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Messages - Tony Crisp

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Dream Interpretation / Re: Spiritual Guide
« on: October 18, 2011, 12:23:07 PM »
Many blessings and love to you too Christine for saying with it.


Dream Interpretation / Re: Banishing in the name of God
« on: October 18, 2011, 12:20:47 PM »
Rain_Dancer – What wonderful responses and I do not want to take any of what is said away – excuse me for my clumsy phrasing, I am still learning to speak and express in words after my stroke.

I want to quote to you one of the first dreams I remember and how it worked out.

“I dreamt that my wife and I were in bed. She was asleep on my left against a wall. I was lying awake wondering whether there were any ghosts in the house. Deciding to test this, I said aloud, “If there are any ghosts, show yourselves.”

Nothing happened, and feeling a bit smug, I close my eyes in readiness to go to sleep. As I did this, the door to my right creaked open, and two black men entered. They looked as if they had risen out of a grave, almost as if the flesh was hanging of them. I was very frightened as they came towards me with their arms reaching to me. At the time of this dream I was a member of a group teaching me about the inner life, and one of the things I had learned was about the said power of the sign of the cross. So I made the sign of the cross, and said one of the words of power used by the group. At this the two black men disappeared. I felt, not only great relief, but also as if my knowledge had given me some power. I suppose, once more, there was some smugness, as if I was strong enough to meet anything.

So I lay back in bed ready to sleep. As I did so, once more the door creaked open, and in came the black men. This time none of my waving of hands in the sign of the cross, and all my magic words, stopped them. They reached me and their hands went around my throat to strangle me. I woke up screaming and terrified.”

About four years later I dreamt the following:

“I was on a red underground train, sitting at the end of one of those carriages with doors only in the middle. I noticed on the seats opposite me some cardboard boxes full of books and pamphlets. On looking at them I realised that they were mine. I had left them there on a previous journey I couldn’t even remember. I got up to leave the train but two well-dressed black men blocked the gangway. One of them - the furthest away - who looked whiter than the other, moved aside in a friendly fashion. The other remained in my way and I bumped into him trying to get by. Then I said “Excuse me” three times. He made no effort to move, in fact purposely ignored me. So I pushed by him, not roughly but firmly. As I stood at the doors waiting for them to open he rushed at me in anger. He went for my throat but my hands linked and we grappled together but I forced his hands down and felt a match for him. It went through my mind as we struggled, “This is what yoga has done.” (That is, given me the strength to hold my own against the coloured man.)”

It had taken me that long to meet what were my own terrors. And what I gradually uncovered was that the terror was about my own sexual urges that I had forcefully buried. Those black men were my own natural urges that I had pushed into the grave of my unconscious; natural urges that I had turned inwards against myself. I even more slowly realised that there is nothing evil in our inner world, but forces in us that have been turned into a direction that is negative. All the holy words cannot protect us from meeting ourselves and what we have done to ourselves. We have been educated educated to believe that there is so much evil in us and the film industry has deepened that. We have been taught that we all have original sin. If we have it is only from the current views of our society. My mother terrified me by shouting at me that if I masturbated I would DIE!! That is how I created my terror. For seven years I managed to kill out my natural urges – I was truly castrated and buggered as a growing young man. I had to face death to come alive.

Of course there is evil in the world, it flows out of people who have themselves created it in them by turning what was natural into something that is flawed. Whole governments are sometimes expressing such deeds.


Dream Interpretation / Re: the blackhole & end of the world
« on: October 18, 2011, 11:32:16 AM »
Mikey – This is certainly a big dream, but it can have different meanings depending on your associations with the black hole. It seems to me that you have read about the external black hole but not the internal one. So let me describe a couple of internal ones and what it means to fall into them.

But there was still a current trying to pull me back into the black hugeness, and I began to feel afraid as I felt that if I regressed any more I would cease to exist. Then it came to me that I regressed every day in this way when I went to sleep. I lose any sense of personal existence yet emerge none the worse the next day. But in sleep I regress to whatever lies beneath consciousness without being aware of it. The difference now was in being conscious of what was happening. So I knew the fear was unnecessary as every time we go to sleep we drop back into this condition.
So I let go and fell. I didn't go to sleep though. Instead I fell into an awareness of immensity, of hugeness, and the immensity was full of knowing. Like a raindrop falling back into the ocean, I seemed to merge with that hugeness and yet maintain a sense of my own existence. And between the hugeness and my own sense of being there was communication. I was aware that what held me was the process that had grown me from being a tiny seed in the first place. It is so obvious, but I experienced it like a revelation that I had not created or grown myself. But now this deep part that had caused me to exist and grown me was unfolding me again, like a plant opening. I understood that we each have this force at our centre, and as I watched it working in my body and life, it seemed to communicate with me. I understood from it that if I opened to it each day, if I surrendered to its action, then it would grow me to a fuller life until it realised itself in me. This felt like a holy gift, that the mystery of life would live and know itself in me.

Here is another one:

To my amazement a huge living and wondrous circle appeared on the wall. It was full of movement, everything dancing in time to music. At the very centre of the circle was emptiness, nothing, a void. Yet out of this nothingness all things emerged. There were plants, animals, people, hills, rivers and mountains all coming to birth. They danced out in their own individual movement, yet each unknowingly was part of the whole wonderful and intricate dance which made a great pattern and movement in the body of the circle. All danced to the periphery and there turned and moved, still in their ballet, back to the centre. At that centre they plunged into its oblivion again. But at that very moment new life sprang from it to dance once more.

This experience has stayed with me over the years and continually enlightens me about the essence of life. We emerge from something that is beyond any form, yet is potentially everything. We dance our life, and without knowing it are part of the whole movement of creation, of life and death. Then we move back to our source, lose ourselves in it, only to be brought forth again in a new and unique form.

As said in the first example we all fall into that internal black hole every time we go into dreamless sleep. But some people go there lucidly and know it as their core self. We are all the time in the midst of such opposites – the blackness many people fear and the waking life they struggle to maintain. I also had a dream where I was standing looking at a massive hole which I knew was bottomless. As I was feeling fear of it a friend, smiling at me, walked into that hole and disappeared. So when awake I stepped into that dream hole and fell – but there was no bottom to smash into, so I was floating in space and could regain my normal awareness any time I wished.

So I would suggest falling in the black hole to see what it is like. Nothing can hurt you. Obviously it sucks away all hope and love – our human possessive love. It is the opposite of our waking life, and the first meeting with it is quite shocking. It takes away all our littleness and it is only as we allow ourselves to grow we can recognise what a wonder it is. So be careful about approaching it too quickly.

Whatever I am, I am NOW. Whatever I can be I can move towards it now. Whatever I wish my life to become I can begin to create it now. I wish not to wait, not to look for that wonder, but to constantly draw on the wonder that I am – now. I am that wonder. I am that possibility. I am the Messiah. I am what has been waited for. I am the sparkling human being that can realise itself and say I AM.


Dream Interpretation / Please read this first - Please!
« on: October 17, 2011, 04:18:35 PM »
Tony Crisp - dreamhawk.com
Run from May 1989 – Till Present (40 years) in Combe Martin, UK

Hi just to say that I am now 86 and do not have the energy to carry on answering, nor even the incredible intuition that has dropped away as age claimed me.

The dream dictionary is massive, and the thousands of entries can be searched and found by putting the word such as cat or marriage or man etc. in the search box on all pages except the Forum. Subjects in the Forum which include words like garden or woman or zombies can be search for by using the search box at the top right of the page.

Also, any interpretation given is the best I can do and should not be taken as authoritative. They are suggestions given hopefully to help you find a greater insight into yourself. And even that is only a faltering step toward a full understanding of your dream. A dream, even a simple one, is a thing of wonder. The images in it are simply covers of massive books of information - or like a photograph of a living person. In other words the dream does not become alive until you yourself enter it. So some people will want to find that wonder, and can do so through using http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson also you might like to use to explore your depths through https://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/peer-dream-work/ and http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/opening-to-life/

So PLEASE - PLEASE - do not put links to other sites or adverts in your replies. They will be deleted.

I write nearly all the information in the 6000 odd pages on the site, also I am backed technically by my son Leon Crisp. [/b] See https://dreamhawk.com/interesting-people/leon/

Why Dreams Are Essential See https://youtu.be/Tt7JdZTeCk4

About several million people have pass through this site - so millions have shared the information. Be one of those who tries to use the methods that have transformed lives - http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson

If you cannot easily write in English, please type out your dream in your own language and use https://translate.google.com/ to put it into English.

It is important in reading the definitions of dream images to realise that not every possible meaning can be covered. So please see if you get the idea of what is being said by your dream and allow your own imagination/feelings to fill in the meaning. It helps to do this if you read http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/practical-techniques-for-understanding-your-dreams/

Some people have kindly pointed out to me that many people do not understand a dream or how interpreting it works. We tend to believe for instance that the things we are scared of in our dreams are as real as outside things. But the people and animals you dream about are images your mind uses to try to describe something. Whenever we dream its images are not like real life, because a dream is nothing like outer life where things could hurt you, but is an image like on a cinema screen that even if a gun is pointed at you and fired it can do no damage – except if you run in fear. So all the things that scare you are simply your own fears projected onto the screen of your sleeping mind. It helps if you can read http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/summing-up/

Example: I was recently asked by a man who had given no thought to dreams how on earth you could extract any meaning from them. He was wearing a fairly old T-shirt, so I said, "OK, let's imagine you dreamt of your T-shirt, what would you make of that?"

After a while he said, "I don't know that I would make anything of it."

My response was to say, "Right, but now tell me where you bought the T-shirt, and what memories it has for you." Whereupon he told me, with some hesitation his memories of being in the USA, and that the shirt was part of memories that he didn't want to talk about. Not only did he realise he had very powerful associations with the T-Shirt, but he wanted to hide them.

The important point is that everything we see and deal with, every person, every imagined scene, has such a background of feelings and perhaps memories. It is exactly this background of feelings and information that the dream weaves its story from. It is these associations that are the language of our dreams. To understand them you need to become aware of the usually unconscious feeling responses you have in connection with every thing, place, person and animal you fill your dreams with.

Remember that dreams are just like computer games in which you get very involved and face monsters and kill or be killed and nothing has actually happened – you are still alive and unhurt. But in this wonderfully alive virtual reality of our dreams, we are all playing the game of life – the game we play in which we face or run away from the things that scare us; in which we explore the depths of our existence or learn how to love – or simple meet a reflection of our own weakness and terror. For that is all it is – a magic mirror in which we see ourselves naked of pretense. So before you go ahead a good first step to understand your dream yourself is to read http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/processing-dreams/

But here is some more information you can find regarding understanding your dreams.




Tony -  And in case you have questions about where I get my information from see - https://dreamhawk.com/body-and-mind/the-end-user/

But here is an online course helping you to use your dreams: https://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/your-guru-the-dream-step-one/

Dream Interpretation / Re: Mourners at a wedding
« on: October 17, 2011, 02:34:27 PM »
Matt – I am so pleased you tried the breathing meditation. But I realised that I have never written about the full meditation – nowhere. So I will try to give you a description as far as is possible.

When I first did the meditation I taught it in classes, and soon found that people got a lot of movement and pleasure from it. So I began to explore it further by myself and found it went into a sort of dance.

What I found as the inner warmth or fire developed it started to not only reach out to others with the energy that was released – I imagined my warmth reaching out to others, and then I open to receive energy and love from others. As this developed I noticed that the flow started to want to rise up and I allowed my hands and arms allow it.

Of course when the movements of opening, giving and receiving got into action, and the rising up, the next thing was it wanted to complete the cross. So it became the warmth in me awakening and reaching out to others. Then the rising upwards to go beyond me, and then the descent of what was received from above. The arms were now dancing upwards, downwards and sideways in a wonderful flowing movement. I felt I was lifting energy up from my roots to the heavens, and then from the heavens down to bless the earth – and of course spreading the wonder of it out and receiving back. And as this was happening my inner feelings soared and lifted, received and gave with it, and were stimulated by it.

I called it the dance of Agni.


Dream Interpretation / Re: White owl
« on: October 17, 2011, 01:51:07 PM »
LostSoulsFound – Did something dramatic, a memory or an incident happen in the past in or near that house? And why was it an urge to see the dead father?

I ask that because the owl was trying to get your attention and you wanted to capture its image also, but then you slipped, and that was when you wanted to see the father again. The owl is a messenger and your intuition, and it wants to communicate something important. But it is like a letter you haven’t opened, or a phone message you haven’t listened to. So I would suggest you trying to find out a deeper relationship with the owl and the father. To try this see http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-in-your-dream/


Dream Interpretation / Re: Hip pain, shops and cats
« on: October 17, 2011, 10:49:15 AM »
Rain_Dancer – There are so many issues in this dream that it is difficult to give a defined answer. But it does seem as if it is a review of some kind – I suppose like going through stuff prior to moving and wondering whether to keep or let go of.

If I can go through them perhaps it will clarify things for you. The opening scene – always a scene setter – is about healing. I think the important thing there is, “lie down and let’s see what your body says.” Which could be give up your effort and watch to see some deeper wisdom.

And then some slight indecision which ends up with another important statement: “I’ve had leukemia, so I’m probably going to have pain in my hips.” And I think this is pointing to the argument that the woman would sit up and sort of argue for why she needed to be that way.

So you close the shop and go to your place – does that mean you have given up on what went before – letting go of the past?

The cats seem to be a caring for strays? But the business about fearing you have been robbed seems important. And I suggest you ask yourself what do you fear that has been taken from you. I could be anything, none physical.

Then your waking feelings are a sort of summary - Woke up to the alarm, conscious mind thinking WTF what a nasty, dirty place full of old crap.

If the dream is a way of reviewing your attitudes and approaches, take time to see what is valuable and what is not. And the remarks that follow are just my thoughts and have nothing to do with your dream.

You are obviously worries about the state of your health, and may be that is why you had the healing room as the scene setter. Looking back over a long life, I can see many times when I thought my active life was finished. Once for instance I could not stand because my left hip was in such pain. Then I had such severe and disabling chest pains. Another time my knees felt as if they were giving out and years of depression. And recently I lost my speech and my right side was paralysed through a stroke. And I too thought WTF!!! But I never took it seriously or thought it could not be altered. For my hip, I kept walking even with the pain. I had separated from my wife and I wanted to be with my children, so walked eight miles twice a week – and the pain went. (I am sure people are scared of pain and so believe it means they should give up. Nothing is further from the truth. The body is a wonder and can heal itself. My right hand was crippled with arthritis through working outdoors in weather below freezing. It was painful, but I took time to take hold of the crippled fingers and move them and keep wriggling them till it went through the pain. My hand has a big bump on my index finger where arthritis started its work, but no pain now.

So, do not give up, unless you choose to. I found taking a lot Brewers Yeast tablets has been a wonderful cure for all sorts of pain – the nerve sheaves are often eaten away through lack of vitamin B and I had found almost immediate relief through eating handfuls of them. I have only taken pain killers in extreme situations, preferring to find out what the cause was. So experiment with diet and activities to see what works. Also see http://dreamhawk.com/health-and-healing/back-pain-and-its-cure/


Dream Interpretation / Re: Mountain of bones in dream
« on: October 14, 2011, 09:25:47 AM »
Thank you Jane for that.

And I wish you good energy about giving life to the story and characters.


Dream Interpretation / Re: low lit candle
« on: October 13, 2011, 02:26:25 PM »
Slick – I have a feeling this is about unexpressed or unsatisfied desires ; so you flirt with the older boy.


Questions about dreams / Re: Which dreams to explore?
« on: October 13, 2011, 02:02:51 PM »
My experience is that you only need to really explore one dream a week - or at the most two, and then only if you are seriously trying to learn and grow. That is because the dream process tends to stay with an inner situation until it is worked out or a change occurs. So one dream from a series will give you plenty to cope with. The apparently different dreams are usually a different view of the same inner situation.


Healing Dreams / Satan raped me
« on: October 13, 2011, 12:03:52 PM »
I copied this dream from the posts sent to Dream Dictionary. It is an example of a dream that can really worry or frighten people. But here is an example of dealing with it.

"I had a dream that there were demons in my house. While I was trying to rid my house of objects attached to the demons, Satan came to my house. He raped me and I was powerless to fight back and he said he was planting his seed. What does this mean? It is very disturbing. I am female, 35, recently had a major surgery and trying to recover. Lost my job, started taking antidepressants, and am a little distant from my husband and family. Bills are due and a lot of worries here also."

Here is my reply:

After many years of exploring dreams I know everything in a dream is projected as an image by your own fears and feelings. So the devils are probably all the stressful worries you are faced by, and if you can see them as that you will find a different relationship with them.

It is possible that you have an attitude of defeat at the moment. Listen, it is important that you do not give in to that feeling. You have tremendous strength in the image of Satan. Considering it is your own projection of fear it is your power turned against yourself, and that power can be used for healing you.

We all know now that when we feel happy and have pleasure our body produces substances that aid healing and give a feeling of living. But when we feel anxious and afraid we produce our body produces substances that can actually cause disease. See the example of Norman Cousins in http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/emotions/#hit1

So in the sense mentioned you had turned a tremendous energy of corruption back on yourself by your thoughts and worries. Satan is an image which in dreams usually depicts this turned back energy – in your case you had turned the sexual energy back on yourself in a destructive way. The seeds left in you are a form of destructive energy released by your body. So please, it is important to give yourself some pleasure, sexual if that is possible. It is vitally important to face the habits of worry and self criticism – for they are habits. See http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VYYXq1Ox4sk

And here is a man’s dream where he faced the Devil/Satan and won.

"Satan attacked a woman. He was invisible. The woman turned black as he raped her. She didn’t die. At this point I woke and went to the toilet. On returning to bed I continued the dream, particularly wondering what I was in conflict with in the image of the Devil. I found it disturbing and frightening to be confronted by such a powerful opponent. Partly because of the rape, I realised it was held back sexuality. I then approached the ‘black’ woman with tenderness and this transformed the Devil into available energy, sexual or emotional. I tried this again and again. Each time it worked, and I could observe the connection between Satan and what I do with my sexuality. I had felt sex was evil and wouldn't have anything to do with it, and now felt a tenderness."


Dream Interpretation / Re: Mourners at a wedding
« on: October 13, 2011, 05:11:19 AM »
Leswan – That is a real breakthrough dream. To break through in the dream state to that level of passionate feeling is an enormous step.

Also of course it was you who broke down because they were your feelings in your dream. We have a tendency to distance ourselves as being the one it is about. But if you can trace back where this might have started from – where was it in your life. It is also good to see if you can feel the feeling consciously and pinpoint what triggered it. Then to ask yourself what habits in your life that pain gave rise to as it is an important step.


Greetings / Re: Hello Everyone :)
« on: October 13, 2011, 04:55:11 AM »
I am glad you stumbled on us too.


Dream Interpretation / Re: female Hawk
« on: October 13, 2011, 04:52:03 AM »
Hi - I am not talking about genital sex, but about that wonderful life force that is called out by the bird and the vagina. It is behind everything we do, or can do. If it is missing it cannot carry through up into higher awareness.


Dream Interpretation / Re: Screaming
« on: October 12, 2011, 02:20:17 PM »
Pimuli - Often when we wake the dream process carries on so we hear see and feel what was in the sleeping dream. But often because our conscious self is now a part of it the dream changes.

Years ago I dreamt of a black Labrador dog. It barked and its bark woke me, but I caught myself barking, just like a dog. As I often point out to people nearly every image we experience in a dream is a part of us. Also this week I had a very powerful dream in which a man's voice was instructing me. As the dream went on I woke and experienced a waking lucid dream. Even then the voice was incredibly real and telling me things I had not thought of. Then gradually it became an inner voice, and I realised it was a wiser part of me telling this silly old man some wisdom.


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