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Author Topic: Bat? Attacks!!!  (Read 5302 times)


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Bat? Attacks!!!
« on: December 11, 2012, 12:31:07 PM »
Last night I dreamt I was in some sort of hotel. My sister was with me. I'm pretty sure the front desk was connected to the room. And now that I think of it from later on in the dream, perhaps it wasn't a hotel but a hospital room. It appeared more than one person was in the room sleeping aside from my sister and myself. In the middle of the night my sister woke screaming, and some animal (Tiny, perhaps with a tanish stripe up it's back bit her on the neck). It refused to let go, and I had to beat it off of her. Which was difficult to do. To be honest I'm not sure if it was a bat, but for whatever reason that is what I referred to it as in the dream, I think.

After I got it off of her, a doctor came into the room, suggesting perhaps she might get rabies. He than gave her a shot. The dreamed appeared to skip to the next night and the room was set up the same, this time more people I recognize  where in the dream. My sister again, myself. and other people I recognize but can't put name too, aside from one of my sons, and my daughter. This time I woke before the attack and in the dark of the night I saw what looked like hundreds of these things coming out of a small hole. Suddenly they flew, or crawled, very strange up my sisters body and bit her neck again, this time one I believe flew at me and bit my neck, and again I couldn't get it off. After a time we managed to get them off and get to the next room and shut the door, I think it was a bathroom. A doctor came in and was giving us both shots, when my daughter began to scream, I was trying to go for her but the doctor insisted I stay until the shot was finished, unlike myself I obeyed, hurrying him along. Then I rushed into the room and scooped her up, bringing her into the bathroom with me. The doctor said her wound on her neck was over a day old and couldn't be from the creature. And didn't want to give her the rabies shot. He wasn't even sure she was bitten. Though my daughter insisted she was. My son never woke, just continued to sleep, and I left him in the room. I than woke up. I'm not sure what to make of of this very bizarre dream.

I seem to be having a lot of strange dreams that I can't recall over the past two weeks. Typically speaking I have a high dream recall rate. I keep waking in the middle of the night over the past two weeks, with a dark feeling. I'm not afraid of ghosts or spirits or anything like that, so this is strange.

Tony Crisp

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Re: Bat? Attacks!!!
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2012, 01:50:19 PM »
Lunarayo – First of all you were in a hospital, suggesting a need for healing. Also the attack happened in the middle or the night, which is usually about things you are normally unaware of – things emerging from your unconscious. It happened to your sister, which is a way of dream using her image to show things about yourself.

Have you restrained any of your natural urges? Remember that natural urges, like nature when a river is blocked, tends to flow in ways that are better avoided. They can become dark and threatening instead of easy and life enhancing. So whatever the cause I think the threatening creatures are some aspect of yourself that has been held back or even an old traumatic event that is surfacing.

 The neck is a very vulnerable area and is often linked with blockages of energy and the voice. Perhaps reading and using the first two entries in http://dreamhawk.com/body-and-mind/methods-of-awakening/ might help.



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Re: Bat? Attacks!!!
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2012, 06:14:43 PM »
Thank you sooo much for your insights... They were very useful and helpful :)
Luna Rayo