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Author Topic: Many strange dreams/ HELP needed???  (Read 5763 times)


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Many strange dreams/ HELP needed???
« on: June 06, 2016, 05:44:17 PM »
I was with a lawyer named George.
We were seated at a table talking about my case and he got up and went and sat at another table with a man.
I heard the figure $27,000.00 being said.
The two men continued to talk and when they were done, George came back to where I was sitting and said, Elaina, you have a 71% chance of winning your case.
At first I thought he was not going to take my case but then I realized that 71% chance of winning was good and he was telling me that he was going to take my case.
I think he may have taken some paper work out.
I was then still in his office location and I was in a kitchen making homemade mashed potatoes.
I saw the water boiling and I cut up potatoes and put them into the water.
I think some may have spilled over onto the stove and I got a sponge and wiped it up.
I think I also tasted the mashed potatoes to make sure I seasoned them well.
I then went into a bathroom and there were Navy Blue curtains hanging in the window and I pulled them closed because there was some event going on and I knew people would want privacy while using the bathroom.
I walked down to some booth at the event and took a brown long sleeved thin sweater for my self and it felt like they were my items to sell at the event.
I walked by some older woman and I didn't like her energy and she said something to me and I just kept walking by her like I didn't her and she made some comment and I think I just continued to walk on...
I was with Paul, my ex boyfriend. I had on nice leather cowboy boots and Paul said he really like them. He then said," go walk up the street so I can watch all the people look at you."

I also dreamt of cowboy boots on May 5.

I had them on and was watching myself walk away from me and I liked that I had a sexy swagger to my walk and was very self confident. There were two men and I went straight up to one and kissed him on the mouth. He told me a was a very good kisser...

I then was in a mall and saw my mother walking towards me. I stopped and took a couple of steps back and then stopped in front of her. I said mom, it's me your daughter TT. She didn't show any emotion and I kept look at signs of Bloomingdales and Nordstroms Dept stores off to the side. We walked into Bloomingdales and went up to the Christian Dior counter.  My mother basically ignored me the whole time. She pulled open a drawer and took out what looked like a comforter set and finally looked at me and said I want this one. I lowered my head and said to her that the woman was giving her a discount and she didn't have to and my mother said nothing, she was expecting it and that was that.

I was then in this house with a woman and there was a small candle in a pretty silver holder on a table and we both kept trying to blow it our first. She would re light or I would and then we would both lean down toward the candle and blow to see who could blow the flame out first. After this was done I was then with I think two men. One of the men somehow made a beer trap close around the other man's behind. The man was crying and screaming in pain and I got so upset all I kept saying was I'm so sorry, over and over again. I don't know why I kept saying I'm sorry... If might have felt like I said something to the other man and he did this to punish the man... Finally, I kept saying I'm sorry, make it stop and he finally did. And the man who had the beer trap on him just got up and walked away liked nothing happened.
I then got into a motor boat with a woman. We mush have lived on the water and we were going through a canal. She was giving me a ride home. She stopped at one point and we looked to our right and saw a beautiful stretch limo parked in front of a business. She made a comment like she didn't know how that business survived here with no other businesses around or not many homes around. But the point was she didn't know how it survived and I said probably got kickbacks from people or businesses. and the initials on the side door of the limo were in read they were JA. She pulled the boat up to the house and I got out of the boat and thanked her. We must have been on an upper level because for some reason I was opening the door on the third level and then was running down the ramp to open the door on the first level and then I was going to run up to the third level again so I could close and lock the door. Whew!

Tony Crisp

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Re: Many strange dreams/ HELP needed???
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2016, 01:21:28 PM »
Journey71137 – I wonder whether you are actually involved in a ‘case’ or just in your dream – it makes a difference in understanding.

But what is clear is that George represents your best judgements in your present life situation. You are not actually assured of success, but your intuition says you have a good chance.

I get the impression from your dream you are very much a home and people person. You also appear to have striven for independence despite being deeply influenced by your mother. You have a good sense of your own physical attractiveness, and you know how to use it to deal with men. But remember such physical attractiveness fades with age so don’t forget you have an inner life also. See http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/inner-world/#MakesInner



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Re: Many strange dreams/ HELP needed???
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2016, 06:55:16 PM »
Hi Tony,
first I want to ask how you are doing? I send white light often and do positive visualization...I also want to thank you for all the time you put in to help others.... THANK YOU!

Now, George is a lawyer that offered to assist me with a terrible situation but he never followed through and he said he would help find me a lawyer who could help but never did... Till today he still has not found someone to help me and take the case so right now there is no case.

I am an at home person as it is my space and I love to cook and bake from home so I make some money doing it also. I just love being creative.

I had to laugh at my attractiveness part... LOL I have not had a date in 9 years and don't think of me as anything other than a being of light. The more pure I am the more my orb shines so I feel that is what people see with me...I like to look nice but I believe that is in caring for both internal as well as external. I agree that beauty fades in time...but then I think does it really???

What did you make of the whole last dream with the candle and boat and limo etc...

I have started an all organic made to order skin care company for both men and women and I truly believe in the products and the people who have them tell me how wonderful they look and feel. You really can see a major difference in the skin when using my products. So I hope this is a big success in the near future!

So I will wait to hear from you. Peace, Light and much Love to all!

Tony Crisp

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Re: Many strange dreams/ HELP needed???
« Reply #3 on: June 09, 2016, 09:13:14 AM »
Journey – Well, you could have fooled me. The picture your dream paints of you is someone who has a good sense about what men find attractive – “I had on nice leather cowboy boots and Paul said he really like them. He then said," go walk up the street so I can watch all the people look at you. I had them on and was watching myself walk away from me and I liked that I had a sexy swagger to my walk and was very self-confident. There were two men and I went straight up to one and kissed him on the mouth. He told me a was a very good kisser."  :)

We are all beings of light, and ALSO beings with a body, so maybe you dream is saying something it wants you to know. Try being the you in the cowboy boots.

You asked me how am I doing. Well, I am feeling pretty good for a 79 year old, but have ups and downs. But see https://www.facebook.com/pages/dreamhawkcom/578558282225032? About my latest down and up. I suppose I am more up than down, and my downs are just physical as explained – paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. People with atrial fibrillation are more at risk of having a stroke – true, I had a stroke.

George, well, your intuition or feelings turned out to be the best help.

The second dream has so many different themes and turns in it I couldn’t get a good grasp of it. But blowing out the candle often represents someone’s life or the end of something. What was the feeling when blowing the candle our several times?

The bear trap sounds like an intent to hurt someone. But in the end, “the man who had the beer trap on him just got up and walked away liked nothing happened.” But it was your feelings in response to his hurt that are interesting. Maybe try being him or/and you during this incident – using http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson

Your mother in the dream is a hard one to please - http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/mother-mum-ma/#InnerMother

Your plans for your new venture sound interesting. I hope you are planning to set up a website. WordPress is a good way to do it. It is good to put on frequent help pages and let them build up - it keeps Google, Bling and other search engines interested.

« Last Edit: June 09, 2016, 09:19:33 AM by Tony Crisp »