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Author Topic: My toddler with bloody mouth and me coughing up meat  (Read 5673 times)


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My toddler with bloody mouth and me coughing up meat
« on: August 11, 2015, 04:08:11 AM »
I saw my toddler boy play in his room, he was facing with side/back to me and did some jumping movement, I heard a cracking noise and knew he hit one of his bottom teeth, then he turned with an open mouth looking very distressed and his mouth was bleeding. I did not see the broken tooth nor did I see a gap where he lost his tooth, I could not see his teeth because of blood.
I woke up scared and worried and could not sleep anymore :(
Thank you for taking your time.

Edit: I went back to bed to try and sleep and had another disturbing dream right away.
I saw myself wake up on the couch near my husband who was awake, I felt unwell and noticed a presence right next to me and it was another me as if though I left the body but then merged again, next thing I remember going to the kitchen and seeing myself drinking water and feeling very unwell from stomach again, I return to the couch and start having severe cough, it felt like my air way pipe was all blocked, I coughed up saliva with blood in it and blood rather looked like clot or piece (it was bright red color not dark), I started investigating it and it started to unfold into small soft piece of raw meat, then it turned into a much bigger piece and it looked like cooked meat now, I started to scratch it with my fingernails to check if it was really cooked meat but it would emit fresh blood. My husband told me then that it was the cause for me feeling unwell all this time, just a piece of meat stuck in my stomach, and I was telling him that we need to see what it is, we placed the meat and clippers into a plastic bag for investigation.

This dream makes me worried that I might be sick, I had some issues with my stomach, upper back and iron deficiency for several months now which bring up anxiety and panic attacks that something might be wrong.

Thank you again.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2015, 08:28:56 AM by Dorsy »

Tony Crisp

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Re: My toddler with bloody mouth and me coughing up meat
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2015, 10:03:11 AM »
Dorsy - Nearly always when people dream about someone they know or a strange new person or situation they automatically believe the dream is about that person, situation or animal. But when we think of our friend or partner our thoughts are not them – just our thoughts and feelings about them. So dream images are ways of communicating via our association's not actual things or people. In the world of dreams our most intimate fears and longings are given an exterior life of their own in the form of the people, objects and places of our dream.

So your dream image of your young son probably represents your feelings of care for something in you that has been hurt at some time.

The next dream carries on the theme of something that happened to you a long time ago, some experience you 'took into you' and your dream process is not dealing with it. I think it would become understandable if you read the first part of http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/lifes-little-secrets/

I hope it helps you to understand that you have an inner life that always tries to push things up in your dreams and feelings and is as important as your body. See http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/inner-world/#MakesInner

So your dream wasn't as far as I can see trying to tell you that you have something wrong with your body, but was saying you have an old experience that you are now slowly becoming aware of and are examining. The story is that something is hurting you from within that is leading your body to feel ill. I developed a heart pain that lasted for years until I released by ability to love by using what is explained in Life's Little Secrets. Then it all came out and explained me to myself. So be patient and listen to what your inner self has to tell you.



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Re: My toddler with bloody mouth and me coughing up meat
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2015, 11:20:17 AM »
Dear Tony,
Thank you so much for helping me out and giving a guidence on how to interpret my dream, I greatly appreciate you taking time to help out others. Also thank you for directing me to the articles you wrote, they are very helpful and have reminded me about some things I have forgotten.