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Dream Interpretation / Re: caterpillar
« on: February 14, 2015, 09:18:03 PM »

Felicia  :)

I reckon you read the entries about caterpillar and door?



Did your intuition tell you something when reading through it?
Can you talk openly with your daughter?

Anna :-)

Dream Interpretation / Re: caterpillar
« on: February 14, 2015, 09:09:31 PM »

Felicia  :)

There seem to be a lot of fear in your (inner) family as your spider dream showed as well:


May I ask how old your daughter is?

Anna :-)

Dream Interpretation / Re: New Dream
« on: February 14, 2015, 07:35:18 PM »

the problem is that a long time repelled her ... and I'm sorry for that. maybe we should do everything possible to get her back .i dont know...therefore want to understand the importance of my dream

long story...

just tell me in a dream what I should do ?

A Story:

Once upon a time there was this nice guy
his name is Trev  :)
for long time he repelled a girl
and he was sorry about that
and so he wanted to know
if he should do everything possible
to get her back
then he had a dream
about a cat with a sadiron
and he did not understand the dream
and so he asked
"just tell me in a dream what I should do"
and so in the next dream
he saw a train which passes
the train is the relationship with the girl he did not enter
then he goes to an old empty house yard
where he sees his own passion
in the form of a pile of tomatoes
the passion he could not feel for this girl
and he looked if he could enter her yard
which was not possible
and then an old man told him
to leave his passion for this girl behind
by showing him the way out of
the yard with tomatoes.

Dream Interpretation / Re: Vitruvian Woman
« on: February 14, 2015, 06:09:16 PM »

Christine  :)

I like to share something as well.

The Vitruvian man is about Leonardo's deep understanding of proportion:

This image demonstrates the blend of art and science during the Renaissance and provides the perfect example of Leonardo's deep understanding of proportion.

Your first dream is about proportion as well; I re wrote the start of the dream in the present tense:

I am standing on the shore of a beach close to or in the waves of low tide.   In the dream I must be a tiny person or a spec of sand as I was insanely low to the ground and the waves looked so low and slow.  On my right a large hand points a roll of tightly would paper in front of me.  The paper has black printing on it and is unwinding into a spiral.

You wrote:
Recently some doors have closed for me and your interpretation, as well as Tony's, will hopefully help me move forward.

I have often perceived during the years which followed after some doors were closed that I lost trust and that all I wanted to do was to "spin my way through the whole situation" and "through the whole process" as fast as possible.
I have found it often very difficult to deal with this period of not knowing in which direction my life would evolve, and IF another door would open anyway.

I believe the first part of the dream shows that at this period of your life your growth needs time to unfold;
the (growing) waves looked low and slow.

Since I had always identified with "I am okay when I know what to do or where to go", these periods of not knowing also often left me feeling small; like a tiny person or a spec of sand.

Yet, it are these periods of my life which taught me as much as the periods in which I felt like a giant and the waves were fast and high.

Anna :-)

Dream Interpretation / Re: New Dream
« on: February 14, 2015, 02:46:41 PM »

Trev  :)

Stored tomatoes like "stored passion"?

Old man like a wiser part of you?

Old man helped you to leave tomatoes behind?

Anna :-)

Dream Interpretation / Re: New Dream
« on: February 14, 2015, 02:05:32 PM »

Trev  :)



There can be many different associations with night in your dream. So try to define what you are feeling. Some possibilities are – not understanding clearly what is going on around you; anxiety about being in the dark; feelings of freedom because you re no longer on view in the light; relaxation and mellow feelings; intimacy and freedom to express. See: Light; Black.


To miss the train: This is like missing the boat, we have missed the opportunity, lost the chance, perhaps realising an end to a relationship, or someone is departing from our life. Maybe a sense of inadequacy; held back by ones own hesitations; hidden desire to avoid change or to make ones individual journey; not connecting with an opportunity or events.


Did the courtyard look like this?

Passions, love, desire. Fruitfulness, ripeness. See: fruit

Weren't there any tomato plants in the courtyard?


If this is an old house and you gain entrance to new areas, you need to ask yourself what influences from the past – perhaps the long past – are emerging in you at the moment.

Is this dream clearer to you than the cat dream with the sadiron?

Anna :-)

Dream Interpretation / Re: 2 lizards dream
« on: February 12, 2015, 07:55:19 AM »
Mernel  :)

As I see it, the lizard is a symbol of your flight response. Please see http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/lizard/ and http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/conditioned-reflexes-or-responses/

Since you believe you are in England and the Canary islands, it shows this response was a part of your childhood and is still "up and running"  ;)
I see it that as a child you ran from a situation which you perceived as cold.

I wonder if you have transformed it into a (more) helpful response now, because I see the rain and the lizard going through the puddle as a sign of growth or cleaning?

I think it will be helpful to try being the lizard http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson for it is not clear (anymore) what it is running from nor where it is running to.
Perhaps you can have a look beyond the fence as well?
I would wonder what is beyond that fence  :)

Anna :-)

Dream Interpretation / Re: Mokey's Dreams
« on: February 11, 2015, 08:59:12 PM »

Mokey  :)

One of walls has loads of holes in and needs filling. The holes are really deep, I try and fill one in but it's so deep that the stuff I am using just goes to the back of the walls. and doesn't fill the hole at all.

I notice that the kitchen has 8 sinks which are also dishwasher type things and each seems to do something slightly different to the others. I don't know how to use them and don't know which one I should use although one is bigger than the rest and seems to be the main one. I wonder if there are any instructions but sense they're aren't.

As I see it:
What I like about your dream is that they do not only teach you what the process is about, but also HOW NOT
and HOW TO approach this inner process.

In the first quote the dream shows you as the do-er. You start filling in the holes - you are not whole yet - yourself and you come to the conclusion that it does not work that way  ;)
You are not asked to interfere with the process to become whole again.

In the second quote your trust is growing. You become aware that the healing process does not come with any rules or instructions and you are okay with that. A wonderful lesson to learn  :)

Dream Interpretation / Re: Mokey's Dreams
« on: February 11, 2015, 07:52:05 PM »
Poppy and I are in a shop. She has run off and I think it will be a good lesson for her to feel scared at losing me so I don't go in search but then I change my mind and look for her. I spot her ahead, she isn't scared at all but I feel really scared especially when I realise that she doesn't even care. I am at the top of some steps, Poppy at the bottom and a woman in between us. I tell Poppy to come to me, the woman questions who I am and if I am safe. I tell her I am Poppy's mum. Poppy has really changed from a sweet loving girl to someone who doesn't seem to care about our relationship any more.

Yes, that is okay  :)

When you look at this dream from the point of the mother, everything becomes "impossible". It is as if you - the mother Mokey - were there already when you as a child had to hide certain parts from your self or certain experiences in order to be able to cope with your life.

And then you mix your outer life with your inner life. Perhaps this is the way you responded once when you wanted to teach Poppy to not lose sight of you?

The woman in the middle - your impartial observer - asks you "who are you"?
If you are or if you identify with the mother, you are somewhat confused.
If you are or if you identify with Poppy, you are freed.

You cannot feel safe, probably because you haven't find the right way yet to perceive this INNER situation?

Perhaps it helps you to become aware that your inner child never ran away from you, the adult version
of Mokey?
Perhaps it helps you to tell yourself that you are neither the mother nor the inner child?
Perhaps it helps you to look at the whole situation as if you are an impartial observer, trying to
heal an inner family by looking at what goes on without judging any of the members of your inner family?

It took me quite a long time to learn to not identify with any of the members of my inner family, be it the inner child, the mother or the father.

When I identified with the inner mother, I was "against" the inner child for I perceived her as the cause of all the trouble in my life and the healing work I had to go through.
When I identified with the inner child, I was "against" the inner mother and the inner father, for they were the cause of all the shit the inner child had to go through.
And every other possible combination, for I believed I needed "someone" who could be held responsible for this all.

Until I finally realised that this way I would always have an inner house in conflict and that that was really silly.

So, I learned step by step to become an impartial observer and that position is a great help  :)

I hope this makes sense to you.

Dream Interpretation / Re: Mokey's Dreams
« on: February 11, 2015, 05:41:48 PM »

True Mokey  :) because you are not in the observer mode.

Let me know when you would like me to tell you what I saw, otherwise I will wait for you
to see it yourself.


Dream Interpretation / Re: School dream
« on: February 11, 2015, 05:17:29 PM »
Perhaps  ;)

And perhaps you are wrong  ;D

And perhaps we can find each other in the middle, somewhere between right and wrong?  :D

Ask your dream maker for a dream before you go to sleep tonight.
Ask IT for a dream to help you better understand the dream about the cat and the sadiron.

It often works for me when I just ask AND when I am really willing to look at it with an open mind  :)

Dream Interpretation / Re: School dream
« on: February 11, 2015, 04:52:36 PM »

Dear Trev  :)

Perhaps there was a very good reason why you repelled her?
Perhaps you sensed with your intuition that this relationship was not right for you?

I forgot something Trev  :)

Perhaps you sensed with your intuition that this relationship was not right for you, or perhaps this relationship was not right for her or perhaps it was not right for the two of you, for whatever reason you cannot understand yet.


sye yuo did  :)

tpynig wtih fnigers corssed  ;)

Nana :-)

Dream Interpretation / Re: School dream
« on: February 10, 2015, 06:32:21 PM »

You better make it a short story then  ;)

I will not desire a special someone when it brings me pain.

Dream Interpretation / Re: School dream
« on: February 10, 2015, 06:26:23 PM »

YES that does matter  :)

I cannot ask you to have the experience and the wisdom of a 60 year old person, when you are 23.

Why do you hurt yourself this way?

Can you imagine if you let go of the desire of wanting to have a relationship with this special one,
then you will let go of the pain as well?

If a desire brings you pain, why would you want it?

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