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Author Topic: Car dream  (Read 5937 times)


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Car dream
« on: November 10, 2013, 01:18:11 AM »
Hi Tony I would just like to thank you for the very informative car dream interpretations you provide on your website. I found it very helpful because for me, car dreams are a good way of getting the message across.

Anyway in real life I'm hopefully about to start a new job involved with coordinating heavy haulage, my background involves driving fuel tankers. I've spent the last few years studying workplace health and safety and I'm currently at university. If I start this new job it'll will be a big step in a new direction for me.

My dream involves driving an old truck possibly from the 50's (something I have not done before). I remark to someone that these older trucks are harder to drive and I have to 'remember' how to change the gears. I notice it is quite difficult to slow down with the brakes but I do manage. After the drive I inform the owner or the driver he needs to get the brakes fixed as they are unsafe and I'm surprised he manages to travel interstate with it, as I sure wouldn't do it.

I'm not sure if the dream relates to my new job and learning new skills that might be outdated or unsafe or remembering skills I already have from the past? The issue with brakes might mean things are moving fast but I can handle it but not for long distances? The fact it was not my truck and someone else's could be an clue too.
I'm keen to hear your insight?

Tony Crisp

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Re: Car dream
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2013, 02:01:33 PM »
SammiCammy – I see the dream meaning the old truck is referring to the new job. I know it doesn’t sound right, but it uses the old vehicle because it is something you haven’t done/driven before.

The brakes are saying that you are very enthusiastic about the possibility of your new work, but I get the impression for you to not be too enthusiastic and take it slow. It will be someone else's truck/situation you are dealing with and the gear changes might be different.

But try using http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/association-of-ideas-with-dreams/#Working as this will throw more light on the symbols.



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Re: Car dream
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2013, 06:08:25 AM »
Hi Tony, your interpretation makes a lot of sense! Yes the truck must represent the new job, and it will probably take awhile to get the hang of 'driving it'. Interesting what you mentioned about it being someone else's truck/situation and the lack of brakes, generally I am a very enthusiastic person, so I must dampen it down a little and keep in mind not to be too overbearing.
Big thank you for providing clarity about this dream because I really feel as a new start in my life is about to begin but I was unsure whether to interpret the dream as a warning or not!


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Re: Car dream
« Reply #3 on: November 16, 2013, 09:12:47 PM »
Hi there, just an update - I did end up getting the job, which I'm really pleased about! A couple days before I found out I got the job, I had a dream which may be relevant.

I mainly remember halfway through the dream - I was with a male who was driving a car, he did a tight u turn to go some place, then we are out of the car crossing at pedestrian light, strangely the car is with us and suddenly takes off with no one in it!! We give chase, and the car goes around a building. I yell to the other person that I'll go the other way and head the car off. The car comes roaring around the corner with headlights blazing. I feel afraid to be standing in front of it but motion for it to stop. I look to the right to plan my escape route if the car does not stop. I look back at the car and it has stopped. Its drivers door opens and the drivers seat is visible. I feel pleased the car stopped for me and it is allowing me to take the driver's seat (I don't actually get in but it feels implied). Also strange is the car is filled with sand apart from the driver's seat.

Correct me if I am wrong but I'm guessing the dream might be representative of the interview process and how I am mainly up against one other contender but win by obtaining the driver's seat?

Let me know what you think if you get a chance?

Also I'm new to your site and I've recently finished reading 'Interesting People - Superminds', which I found fascinating. Coming from a different part of the world, I hadn't heard of George Washington Carver before, but loved the story, very inspiring, thank you for posting such great information!