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Author Topic: Dream - A Hand is reaching through the crib to my new baby  (Read 5733 times)


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Dream - A Hand is reaching through the crib to my new baby
« on: October 27, 2012, 05:23:59 PM »
Today my husband told me of a scary dream he had last night about our new baby boy who is 6 months. The dream frightened him so much he went and slept next to our baby for the rest of the night.

This morning he described his dream to me and I have also had a similar dream in the last few weeks.

His Dream:
On our video baby monitor he sees a zombie like had reaching through the bars of the crib and pulling our son towards  the bars.  The baby was sitting up and facing away from the bars of the crib.  The arm looked like a zombie arm and was wrapped around his stomach holding him against the bars. The arm faded into darkness after the bars so you could not see who or what it was.

My Dream:
I also see a hand on the baby monitor it reaches over the top of the crib and puts their hand on his chest then on or near his face I can't tell if the hand is comforting or trying to hurt him. But the dream left me scared and nervous. We live in a 100+ year house and I've been trying to talk myself into the thought that we have a nice spirit who is watching over our baby. But now my husbands similar dream has left me scared.

Tony Crisp

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Re: Dream - A Hand is reaching through the crib to my new baby
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2012, 03:07:38 PM »
Dear Wexlar - Your son is fine and will be fine, so do not put your fears upon him. Dreams are our own emotions clothed in images. So do not be afraid of any ghostly hand or arm, go up to it and give it hell.

I have taught huge classes of people and seen such demons met and understood. A man who was in such class while relaxing stood up and ran out f the class. He explained that a dark being was being pulled out of his chest. When we talked it over he admitted that he was frighten of a heart condition. The dark thing was his own fear put into the image of the shape. In my own dream a horde of demons were coming after me. I ran for them and caught one and squeezed it till it cried out. They never came back.

Do not be frightened of dream images. They are your own fears. Your husbands dreams was a reliving of his own childhood fears.
