Garden of Eden again. Everybody was always in the Garden but they cannot see it because they have lost their innocence. They have covered up their perception of it with too many thoughts, opinions, struggles, attitudes, fears, dreams and hopes. I could see that we play thoughts and attitudes like records, and these were not ourselves. I knew myself as the empty awareness of existence. It was heaven, it was peace, it was beyond any effort.

At one point I suddenly realised the meaning of the Cheshire Cat in Alice In Wonderland. I was touching the radiance, the self existent gentle joy of existence, and my ego was not there. It had melted, disappeared. And this was what I saw had happened to the Cheshire Cat. All that was left was the smile, hanging in emptiness. That was how I felt, like a smile hanging in space.

The most moving thing was that what I had found was completely unlike what I had expected. I had thought that it would be like a breakthrough; a terrific heightened awareness; a transcendent lift into another way of being, a losing oneself in a wider world, even a drunkenness of spirit that allows a freedom from the limitations of our usual emotions. It wasn’t at all like any of those. What happened was the simple, the everyday experience of existing, of being, without any trappings. This was so simple and beautiful I wept. I wept to see we all had it, and it was so near at hand. It was not at all a long way off. It was not something that we had to earn or fight to achieve. It was with us all the time and we failed to see it because we were looking for something complicated."

Dream Interpretation / Re: Sleep Paralysis
« on: January 12, 2021, 09:42:12 AM »
Hi Aristocrates - Good to see you here again.

You wake to find you are surrounded by doctors and nurses, obviously making big changes in you and your body.

But do you realise that from conception on there is a natural process working in you that continuously changes  you day by day. The physical body is permanently under process of change. Its keynote is impermanence, and between its birth and its passing away stretch a continuous process of change. Each of us is immersed in a ‘river’ of constant change. If you think about it you have been carried, pushed, impelled by this current as you were moved through babyhood, childhood, teenage and adulthood, and there are more stages of growth beyond adulthood. And as we passed through these changes we died to our old self in order to change to the new. It is the current of Life. This current then carries us on through old age and through the gates of death. All the time we are faced by decisions, and each decision directs us on a different path, helping to create our future.

This process is not simply automatic growth and it is known as self-regulation. If the self-regulatory processes of your being ceased its action you would be dead in a very short time. Even a brisk walk causes such enormous changes in the body it would kill you without the action of self-regulation. The production of lactic acid, unchecked, would destroy the system. Also the drop in blood sugar, unless balanced by the release of glucose from the storage in tissues and liver, would result in collapse.

The level after level of safety factors built into our system are nothing short of incredible. For adequate functioning our blood pressure needs to be at about 110 to 120 (i.e. it displaces 110 millimetres of mercury). It can drop to 70-80 before a critical situation arises in which tissue may die because blood is not reaching it. If we lose a lot of blood, even as much as 30 or 40 percent, the self-regulatory process maintains adequate blood pressure by constricting the blood vessels. This action is controlled by a part of the brain. If that brain area is injured or destroyed, other centres take control. If they are eliminated, ganglia in the sympathetic nervous system direct the action. If they too are eliminated the walls of the arteries and veins themselves regulate their own activity.

Such functions are usually listed under the heading ‘homeostasis’. The word means to ‘keep level or balanced during change’.

So my impression of your dream is that you have not kept up with the process of change that is constantly at work in you. So you are paralysed, as you are every time you dream, to make important and healing changes in you. See https://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/sleep-paralysis/

The dream was a way of making you aware of what was taking place in your depths and maybe pointing out that you got out of touch with your inner life. See https://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/https-dreamhawk-com-inner-life-inner-world-makesinner/

Dream Interpretation / Re: Killing an Aspect of Myself
« on: January 11, 2021, 11:01:09 AM »
Kae - The dreamed of boyfriend  often explores what you fear might happen in the relationship, and what you hope will happen. So, it is not your boyfriend that you are dealing with but yourself – we dream about them and use them as a symbols of what we picked up from the relationship. Only you can know that, but your dream does say that what he represents in you is doing the driving.

I see there are two major conditions in life. One is being in charge of your life in a reasonable degree and making your own decisions. The other is being directed by your fears, lack of confidence or other people’s influence or manipulation. Being in charge and directing your life is being in the driving seat. Being influenced by other people is being a passenger.

Being in the driving seat is a state of mind. It is nothing else. IT IS NOTHING ELSE!

Everything you do leaves marks - the tire marks, but what drives you leads often to not having the car. The loss of something that enables you to go where you want to in life, or that you are carried along by to your goals or toward something. This loss can be a belief or a fear or any strong feeling or motivation that carried you through life and enabled you to reach goals. If you connect your car with independence, then this links with the loss of that and your ability to have your own space or freedom.

Maylin - To understand the friend you need to be that friend. I mean imagine yourself in their body and see how it feels, and describe yourself as them, even ask them questions. In doing so do not forget that this is a part of yourself you are making more real. Don’t get the silly idea this is someone else, even though they have the face and body of someone else. If it is, as you said -  I hate her stuck-up face and detest her, she reminds me of a know-it-all. I grab Maylin and look around to see if my friends were coming to help but they weren’t around so I begin to beat Maylin until I kill her - a bad one, you learn and try to avoid repeating the mistakes.

If you enter Kaylin as described above the lessons will start to be come clear. Aman who did tihs with a body he had killed said, "In ‘being’ the body in the dream the man said, “But it wasn’t until I got into the role of the dead body that any depth of feelings emerged.  Almost as soon as I was in the role of the dead body I began to think about and feel things connected with the way I had killed my sexuality as a teenager.  Gradually these feelings deepened and I was describing my feeling hatred in regard to sexuality and how the masses were pulled along by their genitals into some sort of conformity and performance.  I felt anger and loathing for what I felt at the time were the cattle human beings were. At the time I despised and hated them.  I also felt repugnance at the way people talked about sex or appeared to enjoy it.  It has to be understood that in that period in history in the UK, most of sex was depicted in terms of smut, dirt, animal desire, hidden pornography, or loveless fucking.   I wept deeply, at times hardly able to breathe, with the pain of seeing what I had done to myself.  I said sorry over and over.  I saw that I need not have killed my love and sexuality, but could have expressed it in a tender and loving way."

With you all the way - Tony

Dream Interpretation / Killing an Aspect of Myself
« on: January 11, 2021, 10:22:21 AM »
Here goes:

 I’m in the car with my boyfriend, he’s driving. We are finding an area to park in and there is construction all around us. Everything including the road, is covered in light grey colored cement. The car is leaving a bit of tire marks as we drive through.

We’re now away from the car and my boyfriend gets a call that someone has stolen our car so we rush towards where we parked it. Soon after, a young street savvy lady pulls up in our car and parks it where we had left it. Somehow she managed to locate and return the car to us. It looks different to me but I look at the headlights and fully recognize that it is in fact my car.

I’m now in the backseat of a car filled with girl-friends and I’m telling them about the car situation. I remember that a girl named Maylin had stolen my car once before and had written me demanding $250 in return for my car. I was angry that she had once again been stealing my vehicle.

My friends pull up to a school and one of them asks where all the 15 year olds are and I tell her that those are freshman. I’m now walking through the schoolyard and I spot Maylin, dressed in school uniform. I hate her stuck-up face and detest her, she reminds me of a know-it-all. I grab Maylin and look around to see if my friends were coming to help but they weren’t around so I begin to beat Maylin until I kill her.

I’m now in Puerto Rico in my mother’s house. I’m in the bathroom sink putting the remains of Maylin’s body in an empty plastic bottle of water which I’m going to find a way to dispose of tomorrow. My mom is sleeping in my bed and my dad and cousin have fallen asleep while sitting in the dining room table. It’s nighttime and I tell them that if they are going to sleep, to at least shut both the front and kitchen doors.

I get in bed with my mom and begin to worry about going to jail because I killed Maylin in a public area where I’m certain people saw me.


Overall, what I can understand is that I have killed an aspect of myself that I clearly dislike and had been robbing me of something. Whatever that something was, when it was returned to me, it was not the same as before.

I have looked into the dream dictionary to find the meaning for the significant symbols which have definitely served to give me great understanding but I am having a hard time putting this all together in way that gives me that “aha” moment.

Thank you Tony, any information is appreciated - Kae

Greetings / Incubating Dreams
« on: January 06, 2021, 09:29:22 AM »
Debbie - The dream process is quite amenable to suggestion and conscious influence. It is probably most helpful to think of this action as similar to the process of memory. In seeking information from memory we hold a question or idea and the resulting associated memories or information are largely spontaneous. The question held directs what information is taken from the enormous pool of memory.

Our conscious queries can influence the process of dreaming, as dreaming and memory are in some ways akin. Like memory, the dream process will respond to your conscious input, and as dreams have access to our full memory, your creative potential as well as learned skills, such response to concerns or queries are often of great value. A question might even call together scattered pieces of information which are then put together into a new composite, a new realisation. So the process is not only recall of existing memory, but creative. It may also access skills, such as the ability to subtract one number from another.

To make use of this, first consider the query as fully as possible. Look at it from as many viewpoints as you can, talk it over with others. Make note of the areas that are already clear, and what still remains to be clarified. Just before going to sleep, use imagery to put your question to your unconscious resources. Imagine standing before a circle of gentle light – a symbol of your total self – and asking it for the information sought. Then, as if you have asked a question of a wise friend, create a relaxed state as if listening for the considered reply. In most cases, dreams that follow will in some way be a response to what is sought, though not necessarily in the way imagined.

More help in incubating a dream
Many people say they can see their dreams are influenced by the events of the day. Considering that the brain has a complex computing function, few people go on from that observation to stimulate their dreams to solve problems or analyse situations. Especially since a wider range of memories and associations are available to us while we sleep.

People who use this call it dream incubation’. While it does not work every time, the response gathered from reasonable perseverance is enormously rewarding. Also it is quite easy to do. If you want to see what your own internal monitoring system says about your health for instance, decide to ask this of your dream process.

To incubate a dream means to seek earnestly for a dream that responds to a special need or question. This way of approaching the best in yourself for help has been practised widely in many cultures. Some evidence suggests it was first used as a means of curing sterility, and was wide-spread enough to be used by Australian aborigines as well as Chinese and North Africans. It evolved into a much wider application, and in more recent history its various uses range from young women seeking to dream about their future husband, to Amerindian youths fasting in lonely vigil to receive a dream about their inmost character and destiny. Many such approaches, as those used in Ancient Greece in the healing temples of Aesculapius, were felt to be sacred. Individuals were helped to take on a feeling of approaching the divine and humbly seeking help from the highest wisdom. The effectiveness of this is to be found in many historical records.

In today’s world we have no dream incubation temples, and our culture does not often encourage us to take a cleansing fast and vigil to incubate a dream. We may not have learned the humility and joy felt in approaching the sacred. But we can still as individuals recognise that the forces behind nature and our own existence are special and potent. The great cycles of birth and death, or mating and reproduction are to be seen everywhere, and spring from eternal powers. To approach the fount of these with reverence is not irrational. To seek deeper understanding of your own life situation, your health, or your relationship with the whole, can still bring wonderful blessings and change.

But the classical way was to have a cleansing fast and to bathe before going to bed, with the feeling of cleansing yourself. Then as you are ready to sleep ask for help with your question.

 Further information about incubating dreams
To apply this the first step is to recognise that the unconscious processes of your own mind and body, of your transcendent self, are not like a machine into which you can drop a coin or press a button and out pops a can of coke. The unconscious can be helpfully likened to a person. It is intelligent, responsive, is moved by meaningful communication and relatedness. To gain the help of this potent power in yourself, you need its co-operation. To ask a question of our enormous self, if asked with feeling and seriousness, not just a throw away question, creates a response.

Example:  I have given weak readings when I felt spiritual and calm, and probably elitest and  some great readings when I have been irritated or pissed off with someone who I  didn’t like in the first place or who “I” thought was asking the “wrong” questions. I learnt that we all seem to carry around all sorts of very subtle preconceptions that can block the clarity of the message. I once gave a rather lengthy and detailed message to a woman and not one bit of it made sense, she then went home and was  complaining to a close friend what a useless psychic I was, until the friend recognized that the reading applied to her.

I think the less control we try assert over all the conditions the better the reception, or control/interference. Yet another factor to be taken into account, particularly when discussing precognition; I must admit there are times when I bowled over by this stuff…..

A frivolous question that does not connect with the important issues of your life will not easily get the attention of your unconscious. The more important the question is either for your own welfare or work, the more likely it is your unconscious will explore the issue and present a response in a dream.

When you have a reasonable respect for what you are approaching, define your question. Write it carefully as a letter to your unconscious and place it under your pillow. Expect a reply as you would expect a response from a good friend. Your unconscious is your best and loving friend. It knows you intimately as no one else does. When you wake, pause and let any dream flow into awareness. Record it immediately in some way.

On waking in the morning, before even shifting your position, ask yourself what you have been dreaming. If they are not captured in this way, dreams are often flooded out of memory by the impressions of body movement, sound or vision.

General Discussion / You Are Many
« on: January 06, 2021, 09:26:19 AM »
Hi -- An important thing to remember to understand your dream characters/people is that usually we are not dreaming about that actual person but a living image of them formed by your memories, impressions, events lived with them and even your intuitions about them. Such memories are living parts of us and influence us inwardly, so we put them in our dreams.

Apart from defining how you see one of your dream characters, and what relationship you have had to them in the past, as Harry suggests, it helps to simply consider how you feel about them, what of their characteristics are most important or noticeable to you? But occasionally it isn’t what you see in their character, but what you feel about them that is important. For instance a person who has frequently appeared in my dreams is a woman called Ann. I felt a lot of sexual attraction to Ann – although she may have felt nothing for me – and she appears in my dreams whenever loving feelings or closeness are being dealt with.

So, if we really examine ourselves, we have a really wonderful ability to express as a huge range of different types, as shown in our dreams, the master/mistress of drama and expression.

A man I used to work for, Leo, has appeared in dreams where a problem regarding outer activity was concerned. So Leo represents for me ways of dealing with difficulties I face in the world. He is the confidence and courage I have innately to meet things constructively.

But many characters in dreams are not people you have ever met or known, not even characters from films, plays or books. So you can’t look back on them and ask yourself what you observed or felt about them. In such cases it is most helpful to imagine yourself as that character and describe who you are, exactly as you are and how you act in the dream – as the dream character. As an example of this, one character in a dream, an old man, was dying. He was nobody I knew. When I imagined myself as him and described what I felt, and what was happening to me as him, it was clear he represented the experience I was facing at the time. I was letting my old life, a phase of my life, my old self, die. This was difficult but it was happening, and the dream helped me clarify what I was facing. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson

Dream Interpretation / Re: Heiros gamos dream
« on: November 24, 2020, 12:15:15 PM »
Mikey - Despite the fact that rebirth shows a readical change in the way you see and maybe even respond to life, yet we are still very human.

I think the end of the Ox Herding symbols says it well.
No. 10 Return to Society (crowded marketplace; spreading enlightenment by mingling with humankind)

Now the real end of the  journey is upon you where the realisation is lived that you are at the same time everything and everywhere, but also alone and in space and time in your body. You are just an ordinary person who has been on an amazing journey, and all that shows is your experience and wisdom.

This often sounds paredixical and it is.

Since there is nothing to meditate on, there is no meditation.

Since there is nowhere to go astray, there is no going astray.

Although there is an innumerable variety of profound practices, they do not exist for your mind in its true state.

Of course the above statements are made from a mind free from the restraints most of us live under, for as another Yogi said:

“The disciple is a being whose essential nature is Know­ledge, isn’t he?”


“Then there is no need to give him knowledge but simply to remove the veil of ignorance that hides the existent Knowledge. This, of course, is not to be done at one stroke, since the disciple is immersed in age-old ignorance and needs repeated instruction, perhaps through life after life. And what is this instruction through speech about what is beyond speech? Isn’t it like removing the cover? Ignorance conceals the pre-existent Knowledge just as water plants cover the surface of a pond. Clear away the plants and you have the water. You don’t have to create it; it is already there. Or take another example—a cataract grows on the eye and prevents a man from seeing; remove the cataract and he sees. Ignorance is the cataract. The universe is the efflorescence of the indescribable Maya, which is ignorance; yet ignorance is needed to illuminate and dissolve ignorance … Jnana is not something to be attained, it is eternal and self-existent. On the other hand, ignorance has a cause and an end. The root of it is the idea that the devotee is a separate being from God. Remove this, and what remains is Jnana. ( Jnana refers to pure awareness that is free of conceptual encumbrances. Shirdi Sai Baba.

Dream Interpretation / Re: Heiros gamos dream
« on: November 08, 2020, 11:07:41 AM »
Some thoughts - the yucky tunnel is most likely your dream's interpretation of being born. For we have to be born twice - Jesus: “Verily, verily, I say unto thee, except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” —John 3.


Dream Interpretation / Re: Heiros gamos dream
« on: November 08, 2020, 11:01:49 AM »


Dream Interpretation / Re: Confused
« on: October 23, 2020, 10:06:54 AM »
Sara - Best I can offer is for you to follow by yourself or with a partner what is said in https://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/peer-dream-work/

But also try - "Tony taught me a process in which a dream could be interpreted and understood by assuming that everything, people and objects alike, in a dream represented aspects of the Self. Sitting cross-legged on the squishy, old-fashioned sofa in the living room of my sadhu’s cave opposite Tony, I’d close my eyes and mentally return to a dream I had the previous night. He would ask me questions about the dream, which I’d answer in the first person. So if I dreamt about a tree, I would ‘become’ the tree, assume its personality and respond from its viewpoint. He’d ask ‘So what kind of tree are you? Are you big or small, old or young? What do you look like? Where are you growing? Why are you in Tiziana’s dream?’  This sounded like a silly exercise at first, but I was soon enough convinced of its validity. It was fascinating to discover a wealth of insight and emotion emerging from my responses, and understand how they related to my current situation. They also pinpointed exactly where I was in my growth process. Sometimes, the dreams would uncover unconscious fears and intuitions. Often, they also held important clues and offered solutions to my problems. It was like doing detective’s work – arduous at times, but rewarding beyond belief."

You could be the questioner. Or here is another way:
Example: I was standing in the back garden of a house – one of a row of terraced houses. Each garden was fenced and ran down to a large drainage ditch. It seemed to be raining and water was filling the drainage ditch. The water was backing up into the gardens because something was blocking the ditch. It started rising up my legs. It was quite hot. I realised this was because hot water was running out of the baths and sinks in the houses. I felt I must get out of the gardens. Not only because of the water, but because of how people might feel if they saw me in their garden. I managed to find a way into a farm yard where I felt relaxed.’ Ted F.

The first scene here is Garden. On a piece of paper separate to the dream, write Garden, with space for notes to be put beside it. The entry on Garden in the Dictionary says – ‘Your garden dream often reveals what you are doing with your latent possibilities. It is pointing out whether you have cultivated your abilities, or buried them. A garden is sometimes a place of love in a dream. In which case it can denote what is growing or dying in your relationship. Another garden theme is connected with activities we do in the garden, like pets we keep, or work done.’

The words Houses – Raining – Hot water – Fences – Farmyard need to be looked up and relevant comments written down next to each word. It is important to realise that the dream and its images are a story, not in words but in images with which we have personal associations with. So wrtite down by each word the basic meaning that appeals to you – i.e. makes sense to you.

Houses – Other people. Raining – emotions, release of feelings. Hot Water – Strong emotions or facing difficult situations, such as social criticism. fence or wall also suggests social barriers, the attitudes and feelings people express to keep others at a distance, to keep a separation between those of different social, religious or economic class.

Framyard – This usually has to do with your relationship with your natural urges, the basic drives, such as sex, survival, social hierarchy, parenthood, the down to earth side of yourself.

If we put them together into a story form, we have: I was in an environment with other people and was in hot water facing a difficult situation such as social criticism. I was also in other people’s space and felt that their fences, their attitudes and social difference were there to keep me out. But in returning to my natural feelings I felt at ease again

Making a story of it is an important step, and through you will probably even see what the message of your dream is. But in doing this with his dream, Ted took it further by adding his own associations and ended up with the following. But it is important for you to see what your feelings are and whether any of what is said applies to you. It doesn’t matter if the entry on garden doesn’t contain what is said in your dream. Instead you can say, ‘None of those things apply, but the entry has made me remember my dream garden is a place of pain where a terrible incident happened to me.’ See Working with associations

Ted arrive at and wrote:

Garden – The growth and changes occurring in my life at present.

Row of Houses – Other people.

Raining – Depressed feelings or difficulties; emotions which take away enthusiasm and act as a barrier to action; tears and emotional release – an outpouring; other peoples emotions ‘raining’ on me.

Hot Water – Emotions. In the Idioms is ‘hot water’ suggesting I have got myself in trouble.

Fences – Social boundaries.

Farmyard – Where my natural drives such as sexuality, parenthood, love or fellowship, are cared for or expressed.

When Ted added his own associations to this the dream became fully understandable to him and read like this:

I am going through a lot of changes at the moment – the garden. These are to do with allowing myself to have a warm but non sexual relationship with women. I have always been too dragged along by my sexuality in the past. Just a few days before the dream I was in a ‘growth’ group. I had made friends with a woman there, Susan, who I was warm feelings with, but not sexually. The group work required some close physical contact, and I and another man worked with Susan.

It seemed to me to go without complications. But a while afterwards a woman in the group came to me and with evident emotion, said I had made love publicly to my lover, meaning Susan. I had certainly been physically close to her and had felt at ease, but the viewpoint and feelings of the woman’s accusations, coupled with her threat to expose me to the authority figure in the group, bowled me over.

This is the hot water in the dream. The fences are the boundaries people erect between their personal life and what is socially acceptable. For some days, up until understanding the dream, I felt really blocked up emotionally – the blocked drainage ditch. I cut off any friendship toward Susan. When I realised that in the Farmyard – the acceptance of natural feelings without neat little boundaries – I could feel at peace, I was able to allow my natural warmth again. I also realised the the woman who attempted to damage my reputation had probably never had love that was not directly sexual.

After writing the comments next to each dream image or setting, add any personal memories, feelings or associations, as Ted has. Put down anything which amplifies what has been dreamt. For instance, a car is said to be one’s drive and motivation in the entry on car. But it is helpful to add what personal feelings one has about one’s car. Try imagining what the absence in one’s life of the car, or house, or symbol etc., would mean.

Dream Interpretation / Re: I Killed My Baby
« on: October 23, 2020, 10:00:15 AM »
Your love and care for your child can trigger your mothering instincts with a vengeance. Being female and a mother holds with it an enormously increased anxiety about children. You see all manner of things that might be a threat, and I believe that is what such dreams show. Your imagination for such dangers is enormously increased. This is natural in all mammals, and acts as a warning making you aware. It helps to check whether your child or children are okay, and if they are, say to the part of you that is worried, “It’s okay, I checked, but thanks for keeping me on my toes, you can relax now.” 

R.D. Laing, who from his life history was himself a victim of ‘parents’ wrote, “From the moment of birth, ‘the baby is subjected to these forces of violence, called love, as its mother and father have been, and their parents and their parents before them. These forces are mainly concerned with destroying most of its potentialities. This enterprise is on the whole successful.’

Laing theorised that insanity could be understood as a reaction to the divided self. Instead of arising as a purely medical disease, schizophrenia was thus the result of wrestling with two identities: the identity defined for us by our families and our authentic identity, as we experience ourselves to be. When the two are fundamentally different, it triggers an internal fracturing of the self.”

So the baby that died may be yourself at that age. Try imagining holding the 'dead' baby (nothing in dreams can die and stay dead) so hold it with love and with an open heart and see what you feel.

Dream Interpretation / Confused
« on: October 23, 2020, 09:52:09 AM »

Hey Tony, sorry to bother you. I was wondering if I could ask you a question or two about how to decode symbolism of atypical images. In this particular case I am looking to better understand the meaning behind an impossible animal hybrid. A chimera made from a peacock (the upper portion) and a specific spider - a grand-daddy long legs (the lower portion)...


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