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Questions about dreams / Re: Am I Healing or Lost?
« Last post by Tony Crisp on March 04, 2022, 11:59:26 AM »
3high3aim3 – I wonder if readers realise how much I constantly learn and even feel when reading dreams sent to the Forum. I often want to rush back to what I have previously written and add to and upgrade it. In fact I often feel I want to go through everything I have written and add the insights your dreams have given me - as if that were possible.

What I have learnt and your dream strengthens me in the learning is, dear wounded woman, that it is only the body that can be wounded, and if we accept or believe we are wounded, then our personality – we – are wounded too.

A revelation came to me when I experienced a real, not dreamt, out of the body experience, and realised that in my inner world I was beyond hurt. Also in many women’s dreams I see them claiming their inner wholeness as you are doing in your dream.

It is the business of recognising our dual nature, and usually we all get stuck in the recognition and belief that we are only a body. We forget our inner world. See http://dreamhawk.com/news/there-is-a-huge-change-happening/  - http://www.ted.com/talks/jill_bolte_taylor_s_powerful_stroke_of_insight.html - http://dreamhawk.com/body-and-mind/the-next-step-criticisms/ - https://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/what-we-need-to-remember-about-us-3/#DualBeing

Questions about dreams / Am I Healing or Lost?
« Last post by Tony Crisp on March 01, 2022, 12:29:46 PM »
I am a woman, early 40's, who breastfed all 3 of my children, the youngest being almost 19 years old now. The infant boy in the dream was not one of my sons- he was a baby I was breastfeeding for someone else- not known to me. More than 10 years ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer and lost both of my breasts surgically, and then shortly after my uterus and ovaries to cancer, which put me in very early menopause.
In the dream I recognized the physical sensations as familiar- the same as those I experienced when I breastfed my children. But I had a sense of 'oh, how much I missed them' in regards to my breasts, so although I perceived I was physically feeling the sensations, I also knew these weren't my breasts, and the fullness I was feeling in my pelvis wasn't my uterus. But I wasn't disturbed by this - just aware and enjoying the sensations.

Also, recently I've been exploring and gaining a deeper awareness regarding my own schizoid wounding and childhood traumas, and have been working through relationship entanglements with my mother too. My energy healer has been focusing me on loving myself and 'grounding' into my body, and my therapist has been putting that same concept in more psychological terms- re-parenting myself. Although I initially, upon waking, had the impression the dream was about that- me nurturing myself, and letting go of some pent-up emotional energy around that, what Tony stated in the dream dictionary about breasts really resonated deeply with me: "Only in the fusion of infancy, or of sexual orgasm, or in religious ecstasy do we escape the psychic wound of division."

I'm open to what anyone might add to the insights of this peculiar dream. It's the first time I've consciously been aware of dreaming about breastfeeding, and the first time I had an orgasm in dream that wasn't prompted by a sexual encounter in the dream. I'm not sure if this dream was about me sorting out the issues with my mother, my own self-love and the intention I have regarding healing that part of me, the schizoid wounding stuff, or if it's all inter-related? Well, I know it's all related....I think what I'm trying to ask is, is there something more specific/precise this dream is speaking to me?

And Tony, if you're reading, I just want to say thank you for hosting this forum and for sharing, free of any monetary cost, your wisdom. I plan to spend some time reading through the material you have shared in the pages of your site.....

Dream Interpretation / Star Gazing
« Last post by Romanov on February 16, 2022, 10:40:04 AM »
Hi Tony,

Hope you are hail and hearty.  While waiting for your wisdom on my other dream, I decided to post another one for you. It's brief and simple.

I am gazing at the night sky full of stars, big and small. Right in the middle of the sky, a star explodes and gives birth to seven (7) discs, which kind of dance around, then form a line and go back into the exploded mass of the star.   The star then disappears leaving a blankness in the center of the sky.  While the rest of the sky shimmers with other stars. While this is happening, I am awestruck. I think really I have been chosen to watch this scene!! Like its really unbelievable!

Saw Kaaba in my dream. Kaaba, the holy cube structure in Islam, also known as House of Allah, inside Masjid-e-Haram, the mosque in whose center its located. That's it. Just that.

Looking forward to your wisdom.

Best regards

Dream Interpretation / Red and White AND Black and Brown
« Last post by Romanov on February 13, 2022, 04:18:18 PM »
Hi Tony,

Hope all good with you.

I have had a couple of dreams that I can't get to the bottom of. And the common theme is my new boss. These are couple of months apart.

I am sitting inside a Cafe around a small round table, facing the road. The Cafe seems empty and there is no food or drink on my table. Neither are there any customers. And no staff to serve either. A beige Fortuner comes and stops outside this cafe and my new boss alights it. He silently stands outside it, looking in, thought the glass wall. I reluctantly get up once, and then sit down again. I do it once more and on the third attempt, I get up and go sit in the passenger seat of his car.  I am wearing black trousers, earthy-brown shirt and a black scarf.  As he has barely driven a couple of minutes, I realized that I have forgotten my laptop and handbag in the cafe. He reverses the car, and I get off, thinking he is going to scream and get angry. But as I come back bringing my shiny silver laptop and a black handbag, I feel pleasantly surprised about his patience.

I am wearing a pleasant red shirt (I still own it but haven't worn it for a long time), have short hair (I am looking younger and smarter than I am in real life) sitting at a boardroom table. The new boss is sitting at the head of the table. He moves his arm as though to graze my chest, but before he could, I move my right arm in front of my chest, as a barrier, making his attempt unsuccessful. His upper half seemed to be half lying on the table in this attempt. He is wearing dirty-earthy brown clothes. Then I am standing somewhere in the open wearing this red shirt and white trousers and I just look over my shoulder.

There is a large age difference between me and my boss. I thought I had understood the first dream, but this second one has me confused, because they both seem to be polar opposites of each other.

Please help.

Dream Interpretation / Re: Mother To My Children
« Last post by jacquiemayotte on February 03, 2022, 04:00:14 PM »
I am not Tony but I 've worked with him on dreams for many years. So I am just  adding to your writing ...my experience.
My ex companion died on the 22nd of September 2021.  We were me and my 2 children not expecting it at all. We were shocked. He was an artist, but as well as a musician and wrote. So he communicates now with me through visuals, thoughts and sometimes music. I've written a diary since he died, named "Conversation with you". I felt I received  a lot of messages at first from him. I feel still  he is looking after us from where he is. He appeared after he died in a dream to my granddaughter who lives in England, she is 3. (I am French and I live in France). My grand daughter saw him in a dream, he was tickling her. It gave a lot of comfort to my daughter when her young child reported that to her.
With all my compassion
Dream Interpretation / Mother To My Children
« Last post by Tony Crisp on January 29, 2022, 11:42:53 AM »
Hello Tony....my name is Noelle. I am Corah Simone's mother. I was very close to my father, he was my best friend in life. When he passed I was sitting with him and then...and for the next 10 years my whole world/ worlds broke open. I am the parent to three children but youngest Lewin saw my dad's spirit and communicated with him on a few occasions...it's as if the sky split in my world but not the people in it.....Corah and I have had similar dreams (sleep dreams) since she was around 3 years old. I always knew my dad was speaking through us....to us. He was a very very good astrological teacher and also a writer and musician...he is no doubt giving gift of his teachings right through Corah now....it's pretty amazing. I am married for 21 years to a Catholic man, with a Catholic family who does not see or enjoy these things....my husband is kind but is not aware of another side...he isn't threatened but his family is and it's been very painful for me n confusing for my kids...mostly my boys.

I now KNOW IT WS A LIFE LESSON that I see and learn in experiencing this family....however how I deal with it is very very different then 10 years ago. it's causing conflict. .....raising and being my children's mother has been a life path and joy for me ...but now I'm being catapulted elsewhere....so many downloads....so many nightmares. I am sorry to bother you.... I am reaching out to you as a friend and I would appreciate and enjoy some dialogue at a certain point in time...if you may. Thank you for listening.
Dream Interpretation / Re: I was dead yet still alive
« Last post by Tony Crisp on January 29, 2022, 11:15:07 AM »
A very interesting example of the images dreams create to explain themselves. To perhaps understand what is occurring you must understand the creation of dreams.

You might ask why do dreams need to explain themselves? Well. dreams have been experienced for millions of years in animals, so as dreamers we are not the first to dream. Dreams started in animals that had no self awareness and not a language such as the one we try to communicate with. So dreams have their beginning in a level of awareness we have almost lost. I call that level of awareness the Core. See https://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/summing-up/#Core

This core self is simply bodiless consciousness and to make itself understandable to our conscious word and image oriented self it uses images and scenes from our everyday life as an attempt to have us understand its Life created messages. Yes, LIFE, the very important thing that gives us life and awareness. See https://dreamhawk.com/body-and-mind/the-end-user/#Bodiless

So your dream is possibly saying that although there is death of the body there is no death for our consciousness. Of course because we have the enormous belief we are the body it is shown that your body is still alive, and you are conscious within it. See https://dreamhawk.com/interesting-people/i-died-but-im-alive-superminds/

Dream Interpretation / I was dead yet still alive
« Last post by Tony Crisp on January 29, 2022, 10:34:37 AM »
Hello, reading your dream about being shot reminded me of a dream I had:  I was in an army and in my tent, presumably an officer as it was just for me, Jenny came in and shot me, I staggered (doing a Jimmy Cagney style effort), picked my rifle and shot her several times in the heart. The bullets going into the same hole. I can remember thinking, ‘That was good shooting’ and collapsed. I woke hearing sounds of the camp in the distance, stood up and looked around. There was a scrubby bush and two legs with boots on sticking out from underneath it. When I looked at them I realised it was my body and that I was dead. Then it switched to rolling green fields and I was walking along, hand in hand with Jenny.
Dream Interpretation / Re: A WOW Dream
« Last post by Tony Crisp on January 17, 2022, 11:48:20 AM »
Lisa - I see that you have interiorised beliefs and attitudes that are true in the physical world but the dreams take place in another dimension where such beliefs or conditions do not apply. So it is not possible to comment on your dream until you really understand these interiorised beliefs.

To start with, whenever we dream its images are not like real life, because a dream is nothing like outer life where things could hurt you, but is like an image like on a cinema screen, so that even if a gun is pointed at you and fired it can do no damage – except if you run in fear; so, all the things that scare you are simply your own fears projected onto the screen of your sleeping mind. In the early days of moving pictures, a film was shown of a train coming fast toward them; the viewers all fled in terror, fearing the train would crush them. That is exactly the same response if you are terrified of any thing you dream of. See https://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/masters-of-nightmares/

You cannot be killed in a dream. All you can experience is the anguish and perhaps fear of dying, but in dreams you cannot die – or drown, or burn or any other threatening thing. We make the mistake of taking our very real values from our outer life into our inner life of dreams.

The wolf you are scared of is again a projection of your fears - fears about being attacked by a power you feel you cannot deal with. To meet and understand the fear you could imagine yourself as the wolf and actually face the fears you have. See https://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson

Also - All the images, people, animals, places we see in our dreams, are simply your own feelings, fears, hopes and wonder projected onto the screen of your sleeping mind as images. So, it makes sense to take the image of your dream person, thing or animal back into you and own it. In that way, you are actually meeting and dealing with the things about yourself you are not owning or conscious of. That is why dreams are often difficult to understand, because we are hiding things from ourselves.

Okay, so you dream - The eagles. I don't know if you realise that many native people are certain that we are all part of one great Life, so any animal, person, tree or  river - anything is a living part of nature and us.
they are called by such people spirits. So you are blessed by the eagles being around you. Again you can know more about them  by BEING them. But very often they represent your ability to have an overall and protective awareness of your surroundings. Obviously you have developed this ability and are blessed.

The bear in a dream is as i said, different to one in the outside life. Obviously you feel it is a powerful force, and so sometimes is a symbol of either a protective or threatening mother figure.

Walking near a forest or creek: The images of rivers used in drama help us understand their symbolism. The river can be calm, in flood, or even dried up – representing our state of feeling about our energy, sexuality and emotions – the energy that as anxiety can cause illness, or as pleasure sustain health. Similarly, we can drown in the river – drown in despair – float on it – be carried along by prevailing feelings, or cross over, suggesting change or even death.

Each of us is immersed in a ‘river’ of constant change. If you think about it you have been carried, pushed, impelled by this current as you were moved through babyhood, childhood, teenage and adulthood, and there are more stages of growth beyond adulthood. And as we passed through these changes we died to our old self in order to change to the new. It is the current of Life. This current then carries us on through old age and through the gates of death. All the time we are faced by decisions, and each decision directs us on a different path, helping to create our future.

The river is a wonderful message in our dreams, not only does is  it represent constant change for wherever you stand, the flow of the river is constantly bringing the past to you, reminding you that you are the sum total of all you have lived – good or bad.

"The bear is calling for my help." So ask yourself what do you feel is needing to be looked after in your daily life? As for EVIL see again https://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/masters-of-nightmares/ 

The strange thing is you cannot learn to be free of evil because you were born free of it with it as a central part of you. So trying to or struggling to learn it is ridiculous. It is a ridiculous as trying to become more spiritual or meditate to climb higher. The glaring truth is that we are creations of the immense  forces that created the universe. To try to better them is a huge folly. Our attempts to increase our spiritual nature are all produce by our conscious self that has lost touch with our Core.

R. D. Laing, the psychiatrist, in describing the search for one’s fundamental self said, ‘The Life I am trying to grasp is the me that is trying to grasp it.’

One of the sites listed has a heading, ‘What you are looking for is what is looking.’

This change is not a state of mind you can create or develop. It is something beyond any change, outside of anything you can develop. After all, development suggests change.

The frustrating thing about finding this is that the harder one tries to grasp it, the further away from it one gets. The more effort one makes in trying to achieve it, the less one finds of it.

It is the ever present, self existent core of yourself that remains when all else drops away. So the question should not be can I develop the state of mind that is sometimes called enlightenment, but how can I be this fundamental state?

“The Self is the Self and there is no such thing as realising it. For who is to realise what, and how, when all that exists is the Self and nothing but the Self.” Sri Ramana Maharshi 

We are often so immersed in our everyday view of our life it might be difficult at first to see what has been said.

The wolf is your own inner mammalian brain that has not been allowed healthy expression, so injured. See https://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/brain-levels-and-dreams/#mammalbrain

The coyotes seem to e calling you at the edge of the forest, maybe calling you to  enter more fully in to your instinctive self which existed before you learnt to speak, and is still in touch  with your core self - see https://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/core/

The bear is often a mother  symbol - protective but maybe also dangerous. I wonder what your relationship was with your mother #anyway it is shown as an instinctive feeling. See https://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/instinct/

Dream Interpretation / A WOW Dream
« Last post by Tony Crisp on January 15, 2022, 09:59:42 AM »
I have been having some very specific dreams since early last spring with several vague dreams and then manifested with the presence of two bald eagles that visited my property daily from May until September.  At first they only appeared early in the morning and then they were present anytime I walked outside.  It seemed that each time I walked the fence or the creek one or both eagles were always present circling directly over me and always flying just before me.  In late May as I walked with my granddaughter one eagle was flying very low around us, almost like it was trying to get us to stop walking.  We did stop to watch it and as soon as we stopped the eagle swooped down to the ground and a black bear walked across the path, stopping long enough to sniff the air and look at us.

Since then we continue to be graced by the presence of the eagle and the bear.  In the past several months I have been involved with trying to stop the proposed lithium mine and my attention has been focused with that.

However I have been continuing to have dreams that are consistently the same.  I am always walking near a creek or a forest, sometimes alone and sometimes with my granddaughter, but there is always an eagle flying overhead showing me which way to go, in my dreams the eagle speaks to me and tells me to follow it.  The eagle tells me that the bear is there to protect me but I must not get too close to it and I should never acknowledge where the bear is because it would be dangerous for me and the bear.  Always  in my dreams the eagle shows me the bear and I can never see the bear myself until the eagle shows me where to look.

This is also true in my awakened state.  I know the bear is here and I can see it’s tracks and teeth marks but I never see the bear unless the eagle is flying or the dogs bark at it or unless the bear crosses my path and chooses for me to see it.

In the most recent dreams there is a wolf that is stalking me.  In my dreams the eagle is urgently trying to get me to stop but the bear is calling for my help.  This is the first time that the eagle and the bear do not seem to be in perfect harmony.  But in my dreams I don’t really feel like the two are not still working together.  It’s more like the eagle’s main goal is protecting me but the bear desperately needs my help. The wolf injured her cub and she is calling for me to help her save her baby.  In these dreams I have a terrible time trying to walk through the forest and I loose sight of the eagle.  As I get closer to the bear (I can’t see her but I can hear her), I can feel that the wolf is closer to me.

In my last dream I found the bear cub and when I finally reached her she died but as she died she changed into an elderly Indian woman.  She told me I had done a brave and foolish thing by coming to help her because the wolf now would come for me.  But she said that I would never be alone because her family would always protect me and her friends would always guide me.  Then as she disappeared a wolf lunges at me but there is some kind of force around me that keeps it from being able to reach me.  But this only makes the wolf more angry and more determined to kill me.

Last night as I was pointing out stars to my granddaughter, the cows and dogs went into a panic.  When we looked at the forest line there was what I thought to be  a coyote standing at the tree line.  Several others appeared shortly, which I found a bit odd.  But then the largest one stepped forward and howled.  I must say that I have never heard a coyote make that howling sound in the 17 years I have lived here and been around coyotes.  I do believe that I saw wolves last night.

While this may not be relevant to my current dreams, I feel it may important to mention that this is not the first time that my dreams have crossed the sleep/wake cycles.  In 2014 I was terrorized by an evil spirit of unknown origins that attached to me and attempted to break my will and Spirit and visited me nightly threatening to “take” my family and my then unborn granddaughter.  Through my own spiritual journey I defeated the evil spirit and have banished it from my presence.  Though I am aware I did not destroy the spirit itself.  The day after I dreamed that God stood between me and the evil spirit with my granddaughter’s hand in His and my told me that I would forever be able to speak to my granddaughter with my thoughts no matter our distance, as I left my driveway for work I witnessed a small animal dead in the center of the road every few feet for half a mile from my house.  Feeling there was a clear message I turned my car around and drove back past my driveway in the opposite direction to find the same thing except that the animals were all torn apart so they were spilling their organs across the pavement and some were only missing their heads.  I live in a very rural area with very few human neighbors so finding dead animals is not uncommon.  However I have never experienced so many so close together nor have they been located in what seemed to be a very precise place.  This was when and why I am certain I was dealing with an evil spirit.  This display continued daily with new dead animals each morning for 3 days.  I also noticed that no other animals were feeding on the carcasses of these dead animals, not even the vultures or coyotes.  After that I only saw the occasional dead animal.

After that my granddaughter became known to me.  I saw her through a video before she was born.  The doctor who was filming the video dropped the camera in shock.  When I saw her on the screen I spoke her name and she turned her entire body around and smiled at the camera and looked like she waved to me.  We have not always lived in close proximity with each other until recently but we have always been exceptionally close.  She now chooses to live with us because she said she picked her parents before she was born because she already had lived a life with me and knew that I could help her and protect her.  We can indeed communicate without speaking though we don’t often even acknowledge that we are doing it.

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