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Author Topic: Dreams on eating food..  (Read 6845 times)


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Dreams on eating food..
« on: May 15, 2012, 01:28:31 AM »
Hi Tony,

I get dreams on eating variety of foods,most prominently freshly cooked green vegetables,lots of cakes and chocolates,perfect indian food on banana leaf..I had already asked about the indian food dream.I tried to sort it out by reading a lot of books but in vain..Why do I get such dreams and how to stop such recurring dreams..
Also another disappointing dream where i keep on trying to light an oil lamp but it nevers gets lit up at all..this was soo disappointing for me..I am kind of deeply involved in my spiritual pursuit,could all these be anyway related to it.. :-\

lonely warrior.

Tony Crisp

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Re: Dreams on eating food..
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2012, 10:18:24 AM »
LonelyWarrior – I feel there are three holy actions we all perform, most of us without awareness. The first is breathing; the second is drinking; the third is eating. I was thinking that perhaps this following experience has something in it for you.

"I had been exploring the inner worlds and I took time to eat. I had prepared some oats before starting. When I ate them I experienced the most wonderful awareness of hunger and absorbing, not just the oats, nuts and seeds, but also the environment, and all that I had learned and taken in from a woman I love. I mean by this the total environment, earth, air, water, culture, history, people. I felt like a hungry animal, cramming food in my mouth, loving it, and knowing I was feeding God as well as myself. I felt that if we have the courage, we are a firmament of experience. By exposing ourselves to experience, and allowing ourselves to really feel the pleasure, the torment, the passion of what we meet, we are feeding God. But we are more than a mouth, we are also a way of gaining insight, of integrating experience, and that is the real food of God."

Religions often see eating and drinking as a holy thing, but not often breathing. So I wonder whether there is something you are missing. As I see it, everything around us is a part of the eternal mystery that we are. And to breathe, eat and drink it to take that mystery into us and give us life.

I wonder this because twice it is Indian food mentioned, because India is for many people a source of spiritual wisdom.

Lighting the oil lamp can also link with air, food and drink. Because like any fire it has to be fed frequently otherwise the fire will go out. In our inner world the fire is seen as our life, that needs to be feed frequently otherwise our Light will go out.

Also I wonder whether you are trying too hard to grow spiritually. It is a hard lesson to learn that we, the ‘I’, does not produce spiritual growth. Just as you do not produce your physical growth but do have to feed it. It is something else, the mystery of Life that does it. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/what-we-need-to-remember-about-dreaming/#Two Powers

As Marie von Franz says in regard to Jung’s work:

"Thus our dream life creates a meandering pattern in which individual strands or tendencies become visible, then vanish, then return again. If one watches this meandering design over a long period of time, one can observe a sort of hidden regulating or directing tendency at work, creating a slow, imperceptible process of psychic growth-the process of individuation.

Gradually a wider and more mature personality emerges, and by degrees becomes effective and even visible to others. The fact that we often speak of "arrested development" shows that we assume that such a process of growth and maturation is possible with every individual. Since this psychic growth cannot be brought about by a conscious effort of will power, but happens involuntarily and naturally, it is in dreams frequently symbolised by the tree, whose slow, powerful, involuntary growth fulfils a definite pattern."

As Jung said, this can happen if we "do nothing and let things happen." 



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Re: Dreams on eating food..
« Reply #2 on: May 18, 2012, 11:21:29 PM »
Hi Tony,

Firstly,thanks a lot for all your insights.May be you are partly right when you say that I am trying hard on it.yes am struggling severely and I can be sure that I have reached 50% in my spiritual pursuit.I do regular pooja to my shivlinga,my intutions had become stronger and accurate,many changes in life,many such progresses are there.Since am in this transitional stage,I am kind of confused and intimidated with my dreams which keep recurring on same topics like food,oil lamp,flying,train or bus journey,etc..I kind of get a guilty feeling that am not working hard towards my goal which I feel like is intrepreted through my ever-hungry foody dreams.I even thought of letting it aside and let it happen on its own Tony,but there is some strong force which is keep on pushing me either through dreams or intutions. oooooohhhh:-\
Spiritual journey is the toughest one :(
Hope I land up soon :-\

Thanks Tony,
Lonely Warrior.

Tony Crisp

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Re: Dreams on eating food..
« Reply #3 on: May 19, 2012, 11:59:32 AM »

I feel the truth is that we need to work and strive, as well as giving ourself time to just be. Here is something I wrote years ago after trying too hard and making myself ill.

Do you have to be ‘good’ to reach heaven? 

When a baby grows toward childhood and youth, we feed it with nourishing food, with a variety of experience and opportunities to explore possibilities. It learns to walk as its body and mind become capable and interested in walking. There is no need for punishment or huge processes of discipline to make this happen; the same with learning to go to the toilet. Although many people try to train their child to use a potty, the child will do this quite naturally as it matures to the point where it is easy for it to control its bladder and bowels without enormous stress and fear of not pleasing its parents. 

The unfoldment of your potential does not come from ‘self-development’. It emerges as it is allowed to grow. The evil or darkness in us falls away because the beauty and ease in you grows; because you grow in wisdom and insight, not because you forcibly control yourself to be different. 


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Re: Dreams on eating food..
« Reply #4 on: May 19, 2012, 11:15:58 PM »

Thank you,that was really crisp,plain and deeply thoughtful.Yes,It must and can happen only on its own time.Its just that am worrying over it too much.I will try to get the balance Tony..
It really feels great to gain guidance from you,hearing that you have already been through all these..
Thanks a ton Tony.. :)

Lonely Warrior.