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Author Topic: A desert with a saint in it.  (Read 2432 times)

Tony Crisp

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A desert with a saint in it.
« on: October 05, 2022, 12:04:10 PM »
Hello Tony!
My name is Ana, I have visited your website from time to time for many years trying to figure out my dreams but I've never registered or wrote a comment. I tried registering today but the website wouldn't let me for some reason. Anyway I wanted to share a dream a had last night if that's ok:

I remember being in the middle of a desert. Nothing but sand and rocks. I was thirty and seemed lost. I looked down at the ground and found a figurine of Saint Jude Thaddeus placed in between some small rocks. Kinda looked like a small pedestal or something. On it's right side almost behind him was another small figurine of the Virgin Mary. My attention went back to Saint Jude's figurine. In front of it I saw a hole. I dug into the hole with my hands and water started coming out of the ground and filling the hole. I drank from it enough to subside my thirst. I remember thinking of leaving the figurines where I found them just in case someone else found themselves lost in the desert like me. I looked towards the distance and saw a sandstorm. I wondered if it was coming my way. I wasn't scared, just wondering. Then I saw clouds above the sandstorm and what seemed like rain. I remember seeing the sandstorm change color as if it was wet. I realized that the rain helped calm the sandstorm to some degree. Then I looked to the left of the sandstorm and saw a rainbow. The rainbow seemed crooked on it's right side but curved perfectly on the other half. I wondered why the rainbow was formed that way then went on my way.

I don't really pray to any Saint so seeing the figurine of Saint Jude kinda got me thinking and wanting to know what this dream means. When I was a child I used to live with my grandmother and she had a figurine of Saint Jude as well as other saints and the virgin mary. She is very religious to this day but I'm not. I pray but in my own spiritual way.

Tony Crisp

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Re: A desert with a saint in it.
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2022, 01:48:45 PM »
Dear Ana – I do not know how much you understand dreams. So I am giving you ‘the works’. I do this because maybe you haven’t realised that this a GREAT dream. One that brings you three great blessing.

What is a dream? “It seemed to me that a dream is like a huge great key that dangles in front of people – a personal experience that can unlock doors of experience and insight. It hangs in front of people but often because of their religion, or belief, they do not take the key to meet themselves. It is the key to their inner life. What do their political, scientific or religious views say about this key? There is so much to learn about dreams and how to approach, explore and benefit from them. To understanding your dream, you need to realise that the images in our dreams are just emotions, thoughts, fears, traumas, ideas, and feelings projecting out of you and appearing as images, people, or scenes outside you on the screen of your mind.

 The one most people identify with is the three dimensional physical world of the body. There a lot of rules to learn in this world; when very young we learn not to touch hot things; not to rush out into a road with moving cars. But as adults we have learnt not to step out into space while at a height because we will fall and have a major injury or die. The second dimension is totally different and is experienced in dreams or deep mental activity. It will surprise many people to realise that in this dimension you have no physical body, although most people are so locked into thinking that their reality is their body, that they create a dream image of themselves. But that is not all they carry with them, because they believe so much that everything is ruled by their body life and experience, they are also terrified of falling in dreams, they believe they can be torn apart by savage animals, also they frighten the life out of themselves with dream images of demons or even the devil, or are horrified of being shot or raped, etc.

Another feature of this dream and imagination dimension is that it often deals with timelessness. Babies and young children all live in timelessness/eternity.  So we already had it but lost it in the maze of words and thinking we created.

But whenever we dream its images are not like real life, because a dream is nothing like outer life where things could hurt you, but is an image like on a cinema screen, so that even if a gun is pointed at you and fired it can do no damage – except if you run in fear; so, all the things that scare you are simply your own fears projected onto the screen of your sleeping mind. See https://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/dimensions-of-human-experience/

It is also important to realise that every image, every scary or terrifying thing, is taken place inside you, in your mind, as you sleep. This means that every awful animal, every scary thing, or person, is created out of your own fears and must not be seen as outside you as happens in waking awareness. The problem is that we are often scared of or frightened of experiencing our emotions and so they confront us in our dreams. Avoiding them or controlling them is like running away from oneself – there is no escape. See Life’s Little Secrets – Opening to Life

Also, a dream is a communication between what has no recognised form – our core self – as far as our personality or reasoning mind is concerned, that is millions of years old and as formed while we were in the animal level of our evolution. So, to do this it uses images of people, things, and animals, as well as scenes that we might understand if we explore what we associate with the dream images. For instance, a man dreamt of a tarot card reader. But in understanding how dreams work the tarot card reader represent his own intuition, because that is what he associates with being psychic.

To understand this please read - A single cell, which is a seed from which all life forms evolved from, doesn’t become old or die because it is immortal, for it keeps dividing and doesn’t die. In dividing it constantly creates copies of itself, but as it does so it gathers new experience, it changes what is copied, so becomes the ‘seed’ for multi-cellular organism. We all started from the original one cell, and we, you and I, are the result of gathered experience.

No plant or creature grows from a dead seed, and each living seed carries within it all the past gathered from all its forebears. So, the seed in your mother’s womb is as old as and even older than human kind, and you carry that wisdom or memories in you. But in this life you developed a new brain, and the memories, education and programming you gathered this time are what you built your personality from, but beneath that is a very ancient self.

Finding this very ancient self, hidden as it is by all your personal thinking and opinions, you find you are free from all the painful emotions, suicidal urges and personal hurts. To explore it see  https://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/opening-to-life/ 

Okay so now to your dream – the desert can suggest loneliness – literally being deserted. It can also point to feelings you have of that you lack emotion or satisfaction, that there is no creativity or growth in your life; or you are a dry intellectual. Dry intellectualism; social isolation or sexual barrenness.
In some dreams it shows you feeling social isolation. In some women’s dreams it indicates whether the fear or reality of sexual barrenness. But the desert can be a warm and quiet place for a retreat from the ‘noise’ of work and society. Which one are you?

The figurine of Saint Jude Thaddeus. This suggest inner work or development you have achieved by your own ‘spiritual’ efforts. Remember the formless core to communicates with our every day self uses images of people, things, and animals, as well as scenes that we might understand. So Saint Jude may represent the real spiritual centre that you are ready to meet. Here is a man meeting something similar: “I was not in any way asleep, or in a trance. My evaluative rational self was keenly observing all that happened. This part is difficult to describe, as I feel incapable of communicating the power of the event. The man was ordinary in appearance, but as he got near to me it seemed as if a great force surrounded him that penetrated me completely. The force was love, buffeting me like waves I could barely tolerate. The man stood before me and took my hands and said, ‘You are my disciple.’

But he, in some strange paradoxical way, was myself. He was the cosmic mystery I have been born as. He was the very best of myself I had killed, murdered. He was my youthful sexuality I had suffocated to death, helped by the tenets of a religion that was supposed to be teaching his way, the way of life, the way of recognising one’s cosmic link.”

He had met Christ, his own cosmic mystery we are all been born as.
That was your first blessing.

In front of it I saw a hole. This is the second blessing.  For many saints discover such holes that fill with water. Look up the shrine at Lourdes and others. Dear Ana you discovered the water that once drank you will never thirst again. But to know that you must enter your dream by using https://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/peer-dream-work/ 

The rainbow seemed crooked on it's right side but curved perfectly on the other half. I wondered why the rainbow was formed that way then went on my way. The third blessing.

At the core of each of us is an amazing potential. Throughout history religions have been built around connecting with or recognizing this potential. The reason being that it holds the possibilities of enormous transformation of body and mind. From it can emerge healing of illness and enormous change and enlargement of your mind. The action or release of this core potential into your everyday life is shown in dreams by anything shining or deeply beautiful, and the rainbow is such a symbol. But your rainbow is not fully formed. Suggesting that there is more inner work to de done. See https://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/features-found-on-site-2/