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Author Topic: Rescuing an Octopus  (Read 5971 times)


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Rescuing an Octopus
« on: May 25, 2012, 10:32:40 PM »
Last night, I had a vivid dream of walking on the beach, where I spotted a dying octopus washed high up on one of the rocks. Somehow, I was aware that he was still alive but needed help as soon as possible. So I carried him back into the sea. I remember struggling as I climbed up to him, because the rocks were pretty steep and waves were crashing against them. Once I got him back in the water, I watched him swimming around for a moment and realized how beautiful he was. On land, dying, he was small and shriveled up, but in the ocean, he grew to a healthy size, and I could see that he was bright orange with white spots. Just then, a very large tidal wave rolled in, and I was swept up in the current before I could get away. I didn't panic, though.

For a few moments everything was dark and fuzzy, but then at some point, I found myself in a bed with a man. I sensed that he was actually the octopus, yet somehow, during that scene transition, he shape-shifted into a human being. There was no sex, but he hugged and kissed me several times. Not on the mouth, but on closed eyelids. He was very kind and loving, but my dream-self did not kiss or touch him back. He looked hurt, and when he got up from the bed, I woke up.

Tony Crisp

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Re: Rescuing an Octopus
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2012, 09:57:43 AM »
Nadia – I am a bit uncertain about this one, but I did once have an experience that I feel helped me understand this a little. I think it is about a process in your body that is shown in the dream as an octopus.

As humans we tend to put images to thinks we have met in some way and yet it doesn’t itself have a form – probably why we have stories of fairies and elves – and of course angels.

Here is my experience – “I was in a huge indoor aquarium. The water was very clear, but had a slight yellowish or straw colour tinge to it. I was swimming under the water looking at the many creatures. I had a sense of being within a very ancient environment. The creatures were all primordial, each functioning in its own distinct way, some of which would be dangerous to me if I related to them wrongly - i.e. if I let them contact my skin, or get into my cavities. But I was fascinated and felt a sense of wonder and privilege. As I swam I began to feel that I was actually looking within myself to the ancient processes of the blood and cells. I had a sense that we are all the time immersed in this ancient aquarium, relating to its creatures one way or another.”

So I feel that in some way an aspect of your inner world, perhaps deep within your body was somehow left in a dangerous environment. We responded for its need for help to get him back into the forces within you – the sea, the unconscious workings of us. It is of course beautiful to watch these living parts of self.

But you are on the edge of the vastness. In other words your normal awareness as Nadia is so small and is not used to the enormous power of your within. You are a person who entered this world because you are not terrified of it, but for a while things went dark and fuzzy – a normal reaction to protect ourselves from seeing too much. Then you are in bed with a man/octopus shape shifter.

We have at least three levels of our brain, developed over evolution – we have the reptile brain dealing with flight and fight; the mammalian brain dealing with relationships and pack hierarchy; and the human brain. But before that, before the development of the spine, we had another brain or at least a system of response. And I think that was shown in your dream as the octopus. It too was interested in love/reproduction, but you didn’t respond.

So I think that you went very deep into yourself – the levels of awareness – and have picked up information that is locked in the symbols. If you feel like unlocking them you could try http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/practical-techniques-for-exploring-your-dreams/#TalkingAs

« Last Edit: May 31, 2012, 09:33:35 AM by Tony Crisp »


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Re: Rescuing an Octopus
« Reply #2 on: May 30, 2012, 04:50:47 PM »
Hi Tony,

Thank you for your thoughtful reply. I wouldn't have thought of it from an evolutionary perspective, but it does make sense. I have recently taken a course on meditation, with mixed results (i.e. kept falling asleep, felt distracted, etc). That process of reverting to the primordial state is similar to how the instructor described what it is like to reach the unconscious. I forgot about that until I read your post.

I'll try out the exercises in the link and see where it all goes.