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Author Topic: Underwater/Etc.  (Read 5670 times)


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« on: February 02, 2013, 12:38:29 PM »
I am underwater...the water is greyish...I am swimming up and I sidle up to a jellyfish but it does not sting me.  I am past the jellyfish...I climb up on a boat...there is a ladder in front of me.  I hide behind the ladder as I watch men haul giant pinkish/reddish crabs or lobsters out of the ocean up unto the boat.  They are not in traps...but they dwarf the men and the boat...but do not sink it.

Next I am walking down a street...a man appears walking along side of me...I engage him in conversation...you will like it here I say...he is carrying a light blue thermos and all of sudden I decide I want one too.  He stuffs the lining of the case for his thermos with what looks like black hair that has been cut off from someone's head.  I go to the store and get the thermos, but doubleback when I realize I forgot the black hair.  On my way to the store I pass a store window, it has a white down like parka with a hood rimmed with brown fur.

Tony,  I picked up a movie from the library today...non - fiction...Sleep Furiously...takes place in Trefeurig...have not watched it yet.  I thought I might like to see what your country is like.  Chris

Tony Crisp

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Re: Underwater/Etc.
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2013, 11:01:20 AM »
Chris – It seems as if you are becoming at home in your inner world, but are not very
 clear about what is there – see http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/inner-world/

Then you realise – on the boat – that you have brought up a mass of things – mostly to do with protecting a soft inner body; ways we guard yourself against hurt – or is it nourishment if you like eating crabs.

Then the thermos flask may be about keeping alive feelings, a hope, or inspiration received. This can apply to warm or cold feelings. It might also imply you treasuring memories that inspire, fulfil your needs or strengthen you.

But to find out try http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/practical-techniques-for-understanding-your-dreams/#TalkingAs

As for Wales, it sounds like an interesting and probably moving film. But you are welcome to visit and see for yourself. I have spare room in a lovely old cottage. The walls are all built of river rocks.
