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Author Topic: Dream of Driving on Freeway - color  (Read 5975 times)


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Dream of Driving on Freeway - color
« on: September 24, 2013, 11:32:40 PM »
Hi everyone, I am new here.  I am very interested in our dreams.  I believe that our daily physical lives are filled with symbolism as are our dreams; that, in fact, our waking selves and dreaming selves are not that different or separate from one another.  Yet I am a beginner here.  Ok, for my dream last night.  I was driving a car on a freeway, with an unseen passenger (who is often with me in dreams).   I was driving very fast.  The freeway was two lanes each way, and was filled with s-curves.  I passed an accident with a death.  Speeding on, I became aware that I was moving too fast for conditions; that other cars were too and were having accidents.  Another curve, and I noticed a second accident, a bright yellow sportscar, another death.  They had scattered mulch all around the scene to clean up the messiness of blood I assumed.  I sped by, realizing I needed to slow down.  I had no destination, just intense focus on the highway and my driving.  I pulled out of the dream and awoke, it was morning.  I felt exhausted.
Recently I have had unusual and intense low back pain that led to urological diagnostics of an invasive nature.  I am thinking it all has to do with onset of menopause (I am 52) and kundalini (lifefire) wanting to rise.    I am am conflicted as it feels like a loss to my heart.   Being an originally unwanted and often invalidated child, nothing sings sweeter to me than the feeling of the gift of a child.  I have one who is now seven.  The dreams are coming stronger now than they have in a long time. 

Tony Crisp

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Re: Dream of Driving on Freeway - color
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2013, 09:26:59 AM »
Alane – Thank you for telling us your dream and about yourself.

I feel strongly that you are pushing yourself too much and your dream gives you several warnings – the deaths. Whether you are pushing yourself physically or psychically is uncertain, but probably both.

The kundalini, despite the stories about it, does not need pushing, but does need leading. It needs a chance to grow by clearing things in the way. Remember the words of Eliot:

I said to my soul, be still, and wait without hope 
For hope would be hope for the wrong thing; wait without love 
For love would be love of the wrong thing; there is yet faith 
But the faith and the love and the hope are all in the waiting. 
Wait without thought, for you are not ready for thought: 
So the darkness shall be the light, and the stillness the dancing. 



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Re: Dream of Driving on Freeway - color
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2013, 01:23:59 PM »
Thank you so much, Tony, for your interpretation.  This does help.  Have a wonderful, blessed day
Alane   :D