
The Next Step in Evolution

Enlightenment is a process of personal growth that is possible for many today. Just as humans started their journey as an animal with no speech and no rational mind, and moved on into what we know today as self awareness; so we are ready to take another step in our evolution. This is called Enlightenment or Cosmic Consciousness, and is a growth in awareness as far ahead of self consciousness as self consciousness is of primal animal consciousness.

Enlightenment Cover  



Chapter Headings

  1. What part do thoughts and feelings play in enlightenment?

  2. Is enlightenment a state of mind I can develop?

  3. What is the Experience of Enlightenment like?

  4. Why is Enlightment Sometimes Called Liberation?

  5. Are Heaven and Enlightenment the Same?

  6. How Can I Know Enlightenement?

  7. Is Enlightenement the Same as Awareness of God?

  8. Toward the Light that is My Self

  9. Teaching of Yogu Trime Lodro

  10. Some Teachings of Zen Masster Dogen

  11. Enlightenment Today

  12. Suzanne Segal on the One Life

  13. A Dream Points the Way

  14. What is it Like to be Enlightened?

  15. Enlightenment – Being or Becoming?

  16. Jesses Journey Through The Mind

  17. A New Look at Enlightenment

  18. A Personal View

  19. For a wonderful handbook by the founder of Enlightenment Intensive Charles Berner – please click HERE.

  20. Modern Approach


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