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Author Topic: travel dreams  (Read 5807 times)


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travel dreams
« on: October 26, 2015, 12:30:46 AM »
Lately I have had a number of dreams with a travel theme, which I sense relates to my movement through life - new directions and the expression of a new state of being. The three dreams below were from the same night and I would like any helpful insights especially on the last dream. The second dream seems linked with the cow sacrifice dream but it's the third dream that I'm really unsure about.

In the first dream I was preparing for a group trip. I was unsure where I was going but my suitcase was all packed and ready for the trip. I thought of a swami I know briefly at this point in the dream sort of like a passing thought. For a moment I thought I forgot something and I felt a little anxious about it but then I realized I had everything I needed - I was all ready to go and felt relaxed with this realization.

In the second dream I was watching TV and multiple channels were playing at the same time and my awareness was flipping between them. The first program was a show about sexual intimacy, then my awareness flipped to another program there was a medieval drama with a knight taking off his helmet and armor as though returning from battle but he didn't look like he had been fighting, and on the final program I saw Red Sonja (which seems totally random to me, but she is a character from the 1985 movie titled with her name that I saw years ago and haven't thought of since). She has long, fiery red hair and in the movie she was a warrior. In the dream she was almost naked and her arms were tied back as she stood in restraints and was being publicly shamed by some sort of authority figure in front of this huge gathering of people - like in a outdoor auditorium of some sort. She was being shamed for the way she expressed her femininity and the fact she did not conform to the feminine ideals of the time, which seemed again medieval. On exploring the dream I could feel a lot of personal understanding related to the shame and how it is carried inside and influencing my self expression as well as related cultural conditioning, yet it also feels much deeper somehow.

The third dream is the one I would really like insights on but I included the first two in the sequence to help put the final one in perspective because I feel like there's something important that I can't seem to grasp. I was with a friend who is a massage therapist and I was discussing how I really want to tour Europe someday to see the culture and the incredible landscapes (which is something I do hope to do on a personality level). My friend then told me that she wants to go to the island of Crete to study and take a course about healing there.

What I'm mainly trying to understand is the symbolism of Crete. I have heard of the place but I don't have any real knowledge about it or what this aspect of myself is sharing. ~DT

Tony Crisp

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Re: travel dreams
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2015, 11:53:13 AM »
DreamTime – The first dream says clearly that you are ready for the next stage of your inner growth or evolution. The theme from there on is depicting the past, and it is the past and it influence on you that I want to try to explain.

The sexual intimacy is repeated in a way with the scenes from a mythical past, and it carries on into the past with Crete.

The past, your past, stretches back much further than your conception or birth. For your conception was a fertilised seed planted in the fertile soil of your mother’s womb; and that seed didn’t suddenly appear but was the product of millions of other seeds and lives lived. The seed, like any seed, carries within it the essence of all its millions of years of experience. You are the recent ‘mushroom’ that grew from the underground/unconscious material – the mycelium which is the large part of the exterior growth if mushrooms or fungi.

I use the analogy of mushrooms as an example of how the large part of us is active below the surface of our mind and only produces our conscious self – the mushroom – from the mycelium which has lived out of sight for many, many years, when the above ground season is right.

So you are a product of natural activities in the seed, but you are usually not aware of all the past that is considered the important thing – the personal you.

But your dreams are slowly opening up your past – probably because it is important for you to learn from. See http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/this-is-the-time-of-the-quickening/

The bit of your past that is important for you to explore is to do with the feminine part of your experience – there are aspects of it that need you to re-evaluate.

Example: I had the distinct impression, even an image, of approaching an ancient tomb. The image I had of it was that we were walking in a big underground place. It was dimly lit as if we were now carrying some sort of light such as a flaming torch. From this we could see that the tomb was very old and slightly crumbled. Everything was dusty giving the impression of great age. And as we approached this tomb I could feel the sense that hidden within it was a great tragedy. I felt that if we opened this tomb we would come across, be witnesses to, a tragedy from the past. Even as I write this I feel again that sorrow and sadness one feels in such situations. It was and is very real. 
That is an account of someone meeting the past hidden in them, but carried by their seed. So I suggest you explore using any of the approaches described in http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/practical-techniques-for-understanding-your-dreams/

Crete is a land of very ancient ways of life. As I open to it I feel entrance into a way of life that is completely beyond understanding by many of today’s people. It was not patriarchal but matriarchal, with much beauty and artistry. It was an ancient and now lost civilisation, but one many people carry the memory of within them, a memory you are invited to recall.

It is held out to you if you reach out for it.


Tony Crisp

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Re: travel dreams
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2015, 07:59:25 AM »
Dear DreamTime – Look at our history and you must see we are all enmeshed in a struggle to be free of what binds us from our long past.

It took me 15 years of using LifeStream to feel fairly clear – but of course so much wonder was met on the way.

But if you can a good way to help the process is to use what is mentioned in http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/lifes-little-secrets/ - - http://dreamhawk.com/body-and-mind/peoples-experiences-of-lifestream/ and http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/water-wonderland/
It is all the same process explained by different people – just a suggestion.

Anyway, you are well embedded in the way, so all I can do is to encourage you. Your recent dreams tell me that – especially the volcano about to erupt. I know it sounds disturbing but it is really good news.


Tony Crisp

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Re: travel dreams
« Reply #3 on: November 01, 2015, 08:27:01 AM »
DreamTime – All I can say is, “YES” – and again, “YES”.

“I sensed that the lava erupting was really some kind of eruption of love from within that just needed to be allowed.” WOW, you said the truth.
