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Author Topic: Dreams about suicide and death  (Read 5934 times)


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Dreams about suicide and death
« on: February 26, 2011, 03:01:46 AM »
I have been having these nightmares lately.  I have had multiples of my husband cheating on me.  I had 2 dreams about my 3 year old son getting in a car accidents and getting really hurt and having to watch him in pain  and the last one I was out with my husband and kinda showed more interest in another man (never cheated just gave him more attention than my husband) and made my husband that was drinking at the time really mad and jealous.  I went to a dance show with my infant son and that guy and out of the blue a security guy from the hotel came up to me and said there was a suicide in room ... (dont remember the room number but I remember having the worst feeling of knowing the room and it being my husband) When I got to the room my husband had half his face missing including his bottom jaw and was still alive.  It was so graphic and gory I couldnt believe it.  I grabbed his hand (it felt so reel that I could remember the feeling of his hand in the morning) and asked him why?!?! All of a sudden he let out this ungodly horrible noise.  I kept screaming what did he do  and I remember having the thought of did he do this or did someone do it to him but my dream never answered itself.  He never died in my dream but boy did it feel soreal.  Can you please explain these horrible dreams to me and why am I having them?

Tony Crisp

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Re: Dreams about suicide and death
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2011, 01:35:00 PM »
Nskorth – This is obviously about all the different feelings you are struggling with in regard to your husband. Even the hurt that your three year old suffered could suggest that your vulnerable feelings, shown as your son, has been hurt.

You have thoughts about other men because you are finding your present relationship painful to bear. And you have a conflict over this, so in our dreams sometimes we see the person who we wish was out of our life die – commit suicide. May be he couldn’t quite get out of your life in your dream because you still feel responsible. In a way that dreams have, his loss of face and his pain are also the pain that you feel because it has left you not knowing who you are and what to do.

I do not know if this will work, but sit and imagine a shinning person, a good a beautiful image, and ask it for help to find your way through this. Then sit in quietness and wait for a minute.
