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Author Topic: In Bed With Someone Who Has An Appetitie for Putting Down Women  (Read 6086 times)


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I am in a flea market type warehouse.  Looking at beach accessories....towels, chairs and do not buy any.  I leave my black bicycle, which I rode there, and walk out.  I see a dear aunt of mine...she is packing a commercial truck to leave...she asks me where my bicycle is and I tell her I will go back and get it.

I am in a bookstore and have arrived for my shift to work.  I am also going to be the female lead in a play which is being sponsored by the bookstore.  I see a woman sitting prim and proper, her back straight a high necked grey dress covering her chest...a proper straight hat.  She is silent and is not facing me but I see her profile.  Next to her a man is sitting, a big fat stomach and his long legs spread out in front of him.   A voice says to me "that is too bad, as you are in bed with a man who has a large appetite for putting down women."
I am not sure what the play is, but I know it is classic.  I am standing behind a cash register and counter. There is an old woman who is my boss she is in an office with a closed door...someone else is in there with her.  I can see two sections of books in the rack in front of me.  On the left classic plays, on the right books about starting a business.  I am thinking that I can work in exchange for one or more books.

Side Notes:

After your initial response to Bird Attack, I had the image of a woman's torso her lying or sitting...strong legs and a very long vagina...the fold most prominent and long.  It almost looked like their was something missing (like a penis?).

I had a very strong negative reaction to your second comment which I have not been able to sort out or  put into words yet.

I am also feeling angry/sad as it will be Mother's Day and I know I will not hear from my son, ex-husband..stepmother.   

A few weeks ago I read your article on Woman as Slave or Prostitute and not that I disagreed, but I felt very angry.

Feeling alot of negativity about being female and the expectations and limitations of being a woman...being put upon.

Tony Crisp

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Re: In Bed With Someone Who Has An Appetitie for Putting Down Women
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2012, 10:00:35 AM »
Christine – I have, over our time here, formed a connection with you. And reading what you have said I feel something of the enormous weight you are carrying. I reach out to you with a good heart to see if it is possible to help carry some.

Your dream has several positive themes. The aunt appears to be a helpful and active part of you that is changing your condition. The bookstore is a massive store of inner information you have collected. We have an ability to summarise the massive information we take in each day, but usually we do not take time to see what it all means. Our memory stores millions of pieces of information gathered throughout our lifetime. Even in one day we take in millions of impressions. Nothing is forgotten, and it would be strange indeed if from that vast storehouse of information our mind couldn’t come up with some very shrewd observations or calculations about most things important to us. 

So that is worth investigating, and in fact your dream goes on to summarise some of those impressions summarised from millions of memories. The lead role suggests this is importance and you are going to demonstrate something that will aid in the changes going on in you.

The theme seems to be one about divisions or polar opposites – the straight woman and the man. There is so much to learn from this drama. And it seems you will need to work to be able to extract the information you need. There is something here about drama and starting a business.



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Re: In Bed With Someone Who Has An Appetitie for Putting Down Women
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2012, 11:08:12 AM »
Thanks Tony...I will try to keep my mind on the positive aspects of the dream.

Last night I asked myself before I went to sleep...who is the man I am in bed with?  I am in a cafeteria and or food bank and take a few boxes of cereal, a dark man is behind me.  Then I dream I was working in a bank (in reality I have worked for 6)  and sitting at a large desk with a large picture window behind me.  All men are working there...they are all dressed in black clothes and have black hair.  My boss comes up to me and tells me I am fired.  For most of the dream I am screaming and yelling at different men in the bank...verbalizing a lot of anger that I have felt over the years but never expressed directly.  I overhear one say to another "now that she is gone it is easier for us to get to or through the glass ceiling."

There is a middle part to the dream...jumbled so I will skip it here...but during the last part an old boyfriend calls me and asks "What do you want for yourself?  Love?" And I say yes.

Maybe part of loving myself is externalizing it rather than internalizing it. Lots of food for thought.