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Author Topic: The Diverse opinions of psychics/channelors  (Read 5288 times)

Tony Crisp

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The Diverse opinions of psychics/channelors
« on: November 12, 2014, 09:27:07 AM »
Submitted on 2014/11/11 at 1:46 pm | In reply to Tony Crisp.
Great! You know Tony, what confuses me is how so many channelers say when we die, all the pain goes away, physical, mental, emotional- there is only love. I am sure that is true, but it is confusing when I read the works here you compiled, not to mention the Spiritists organizations(Astral City movie) channeled works verses some such as Esther Hicks and Kryon (Tuning In movie) who talk about how people like (exmpl) Hitler co-created with the Jewish people and go back to the otherside applauded for their part in the play, the “experience,” One channeler told me there are no consequences, no lost souls, only love. There must be more going on that is not being revealed because the energies we create are vibrationally equal to the exsistance we find ourselves in after death, so i believed. Does it immediately go away after the transition, example would be the pain and suffering that came out of tragedy, or is it just about the experience? NDE’s experience good things but a handful do not. It doesn’t make sense if there are realms such as these we go through that match our emotional vibrations. It is all channeled information so aren’t the messages suppose to come from the same Source when it doesn’t seem to match or is something missing? Some say suicide is ok we can choose and others say we are cutting the lesson short and it is not the law. Somethings I have been contemplating and doing research on. Any thoughts? If you have the time.. Blessings

Tony Crisp

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Re: The Diverse opinions of psychics/channelors
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2014, 09:30:05 AM »
Christine - Having had years of experience of belief systems such as Spiritualism from the age of thirteen, yoga, Rosicrucian’s, Anthroposophy, scientific thinking, new age, occultism, Subud, Seitai and then finding dreams and through it LifeStream, so I had a good dose of psychic information. But my experience with exploring dreams showed me that all psychic experience is the dream process breaking through into waking awareness - so it is all subject to how our dreams work. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/the-waking-lucid-dream/

So I have come to the conclusion that it is all largely shaped by the culture and beliefs of the psychic/channeler. As David Boadella says in Meeting with Christ, the figure of Christ as a personalisation of the essence of human existence, is nevertheless culturally determined, and that for the Hindu such a vision could be experienced as a meeting with Krishna, or for a Buddhist, as the discovery of his Buddha nature. One does not therefore need to be a Christian to appreciate the richness of experience and expression evoked by Tony Crisp in the account of his experiences, and his inner journey.

The other aspect of this paradoxical meeting, Christ as a fundamental and integral part of myself, is easier to understand. This was recognisable, even in the meeting, as my own potential. It was a potential that had been thwarted or ‘murdered’ in its flowering. But the portrayal of this potential was dramatically shown as transcending the limitations of the body and its senses. Christ as the core of myself, was eternal and unbounded. The experience has been a constant reminder for me not to completely identify with the limitations, sensibility and frailties of my body or mind. The sort of frailties often demonstrated by those saying they are getting it from God or a Higher source.

To save me time in explaining this I will give several links - http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/questions-2/#Arising

http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/meetings-with-the-christ/ -



