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Author Topic: Antiques in a hidden house  (Read 5970 times)


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Antiques in a hidden house
« on: February 25, 2011, 10:01:22 AM »
Hi Tony

Recently I have had a number of dreams revolving around the same thing. It doesn't matter how it starts and usually I don't remember how I got to this place I keep seeing when I wake up.

Sometimes it is a house belonging to my grandparents or my sisters apartment, sometimes it is just an unknown house. I say it belongs to family members but in reality I have never seen these buildings, I just know who they belong to with a certainty and if I do not know the owner then it is unimportant.

The important part is the basement. In every dream there are stairs leading down into a room. I know this room now, I have dreamt about it so many times it has become familiar to me. I am scared to go down the stairs even though I have been down them before in previous dreams. Sometimes I go down and sometimes I do not.

This room is one of many, it is like going down those stairs leads to a warren or a maze of rooms. They never seem to end. They go upstairs and downstairs, there seems to be no perception of space once i go down the first flight of stairs.

I do not try to run away even though I am scared. I do not know what I am scared of really, I do not feel like I am about to stumble upon some dreadful monster and neither am I running away from something chasing me. Every room and passage is lit with old oil lamps on the walls or candles. The source of light is not important but the ambiance it enhances is. All the rooms are full of furniture and books and antiques. It is almost as though thousands of items are in storage and I could spend my entire life in these rooms just going through each item. I am fascinated by everything I see but I never stop to study anything, I am always moving on to the next room.

Everything feels old and untouched for years and yet there is light in every room. I feel sad when I leave a room behind without being able to study its contents. In one of my dreams I found my grandparents in one of the rooms and they lead me out into daylight and it was as if all the rooms belonged to them. There are no windows so I cannot see outside while I am wandering through the rooms and no room is ever locked to me.

Why am I so scared of going down the stairs to explore these rooms and yet so fascinated by what they contain? I feel this desire to go back to my dream and study the contents of each room slowly but I never seem to be able to slow down and do that no matter how much I want to or try to.

I would greatly appreciate your insight into this.


Tony Crisp

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Re: Antiques in a hidden house
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2011, 12:53:51 PM »
Tamsyn – That is a wonderful dream. The grandparents are the sign of its meaning. That they have access to all the rooms is important. They are important because grandparents are the doorway to all your past.

I believe that what you are meeting is memories or your ancestors – both family ancestry and past lives. There is so much you have collected from your past that are gifts, talents, problems and real insights into how you have come to be the person you are.

It is quite unusual for someone to have such dreams. If you look as most of the dreams people post, they are about being frighten of things, of love that is lost or wanted, or general worry dreams. So to see so clearly your own history is excellent.

I believe that the reason you have not yet stopped to really look at all the rooms and stuff they hold is because it is quite difficult to bear the awareness of it all. Sometimes it is wonderful, but sometimes you retrieve painful episodes that need you – your present personality – to feel and heal. So it seems you will slowly gain strength and then have insights into things so remarkable it will change you.

If you can practice imagining yourself back into one of the rooms and be still and watch what you feel, it will be good to develop your strength and insight. Don’t expect wonderful things to come fast and furious, because such ‘openings’ are rare and precious.

There are places I have walked that will place me by your side.
