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Author Topic: Black Goat Dream with Disturbing Twist  (Read 5166 times)


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Black Goat Dream with Disturbing Twist
« on: January 23, 2014, 03:36:37 AM »

Hi Mr. Crisp. I just woke up from a disturbing dream, researched, and found you. I hope you might be able to explain….
In my dream, I was asleep. I awoke to the sensation of someone nursing at my breast although I haven't breastfed in over 10 years. I opened my eyes and I see a black goat. I remember thinking, why does he persist? There's no milk to be had. But the longer he continues, I realized I enjoy it and am NOT disturbed by it. I touch his head, his hair feels like silk. I glanced up at the lamp on my dresser because I see something move and it looks like a very large rat on the shade but it’s in shadows so I can't make it out. My attention is drawn back to my billy goat. I make him let go of one and he moans (not an animalistic sound!) and take the other and BAM! I am thrown into full blown release! I try to get him to move his forelegs but he refuses to let me up and I get the feeling that he wanted so much more from me, that he wanted to DO so much more TO me. Immediately after that, I wake up for real because I am prone to Charlie Horses and had to jump up to stretch one out. I am extremely freaked out by this because all my life, I’ve been taught that the black goat in a dream is evil and when the tone is sexual, he wishes to copulate with you! I never quite believed it but this dream was disturbing! In reading through your links, I’ve been attempting the “Talking as a Dream Character” idea. I don’t know if it’s because I have no practice, but I am seeing nothing. Maybe I am still a little too disturbed? If it helps to have more information on me, I do have a high drive. Am I simply sexually repressed? That doesn’t feel like it could be the whole answer. Maybe part, but not the whole. Any insight would be much appreciated!

Thank You,


Tony Crisp

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Re: Black Goat Dream with Disturbing Twist
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2014, 12:04:08 PM »
FreakedOutFee - We must remember that because of our Christian culture we have been fed this view that a black goat it evil for generations, and a goat is no more evil that a cat or a dog. So it is your associations that make you feel afraid.

If you have read http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions-2/#Summing I hope it communicates to you that images in dreams are our own emotions, fears or sense of wonder clothed in something that illustrates our feeling - they are not an outside influence like the devil. Even a direct image of the devil is a description of how we feel, or have been taught to feel. Please read http://dreamhawk.com/interesting-people/animal-children/#Program

It will explain how we have been programmed.

Many women in other cultures feed their animals from their breasts if the animal has lost its mother. But any breast feeding is a tremendous sexual stimulus. And my guess is that the goat represents your deepest animal desires. That is not a bad thing, as most of our deepest instincts are from our animal self. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/brain-levels-and-dreams/ where it shows how we carry the animal in our brain, and it is a necessary and vital part of us. But maybe your education has warned you off of it?

« Last Edit: January 24, 2014, 12:20:01 PM by Tony Crisp »